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At present there are just two Imperial Orc armies, although both are over-sized, roughly fifty percent larger than other Imperial armies. Plans have been mooted a few times for splitting the forces to create three armies, but the two armies were created when the orcs joined the Empire and have a long and noted history that few orcs are willing to give up - most take great pride in their army's achievements. Imperial Orcs are also aware that much of their political unity arises from the tight-knit nature of the armies and the legions attached to them and they are keen to prevent their loyalties being divided amongst too many armies and generals. Ultimately though the biggest consideration has simply been the practical costs involved in reforming the orc armies - the costs involved, the loss of efficiency as the armies are reorganized and the time in barracks required to complete the change.  
{{CaptionedImage|file=FightPit.jpg|align=left|caption=Orcs [[Orc#Revel_in_Battle|revel in battle]], and the Imperial Orcs are no exception.|width=500}}
At present there are three Imperial Orc armies; two of them roughly fifty percent larger than a standard [[Imperial army]]. Plans have been mooted a few times for splitting the Winter Sun and the Summer Storm to try create three armies, but the two armies were created when the orcs joined the Empire and have a long and noted history that few orcs are willing to give up - most take great pride in their army's achievements. Imperial Orcs are also aware that much of their political unity arises from the tight-knit nature of the armies and the legions attached to them and they are keen to prevent their loyalties being divided amongst too many armies and generals. Ultimately though the biggest consideration has simply been the practical costs involved in reforming the orc armies - the costs involved, the loss of efficiency as the armies are reorganized, and the time in barracks required to complete the change.  

The Orc generals face a number of difficult challenges. With no land of their own to defend, their troops are free to fight on any of the Imperial borders but this also robs them of political influence in the [[Imperial Senate|Senate]]. They are keenly aware that their military strength is their strongest advantage and that they must use it to the [[Imperial Orcs territories#The Plan|best advantage]] of the Imperial Orc nation, deploying their forces where they can bring the most benefit. While the most political capital might be accrued by going where the fighting is heaviest, this brings with it commensurate losses. Other nations are likely aware of the Imperial Orc desire for land, and the best Orc generals know they must be careful not to have their patriotism exploited to increase the influence of another nation at the cost of Orc lives.
It is commonly assumed that the orc love of battle would cause them to throw themselves into the thickest fighting without a care for their own lives. Such behaviour is sometimes observed of the forces of barbarian nations; their warriors are often overcome by battle-lust. However the Imperial Orcs are painfully aware of their limited numbers and the need to preserve every life to ensure that future generations of their nation prospers. The burden of this responsibility tends to fall squarely on their military leaders - the generals who command the armies and those who lead the heroes at Anvil. Life is precious - an orc has but one life to make their mark.
The barbarian orcs harbour a particular hatred for the Imperial Orcs, often singling them out on the battlefield where possible. The Imperial Orcs have learned to use this to their advantage, exploiting the hatred the barbarians feel for their Imperial cousins to encourage them to make foolish tactical decisions. When fighting alongside the [[Navarr]] for example a legion may lure an opposing band of barbarian orcs into a prepared ambush, drawing the brunt of the opposing forces forward so the Navarr thorns can engage their flanks.

Although orcs strive to preserve themselves and their legion, cowardice is one of the most heinous of crimes – an act of self-preservation which threatens others. By contrast, the truest form of courage an orc can show is to give their life so that the legion can survive; it is difficult to become an ancestor if you fall before old age, and as this is the very zenith of orcish achievement, it takes a truly selfless orc to make the hardest sacrifice. Tales are told of such heroes, but they are always tinged with regret at the waste of life. Every orc that falls in battle is seen as a cause for sorrow, an early death prevents them from becoming an ancestor as well as diminishing the strength of the legions.
Although orcs strive to preserve themselves and their legion, cowardice is one of the most heinous of crimes – an act of self-preservation which threatens others. By contrast, the truest form of courage an orc can show is to give their life so that the legion can survive: it is difficult to become an ancestor if you fall before old age, and as this is the very zenith of orcish achievement, it takes a truly selfless orc to make the hardest sacrifice. Tales are told of such heroes, but they are always tinged with regret at the waste of life. Every orc that falls in battle is seen as a cause for sorrow: an early death prevents them from becoming an ancestor as well as diminishing the strength of the legions.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Ready warrior.jpg|align=right|width=400}}
The barbarian orcs once harboured a particular hatred for the Imperial Orcs, often singling them out on the battlefield where possible. Some claim this hatred goes back to the time of the uprising when the barbarians refused to aid Thrace and his kin and slaughtered any orcs who made their way over the border. In recent times however, this old hatred appears to have abated to be replaced by something akin to a grudging respect. There is a great deal of speculation as to why this may be the case, but no concrete conclusion has been reached.

