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<quote by="Yelislaveta Vlanich of the Wychlova, Senator Miekarova"> If they need to be named, let it be on the fortifications we will build in Karsk. If there must be a monument let it be built from the skulls of our enemies! And you can stand upon it and cry out the names of your fallen as we crush those who took them from us.</quote>
The Senate is a representative chamber; each territory in the Empire selects a single senator according to the customs of that nation. To be eligible to return a senator, at least half of the territory must be under Imperial control. If more than half of a territory is controlled by barbarians or foreign powers, then it cannot be represented in the Senate. A territory must be part of one of the ten nations of the Empire. When new territories are captured, they are allocated to a nation by majority vote of the Senate. A territory may only return a senator who is recognized as a member of that nation by the nation's egregore.
The [[Imperial Senate]] is a representative chamber; each territory in the Empire selects a single senator according to the customs of that nation. To be eligible to return a senator, at least half of the territory must be under Imperial control. If more than half of a territory is controlled by barbarians or foreign powers, then it cannot be represented in the Senate. A territory must be part of one of the ten nations of the Empire. When new territories are captured, they are allocated to a nation by majority vote of the Senate. A territory may only return a senator who is recognized as a member of that nation by the nation's [[Egregores|egregore]].
Officially senators represent the people of their territory and their nation in the Imperial Senate. As part of the ruling body of the Empire, senators are ultimately responsible for the well-being of the entire Empire. Collectively their duties include passing laws, assigning the Imperial budget, and appointing other Imperial titles, notably [[The Throne]] and the generals of their nation.

Senators are expected to attend at least some of the [[Senate session|Senate sessions]], and to both raise [[Senate motion|motions]] and cast their votes wisely. In doing so they must balance many competing interests; the Empire, their nation, their territory, the people who got them elected, and their own ambitions. It is rare that all these interests align and even the most virtuous senator can find themselves forced to make painful compromises.  
Senators are expected to represent the people of their territory and their nation in the Imperial Senate. They are expected to attend each sitting of the Senate, and to both raise motions and cast their votes wisely in the service of the Empire.  

During a sitting, a senator is expected to comport themselves with proper decorum and act respectfully toward their peers. A senator may be [[Speaker_for_the_Senate#Powers_of_Censure|sanctioned]] by the [[Speaker for the Senate]] in response to boorish or disruptive behaviour.
During a sitting, a senator is expected to comport themselves with proper decorum and act respectfully toward their peers. A senator may be [[Speaker_for_the_Senate#Powers_of_Censure|sanctioned]] by the [[Speaker for the Senate]] in response to boorish or disruptive behaviour.

Senators are forbidden by the constitution from entering the [[Imperial Military Council|Military Council]] under any circumstances and may face harsh penalties if they are proven to have done so. Some historical scholars claim this reflects the importance the First Empress and her advisers placed on the separating the business of war from the busines of politics. Less flattering interpretations point out that since the Empress (or Emperor) is a member of both chambers, this ruling also enhances the prestiege and power of The Throne. This restriction supercedes even the right of [[Witness]] possessed by a Senator who is a member of the Synod.
Following [[Responsibility for respectful silence|a decision]] of the [[Imperial Senate]], the responsibilities of a senator include calling for a moment of silence to honour the dead after any [[Casualties#Emergency_Resupply|motion for emergency resupply]] is voted on.
===Military Council Prohibition===
<div style="float:right; width: 450px; clear: left;"><quote by="Giuseppe Sanguineo von Temeschwar, Senator for Temeschwar">And furthermore, the Druj must be destroyed.</quote></div>
Although senators choose the generals, the Senate is forbidden by the [[Imperial Constitution]] from interfering with the [[Imperial Military Council|Military Council]] under any circumstances. The constitution states that "The Military Council will execute the strategy of war without interference from the Senate." Interpretation of what constitutes 'interference' is complex, but it is always a crime for a senator to enter the Military Council chamber when it is in session. Magistrates work hard to enforce this law and senators risk harsh penalties if they break it.
Some historical scholars claim this reflects the importance the First Empress and her advisors placed on the separating the business of war from the business of politics. Less flattering interpretations point out that since the Empress (or Emperor) is a member of both chambers, this ruling also enhances the prestige and power of The Throne. This restriction supersedes even the right of [[Witness]] possessed by a Senator who is a member of the Synod.
Senators do not have the power of abstention as they represent the citizens of the Empire. If they are present for a session then they are legally required to vote and face censure by the Speaker, as well as the censure of the Synod and the attention of the magistrates if they try to abstain.

Senators are permitted to miss a session entirely. In such cases they must only explain themselves to the Synod. Omission is commonly accepted by those senators who take the battlefield regularly, but those whose absence is driven by a lack of courage or prosperity risk revocation.
===Right to Speak===
===Member of the Senate===
Under normal circumstances Imperial citizens are welcome to attend the Senate, but to ensure meetings remain orderly they may not speak. Citizens and others may be invited to speak in support of a specific motion by its proposer, and may speak if that invitation is deemed by the Speaker to be useful. Several Imperial titles also have the right to speak on any motion that is being considered by the Senate.
Each senator is a [[Senate session#Member_of_the_Senate|member of the Senate]]. They are entitled to enter the Senate chamber at the start of a [[Senate session]] and participate in the debates.

===Right to Vote===
Members with the power to vote may cast a single vote on any motion that is brought before the Senate. They must be present to cast a vote, or have appointed a proxy, it is not possible for a citizen to cast a vote in advance of an issue. It is not unknown for Senators on their deathbed to be brought to the floor of the chamber to cast a vote.
Senators may cast a [[Senate_motion#Voting|vote]] on any motion that is brought before the Senate.

Votes are usually open. In open votes, the Speaker will invite all in favour of the motion to move to the Throne's left or right; "Ayes" to the left and "Noes" to the right. The functionaries of the Senate will then count the votes and the result is announced. If no-one present disputes the count, then it is recorded and the matter is complete.
Senators may [[Senate_motion#Proposal|propose]] a single motion for consideration by the Senate each summit.

Any senator may call for a secret ballot. To permit a secret ballot on a motion first requires the majority vote of all present. If that vote passes then one white and one black bead are distributed to everyone who can vote and they vote by placing a single bead into bags carried by the Senate functionaries.
The limitation on this legal power is on the title, not the occupant. If a new citizen is elected to the title, they cannot use the ability that summit if it has already been used.

====Assigning Budgets====
If a vote requires a budget to be allocated, the Speaker will ask every individual who voted in favour to remain standing where they are. The Speaker then suggests the minimum possible amount the individual who proposed the motion believes might be used to achieve the goal. If the majority of voters remain in favour then the Speaker announces a higher figure. They will keep announcing higher figures until there is no longer majority support for the motion at that level of expenditure, at which point the auction ends and the funds are allocated from the Imperial Treasury.
If a motion requires significant decisions to be made outside the Senate chamber, then it is responsibility of the senator who proposed the motion to execute those decisions. E.g. if the Senate passes a motion to construct a dam across the Couros river in the territory of Bastion in Highguard, then any further decisions are the responsibility of the senator who proposed that motion. The dam will require materials that must be purchased from the Imperial Bourse, so the Senate may vote a budget for this project. That money is then '''given''' to the senator who proposed the motion who can use it as they see fit to attempt the goals stated in the motion.

Historically it was considered virtuous for a senator to keep any funds assigned by the Senate that are not required to carry out a motion. It was widely held that a successful senator who worked hard to secure the resources needed at a cheaper price deserves to be rewarded for their prosperity. In recent times this practice has been strongly criticized and senators have felt a heavy pressure to return unused funds. Although it is unconstitutional to legally compel a senator to return any funds, this new practice remains widespread.
Senators do not have the power of abstention as they represent the citizens of the Empire. If a Senator does not vote for any reason then their vote is counted against the motion.

===Right to Raise a Motion===
Members with the power to raise a motion may bring a single motion before the Senate for consideration. Each motion is announced by the Speaker who invites the individual who proposed the motion to address the Senate on the matter. Once the opening address is complete, the Speaker allows time for a short debate followed by a vote.
A senator may call for a [[Senate_session#Curtailment|vote of curtailment]] to end the current Senate session early. Curtailment is not a motion, and the call does not need to be seconded.

Each motion discussed by the Senate must be proposed and seconded. Those with the power to put motions before the senate may propose and second one motion each per weekend. Motions are raised with the Speakers, who are responsible for communicating any costs or constitutional implications of such motions to the Senate.
A senator may only call for a vote of curtailment if they (or their legal proxy) are present in the chamber during the session, they cannot submit the request in advance.