==Pit Fighting==
==The Legion==
[[Pit-fights]] are a significant part of Imperial Orc culture, a revered practice that entertains and unites orcs in the Empire. Some individuals find themselves drawn to the experience of the pits, returning to fight there over and over. Some are drawn simply by the adrenalin of the experience, finding the roar of the crowd and the adrenalin of the challenge is too addictive to resist.
The legions, tight-knit groups of Imperial Orcs who live together and fight together, are the backbone of the Imperial Orc armies. Before the arrival of the septs most Imperial Orcs were (or still are) a member of one of these countless different units of tight-knit soldiers. Each legion has its own identity but most are organized along military lines, and are an official part of one of the three Imperial Orc armies. In practice the legions are a cross between a regiment and an informal family group. Although not all the members of a legion are warriors, or even members of an army, the camaraderie and mindset of the career soldier tends to permeate throughout a legion.

The very best are able to become professional pit-fighters. They trade on the reputation for skill and strength that they have built up in previous fights, until their notoriety means that other orcs begin to seek them out and actively challenge them. Most pit-fights are fought for joy of battle, some are fought to settle grudges and establish a rough pecking order. A professional pit-fighter can charge for the right to fight them because an orc wants to make a name for themself beating one of the best or perhaps because they want to learn something from the fight. The best pit-fighters are not just warriors, they are experts at working the crowd to a fever-pitch, so some orcs prefer to fight them just because the onlookers make the fight so much more rewarding. The taboos against betting on a pit-fight do not apply to making your own living from it - and the best pit-fighters are legends - at least amongst the orcs.
Each orc legion chooses its own name and symbols but most can also be identified by their favoured fighting style. One legion may have a bias for plate armour and pole-weapons, while another favours sword and shield. Warriors are usually expected to have at least a basic mastery of their legion's favoured style. Each legion is fiercely proud of its identity in battle, and a healthy, good-natured rivalry exists between legions with regard to tactics and combat style. This rivalry is put aside on the battlefield, and warlords are careful to ensure that it never undermines loyalty and service to the Empire; the place for combat between members of rival legions is the fighting pit, not the battlefield.  

A few pit-fighters see their role as more than just a great way to make a living. Pit-fights are a deeply spiritual experience, for participants as well as for onlookers. The energy of the crowd, the adrenalin of the battle beckons to the [[Imperial Orcs religious beliefs#Imperial Orc ancestors|ancestors]] and draws them closer. Many pit-fighters hear their ancestors urging them on during the fight and this experience is what drives many orcs to return to the pit over and over again. It is even more important for Imperial Orc shamans who need to commune with the ancestors and consult them to offer their guidance for the warlords.
Banners and standards are particularly important to Imperial Orcs. Legion camps are often decorated with banners displaying legion [[Imperial Orcs culture and customs#Symbols|symbols]], as orcs find it reassuring to be surrounded by images that reinforce their group identity. Many bear an image of the horse as a symbol of the Empire alongside specific legion markings and colours. Imperial Orcs differentiate between banners, which are general symbols of legion identity, and a legion standard. Many legions have a legion standard, which is a symbol of the legion's pride. Trophies from particularly notable legion members or items of exceptional worth that once belonged to someone in the legion are often added to a legion standard.