A motion must contain a single clear issue that senators can vote on. The civil service will not normally allow a motion that incorporates multiple separate issues. The defining test for this is whether a senator might wish to vote in favour of one part of a motion and against another part. It is common for the Senate to debate a set of motions with similar themes; in these situations the motions are often discussed together as a set and then voted on in rapid succession.
A senator is entitled to appoint a [[proxy]] who may exercise the legal powers of their office in their name.

====Allocating Budgets====
If a motion requires significant decisions to be made outside the Senate chamber, then these decisions are considered to be the responsibility of the senator who proposed the motion. E.g. if the Senate passes a motion to construct a dam  across the Couros river in the territory of Bastion in Highguard, then any further decisions are the responsibility of the senator who proposed that motion. The dam will require materials that must be purchased from the Imperial Bourse, so the Senate will vote a budget for this project. That money is then given to the senator who proposed  who can use it as they see fit to ensure that everything identified by the Civil Service that is required to achieve the motion is obtained.
Each nation has a traditional mechanism to return a senator for a [[territory]]. Usually, but not always, the ability to directly influence the choice is limited to those who dwell in the territory. The Imperial Civil Service are responsible for overseeing the appointment processes for senators and do their utmost to ensure due process is followed. When a new territory is assigned to a nation, the Imperial Civil Service consults the egregore of that nation to determine how the senator for the territory will be selected.

===Right to Call a Vote of Curtailment===
Senator elections take place on Saturday afternoon during a summit. If a senator dies, is revoked or abdicates their title, then the position will automatically come due for selection by extraordinary election at the next summit.  
A sitting lasts until either all the planned motions have been discussed, or until a senator calls for a Vote of Curtailment. When a Vote of Curtailment is called, those present must vote in favour to continue the session; otherwise the sitting comes to a premature end. Motions that have not been voted upon are then pushed to the next sitting after all other business has been conducted.

A senator can be [[Revocation|revoked]] by the [[Assembly#General_Assembly|General Assembly]], the appropriate [[Assembly#The_National_Assemblies|National Assembly]], and by the [[Assembly#Assembly_of_the_Nine|Assembly of the Nine]].
Any member of the Senate, bar the Throne, may appoint a [[proxy]].

==Selection of a Senator==
<quote by="Walter Brewer, senator for Upwold">Politics is like muck-spreading. No matter how much the stench turns your stomach, it still has to be done. So quit bloody whining; all that matters is what we achieve, not how we go about it. A tree is known by its fruit, not by its leaves.</quote>
Each nation has a traditional mechanism to return a senator for a territory. Usually, but not always, the ability to directly influence the choice is limited to those who dwell in the territory. The Imperial Civil Service are responsible for overseeing the appointment processes for senators and do their utmost to ensure due process is followed. When a new territory is assigned to a nation, the Imperial Civil Service consults the egregore of that nation to determine how the senator for the territory will be selected.

==Removing a Senator==
If a senator is revoked or served a writ of excommunication by the Synod, dies, or abdicates their title, then the position will automatically come due for selection by [[Imperial_elections#Extraordinary_Elections|extraordinary election]] at the next summit for a limited term.  
A senator can be [[Revocation|revoked]] by the [[The_Assemblies_of_the_Synod|General Assembly]], the Assembly of the Nine and by the appropriate National Assembly of the [[Imperial Synod]].

[[Category:Imperial Titles]]
{{Senate Further Reading}}

Latest revision as of 17:53, 1 July 2024

If they need to be named, let it be on the fortifications we will build in Karsk. If there must be a monument let it be built from the skulls of our enemies! And you can stand upon it and cry out the names of your fallen as we crush those who took them from us.

Yelislaveta Vlanich of the Wychlova, Senator Miekarova


The Imperial Senate is a representative chamber; each territory in the Empire selects a single senator according to the customs of that nation. To be eligible to return a senator, at least half of the territory must be under Imperial control. If more than half of a territory is controlled by barbarians or foreign powers, then it cannot be represented in the Senate. A territory must be part of one of the ten nations of the Empire. When new territories are captured, they are allocated to a nation by majority vote of the Senate. A territory may only return a senator who is recognized as a member of that nation by the nation's egregore.


Officially senators represent the people of their territory and their nation in the Imperial Senate. As part of the ruling body of the Empire, senators are ultimately responsible for the well-being of the entire Empire. Collectively their duties include passing laws, assigning the Imperial budget, and appointing other Imperial titles, notably The Throne and the generals of their nation.

Senators are expected to attend at least some of the Senate sessions, and to both raise motions and cast their votes wisely. In doing so they must balance many competing interests; the Empire, their nation, their territory, the people who got them elected, and their own ambitions. It is rare that all these interests align and even the most virtuous senator can find themselves forced to make painful compromises.