As a result some skilled pit-fighters are closely associated with the [[Shamans|shamans]], working with them to decipher the wisdom from their words and determine what advice the ancestors are trying to communicate. These fighters see their job as a calling, they compete to make their battles as dramatic and exciting as possible, the better to allow themselves and the shamans to hear the voices of the past. Shamans often query fighters on what they heard, if anything, while fighting, but pit-fighters who emphasize the spiritual side of their calling will often ensconce themselves with the shamans for hours afterwards, working together to make sense of the ancestors' words.  
Legions chose their own commanders, called warlords, with individuals chosen for their ability to provide clear effective leadership in battle, according to the traditions of the individual legion. Orcs expect their leaders to be inspirational as well as astute so the majority of warlords are powerful warriors who lead from the front. Those who lead by cunning alone need to be particularly smart and their legions are often small but very tight-knit. Warlords appoint members of the legion to a chain of command beneath them, so that if they fall in battle they can be quickly replaced – the life of the legion is always more valuable than the life of any individual.
Most legions have a clear chain of command with harsh punishments for disloyalty or disobedience. Imperial Orcs usually have little sympathy for individuals who refuse to follow orders. In battle, those who find themselves at odds with a legion’s leadership face summary court-martial; at other times they are usually expelled from the legion. In such cases a group of orcs usually form their own rival legion, while an individual must attempt to join another legion or face existence alone.

==Imperial Armies==
==Imperial Armies==
The Imperial Orcs field two [[imperial armies]]; the [[Imperial Orcs territories#The Winter Moon|Winter Moon]] and the [[Imperial Orcs territories#The Summer Storm|Summer Storm]]. They are described in more detail [[Imperial Orcs territories|here]].
The Imperial Orcs field three [[Imperial armies]]; the Winter Sun, the Summer Storm, and the Autumn Hammers. Although Imperial Orcs are increasingly putting down roots in Skarsind, the armies remain an important source of identity and a reminder of their people's history. Founded in the aftermath of the revolt, membership of the armies was initially influenced by considerations of geography. Today, however, the third generation of orcs attach themselves to the army with which they feel the greater philosophical attraction, rather than basing their decision on which army their grandparents' legion belonged to.
Orcs do not generally wear a uniform symbol of the army they belong to, but some may add a white sun or a red lightning bolt. Since each army is made up of many different legions it has become common to refer to the armies collectively as "the legions" and in recent times Imperial Orcs at Anvil have taken to describe the Winter Sun and Summer Storm as the ''First'' and ''Second Legion'' respectively.
===The Winter Sun===
This army began with a core of orcs who had been slaves in [[Varushka]], [[Temeschwar]], and [[Wintermark]]. Vicious fighting against the Varushkan armies had decimated the numbers of the freed slaves in that nation, and harsh winters had contributed further to the death toll. After the revolt, their numbers were supplemented with orcs who had been enslaved by the [[Highguard|Highborn]]. The first magicians among the Imperial Orcs belonged to this army; they found it easiest to absorb the teachings of the Varushkan and Wintermark tutors the [[Urizen]] [[Urizen magical traditions#Mages|mages]] arranged for them. The hard core of the army were made up of many who had known [[Imperial Orcs history|Thrace]] and the other founders of the revolt personally, and they continued to develop the vision of freedom that had first spurred them to escape the mines.
Today the [[Winter Sun]] is the more politically active of the two Imperial Orc armies, but it is also the army most likely to use magic in pursuit of their goals. They garner favours, both through military aid and careful use of their magical resources. More [[Imperial Orcs magical traditions#Warcasters|warcasters]] and [[Imperial Orcs magical traditions#Oathwrights|oathwrights]] fight under the banners of the Winter Sun than the Summer Storm, and they have more [[preachers]].
The Winter Sun is a [[Imperial armies#Large|large]] army with a history of fighting in difficult terrain. Following a ritual performed at the Autumn Equinox 381YE, the soldiers and associated of the Winter Sun experienced [[Chain_around_my_leg|powerful visions]] of the many generations of ancestors who had lived as Imperial slaves. [[Chain_around_my_leg#Hammers_and_Chains|Embracing these visions]], the general, Bloodcrow Morg'ur, helped to change the direction of the army towards [[Army qualities#Freedom Fighters|fighting for freedom]].
The first Imperial Orc general leads the Winter Sun, and is appointed (or re-appointed) at the Winter Solstice.
===The Summer Storm===
This army was formed from orcs who had originally been slaves in [[Dawn]], [[the Marches]], and the southern and eastern cities of [[The League]]. Their uprising had taken part in the rich heartlands of the Empire, and they did not need to deal with the harsh northern climate that troubled orcs in Varushka, Wintermark, and Highguard. They also tended to be better equipped; they were more able to loot weapons and armour, and were in a good position to deal with the 'war profiteers' from [[the Brass Coast]] and League cities. Perhaps just as importantly, the southern slaves were often surprisingly more well-versed in tactics, subterfuge, and trade than their northern cousins - many more of them had spent their time as bodyguards, bouncers, or gladiators than in the north.
Today the Summer Storm pride themselves on their military acumen. They are the hammer of the Imperial Orcs, well armed and armoured,
versed in strategy and tactics, and supported by cunning [[Imperial Orcs economic interests#Bonesetters|bonesetters]] and [[Imperial Orcs economic interests#thief-takers|thief-takers]]. They tend to be richer in terms of wealth and crafted items, and the first smiths and [[Crafting skills#Artisan|artisans]] were part of the [[Summer Storm]].
Shortly before the Summer solstice 380YE, while fighting the [[Jotun]] in the [[Mournwold]], the soldiers of the Summer Storm experienced a [[380YE_Summer_Solstice_winds_of_war#Game_Information|profound moment of connection]] with a Jotun ancestor, Sjöfn of the Bittenblade. Apparently an ancient Jotun who appears unconcerned by the nature of the Imperial Orcs, her voice encourages them to fight heroically, gloriously, and revel in the clash of steel on the battlefield. ('''OOC Note:''' Any Imperial Orc who might have been present during that campaign can hear this ancestor if they wish; she encourages them to take actions that are in line with the [[Jotun#5_things_to_know_about_the_Jotun|five things]] of the Jotun.)
The Summer Sun is a [[Imperial armies#Large|large]] army, known for its [[Army_qualities#Relentless|ruthless]] commitment to the arts of war, and its indomitable fighting spirit.
The second Imperial Orc general leads the Summer Storm, and is appointed (or re-appointed) at the Summer Solstice.
{{CaptionedImage|file=AutumnHammers colour.png|align=left|width=100}}
===The Autumn Hammers===
The Autumn Hammers was raised from the [[Ethengraw]] sept after the [[Construct Ethengraw Armoury|Black Forge]] was constructed in [[Skarsind]]. The motion to raise the army was passed by the Imperial Senate during the [[Raise Autumn Hammers|Autumn Equinox 385YE]] after the sept joined the Imperial Orcs. The army benefited from [[Mystic_scrolls_of_Estavus#Hammers_of_Fury|Hammers of Fury]] and finished raising in time for the general to be elected for the first time at the Spring Equinox 386YE.
The third Imperial Orc general leads the Autumn Hammers, and is appointed (or re-appointed) at the Autumn Equinox.
The Imperial Orcs have long faced a crucial challenge posed by their relatively small population. For a long time they were able to maintain two large Imperial armies in the field - but only just, and only because so many of their people were members of the legions. Until very recently it was impossible for them to raise a new army, and if one of their existing armies were wiped out it was certain that it would be difficult for them to replace it. Imperial Orc generals learned to be careful about how they deployed their forces - preserving lives where they could - to keep the nation vital.
Gaining Skarsind gave the Imperial Orcs a homeland but did nothing to remedy the limitations of their sparse numbers. When the [[Highguard|Highborn]] liberated [[Reikos]], they were able to supply a fourth army as much because the people of Reikos stood ready to be part of that army as because of the wealth and prosperity the [[territory]] eventually regained. The few original inhabitants of Skarsind who still dwell there are Wintermark humans - so there is no indigenous population to swell their ranks.
This situation was somewhat mitigated by the [[383YE_Spring_Equinox_winds_of_war#Mission|raid on Beoraidh]] at the beginning of 383YE. With the support of the Winter Sun, a significant Imperial force launched a surprise attack on the [[Grendel]] town of [[Bay_of_Catazar#Beoraidh|Beoraidh]] on the [[Bay_of_Catazar#The_Broken_Shore_and_Attar|Broken Shore]]. A large number of trained gladiators and orc slaves intended to be cannon fodder for the Grendel armies were liberated and brought safely back to Skarsind. With an influx of skilled warriors, enthusiastic supporters of the nation that helped free them from bondage, the Imperial orcs could raise a new army - ''provided'' they could gain a second [[territory]] - or in the tragic event that one of the existing Imperial Orcs armies were destroyed.
==Army Orders==
Following the [[385YE_Winter_Solstice_Senate_sessions#Prospecting_in_Skarsind|decision]] of the Imperial Senate to send prospectors and miners to [[Standing_in_the_sun#Thirsty_Fires|investigate the hills]] of Skarsind the Black Forge has access to enough metals to support orcs from across the nation.
Any Imperial Orc army can take the ''forge hammers'' defensive order, provided they are in Skarsind. The army musters at the Black Forge, and the smiths there work night-and-day to resupply them with the armaments they need - whether they are veterans or new recruits.
<box><big>'''Forge Hammers'''</big><br>
* '''Can use the order to camp around the Black Forge in the hills of Skarsind above Gildenheim'''
* '''Casualties suffered by this army are increased by a fifth'''
* '''The ability of this army to defend territory is increased by three tenths'''
* '''For each wain of mithril used for emergency resupply provides an additional 5 army strength'''
The soldiers of the army camp around the Black Forge, which turns mithril into the finest quality weapons and armour. The smiths both repair and replace the armaments of veteran soldiers, and provide new recruits with a top-tier loadout. The army is ready to defend the territory, and inspired by the Epic of the Ethengraw, they will make the enemy fight for every inch of ground they try to claim. Only one army can use this order at a time; if more than one army uses it all armies involved instead take the [[Army_orders#Heroic_Stand|heroic stand]] order.</box>