During a sitting, a senator is expected to comport themselves with proper decorum and act respectfully toward their peers. A senator may be sanctioned by the Speaker for the Senate in response to boorish or disruptive behaviour.

Following a decision of the Imperial Senate, the responsibilities of a senator include calling for a moment of silence to honour the dead after any motion for emergency resupply is voted on.


Military Council Prohibition

And furthermore, the Druj must be destroyed.

Giuseppe Sanguineo von Temeschwar, Senator for Temeschwar

Although senators choose the generals, the Senate is forbidden by the Imperial Constitution from interfering with the Military Council under any circumstances. The constitution states that "The Military Council will execute the strategy of war without interference from the Senate." Interpretation of what constitutes 'interference' is complex, but it is always a crime for a senator to enter the Military Council chamber when it is in session. Magistrates work hard to enforce this law and senators risk harsh penalties if they break it.

Some historical scholars claim this reflects the importance the First Empress and her advisors placed on the separating the business of war from the business of politics. Less flattering interpretations point out that since the Empress (or Emperor) is a member of both chambers, this ruling also enhances the prestige and power of The Throne. This restriction supersedes even the right of Witness possessed by a Senator who is a member of the Synod.


Senators do not have the power of abstention as they represent the citizens of the Empire. If they are present for a session then they are legally required to vote and face censure by the Speaker, as well as the censure of the Synod and the attention of the magistrates if they try to abstain.

Senators are permitted to miss a session entirely. In such cases they must only explain themselves to the Synod. Omission is commonly accepted by those senators who take the battlefield regularly, but those whose absence is driven by a lack of courage or prosperity risk revocation.


Member of the Senate

Each senator is a member of the Senate. They are entitled to enter the Senate chamber at the start of a Senate session and participate in the debates.


Senators may cast a vote on any motion that is brought before the Senate.


Senators may propose a single motion for consideration by the Senate each summit.

The limitation on this legal power is on the title, not the occupant. If a new citizen is elected to the title, they cannot use the ability that summit if it has already been used.


If a motion requires significant decisions to be made outside the Senate chamber, then it is responsibility of the senator who proposed the motion to execute those decisions. E.g. if the Senate passes a motion to construct a dam across the Couros river in the territory of Bastion in Highguard, then any further decisions are the responsibility of the senator who proposed that motion. The dam will require materials that must be purchased from the Imperial Bourse, so the Senate may vote a budget for this project. That money is then given to the senator who proposed the motion who can use it as they see fit to attempt the goals stated in the motion.

Historically it was considered virtuous for a senator to keep any funds assigned by the Senate that are not required to carry out a motion. It was widely held that a successful senator who worked hard to secure the resources needed at a cheaper price deserves to be rewarded for their prosperity. In recent times this practice has been strongly criticized and senators have felt a heavy pressure to return unused funds. Although it is unconstitutional to legally compel a senator to return any funds, this new practice remains widespread.


A senator may call for a vote of curtailment to end the current Senate session early. Curtailment is not a motion, and the call does not need to be seconded.

A senator may only call for a vote of curtailment if they (or their legal proxy) are present in the chamber during the session, they cannot submit the request in advance.


A senator is entitled to appoint a proxy who may exercise the legal powers of their office in their name.


Each nation has a traditional mechanism to return a senator for a territory. Usually, but not always, the ability to directly influence the choice is limited to those who dwell in the territory. The Imperial Civil Service are responsible for overseeing the appointment processes for senators and do their utmost to ensure due process is followed. When a new territory is assigned to a nation, the Imperial Civil Service consults the egregore of that nation to determine how the senator for the territory will be selected.

Senator elections take place on Saturday afternoon during a summit. If a senator dies, is revoked or abdicates their title, then the position will automatically come due for selection by extraordinary election at the next summit.

A senator can be revoked by the General Assembly, the appropriate National Assembly, and by the Assembly of the Nine.

Politics is like muck-spreading. No matter how much the stench turns your stomach, it still has to be done. So quit bloody whining; all that matters is what we achieve, not how we go about it. A tree is known by its fruit, not by its leaves.

Walter Brewer, senator for Upwold

If a senator is revoked or served a writ of excommunication by the Synod, dies, or abdicates their title, then the position will automatically come due for selection by extraordinary election at the next summit for a limited term.

Further Reading

Core Brief

Additional Information