[[Category:Imperial Orcs]]
{{Imperial Orcs Links}}

Latest revision as of 17:49, 29 June 2024

Orcs revel in battle, and the Imperial Orcs are no exception.


At present there are three Imperial Orc armies; two of them roughly fifty percent larger than a standard Imperial army. Plans have been mooted a few times for splitting the Winter Sun and the Summer Storm to try create three armies, but the two armies were created when the orcs joined the Empire and have a long and noted history that few orcs are willing to give up - most take great pride in their army's achievements. Imperial Orcs are also aware that much of their political unity arises from the tight-knit nature of the armies and the legions attached to them and they are keen to prevent their loyalties being divided amongst too many armies and generals. Ultimately though the biggest consideration has simply been the practical costs involved in reforming the orc armies - the costs involved, the loss of efficiency as the armies are reorganized, and the time in barracks required to complete the change.

It is commonly assumed that the orc love of battle would cause them to throw themselves into the thickest fighting without a care for their own lives. Such behaviour is sometimes observed of the forces of barbarian nations; their warriors are often overcome by battle-lust. However the Imperial Orcs are painfully aware of their limited numbers and the need to preserve every life to ensure that future generations of their nation prospers. The burden of this responsibility tends to fall squarely on their military leaders - the generals who command the armies and those who lead the heroes at Anvil. Life is precious - an orc has but one life to make their mark.

Although orcs strive to preserve themselves and their legion, cowardice is one of the most heinous of crimes – an act of self-preservation which threatens others. By contrast, the truest form of courage an orc can show is to give their life so that the legion can survive: it is difficult to become an ancestor if you fall before old age, and as this is the very zenith of orcish achievement, it takes a truly selfless orc to make the hardest sacrifice. Tales are told of such heroes, but they are always tinged with regret at the waste of life. Every orc that falls in battle is seen as a cause for sorrow: an early death prevents them from becoming an ancestor as well as diminishing the strength of the legions.

Ready warrior.jpg

The barbarian orcs once harboured a particular hatred for the Imperial Orcs, often singling them out on the battlefield where possible. Some claim this hatred goes back to the time of the uprising when the barbarians refused to aid Thrace and his kin and slaughtered any orcs who made their way over the border. In recent times however, this old hatred appears to have abated to be replaced by something akin to a grudging respect. There is a great deal of speculation as to why this may be the case, but no concrete conclusion has been reached.

The Legion

The legions, tight-knit groups of Imperial Orcs who live together and fight together, are the backbone of the Imperial Orc armies. Before the arrival of the septs most Imperial Orcs were (or still are) a member of one of these countless different units of tight-knit soldiers. Each legion has its own identity but most are organized along military lines, and are an official part of one of the three Imperial Orc armies. In practice the legions are a cross between a regiment and an informal family group. Although not all the members of a legion are warriors, or even members of an army, the camaraderie and mindset of the career soldier tends to permeate throughout a legion.

Each orc legion chooses its own name and symbols but most can also be identified by their favoured fighting style. One legion may have a bias for plate armour and pole-weapons, while another favours sword and shield. Warriors are usually expected to have at least a basic mastery of their legion's favoured style. Each legion is fiercely proud of its identity in battle, and a healthy, good-natured rivalry exists between legions with regard to tactics and combat style. This rivalry is put aside on the battlefield, and warlords are careful to ensure that it never undermines loyalty and service to the Empire; the place for combat between members of rival legions is the fighting pit, not the battlefield.

Banners and standards are particularly important to Imperial Orcs. Legion camps are often decorated with banners displaying legion symbols, as orcs find it reassuring to be surrounded by images that reinforce their group identity. Many bear an image of the horse as a symbol of the Empire alongside specific legion markings and colours. Imperial Orcs differentiate between banners, which are general symbols of legion identity, and a legion standard. Many legions have a legion standard, which is a symbol of the legion's pride. Trophies from particularly notable legion members or items of exceptional worth that once belonged to someone in the legion are often added to a legion standard.

Legions chose their own commanders, called warlords, with individuals chosen for their ability to provide clear effective leadership in battle, according to the traditions of the individual legion. Orcs expect their leaders to be inspirational as well as astute so the majority of warlords are powerful warriors who lead from the front. Those who lead by cunning alone need to be particularly smart and their legions are often small but very tight-knit. Warlords appoint members of the legion to a chain of command beneath them, so that if they fall in battle they can be quickly replaced – the life of the legion is always more valuable than the life of any individual.

Most legions have a clear chain of command with harsh punishments for disloyalty or disobedience. Imperial Orcs usually have little sympathy for individuals who refuse to follow orders. In battle, those who find themselves at odds with a legion’s leadership face summary court-martial; at other times they are usually expelled from the legion. In such cases a group of orcs usually form their own rival legion, while an individual must attempt to join another legion or face existence alone.

Imperial Armies

The Imperial Orcs field three Imperial armies; the Winter Sun, the Summer Storm, and the Autumn Hammers. Although Imperial Orcs are increasingly putting down roots in Skarsind, the armies remain an important source of identity and a reminder of their people's history. Founded in the aftermath of the revolt, membership of the armies was initially influenced by considerations of geography. Today, however, the third generation of orcs attach themselves to the army with which they feel the greater philosophical attraction, rather than basing their decision on which army their grandparents' legion belonged to.

Orcs do not generally wear a uniform symbol of the army they belong to, but some may add a white sun or a red lightning bolt. Since each army is made up of many different legions it has become common to refer to the armies collectively as "the legions" and in recent times Imperial Orcs at Anvil have taken to describe the Winter Sun and Summer Storm as the First and Second Legion respectively.


The Winter Sun

This army began with a core of orcs who had been slaves in Varushka, Temeschwar, and Wintermark. Vicious fighting against the Varushkan armies had decimated the numbers of the freed slaves in that nation, and harsh winters had contributed further to the death toll. After the revolt, their numbers were supplemented with orcs who had been enslaved by the Highborn. The first magicians among the Imperial Orcs belonged to this army; they found it easiest to absorb the teachings of the Varushkan and Wintermark tutors the Urizen mages arranged for them. The hard core of the army were made up of many who had known Thrace and the other founders of the revolt personally, and they continued to develop the vision of freedom that had first spurred them to escape the mines.

Today the Winter Sun is the more politically active of the two Imperial Orc armies, but it is also the army most likely to use magic in pursuit of their goals. They garner favours, both through military aid and careful use of their magical resources. More warcasters and oathwrights fight under the banners of the Winter Sun than the Summer Storm, and they have more preachers.

The Winter Sun is a large army with a history of fighting in difficult terrain. Following a ritual performed at the Autumn Equinox 381YE, the soldiers and associated of the Winter Sun experienced powerful visions of the many generations of ancestors who had lived as Imperial slaves. Embracing these visions, the general, Bloodcrow Morg'ur, helped to change the direction of the army towards fighting for freedom.

The first Imperial Orc general leads the Winter Sun, and is appointed (or re-appointed) at the Winter Solstice.


The Summer Storm

This army was formed from orcs who had originally been slaves in Dawn, the Marches, and the southern and eastern cities of The League. Their uprising had taken part in the rich heartlands of the Empire, and they did not need to deal with the harsh northern climate that troubled orcs in Varushka, Wintermark, and Highguard. They also tended to be better equipped; they were more able to loot weapons and armour, and were in a good position to deal with the 'war profiteers' from the Brass Coast and League cities. Perhaps just as importantly, the southern slaves were often surprisingly more well-versed in tactics, subterfuge, and trade than their northern cousins - many more of them had spent their time as bodyguards, bouncers, or gladiators than in the north.

Today the Summer Storm pride themselves on their military acumen. They are the hammer of the Imperial Orcs, well armed and armoured, versed in strategy and tactics, and supported by cunning bonesetters and thief-takers. They tend to be richer in terms of wealth and crafted items, and the first smiths and artisans were part of the Summer Storm.

Shortly before the Summer solstice 380YE, while fighting the Jotun in the Mournwold, the soldiers of the Summer Storm experienced a profound moment of connection with a Jotun ancestor, Sjöfn of the Bittenblade. Apparently an ancient Jotun who appears unconcerned by the nature of the Imperial Orcs, her voice encourages them to fight heroically, gloriously, and revel in the clash of steel on the battlefield. (OOC Note: Any Imperial Orc who might have been present during that campaign can hear this ancestor if they wish; she encourages them to take actions that are in line with the five things of the Jotun.)

The Summer Sun is a large army, known for its ruthless commitment to the arts of war, and its indomitable fighting spirit.

The second Imperial Orc general leads the Summer Storm, and is appointed (or re-appointed) at the Summer Solstice.

AutumnHammers colour.png

The Autumn Hammers

This is a placeholder page for content that PD are actively working on.

The Autumn Hammers was raised from the Ethengraw sept after the Black Forge was constructed in Skarsind. The motion to raise the army was passed by the Imperial Senate during the Autumn Equinox 385YE after the sept joined the Imperial Orcs. The army benefited from Hammers of Fury and finished raising in time for the general to be elected for the first time at the Spring Equinox 386YE.

The third Imperial Orc general leads the Autumn Hammers, and is appointed (or re-appointed) at the Autumn Equinox.


The Imperial Orcs have long faced a crucial challenge posed by their relatively small population. For a long time they were able to maintain two large Imperial armies in the field - but only just, and only because so many of their people were members of the legions. Until very recently it was impossible for them to raise a new army, and if one of their existing armies were wiped out it was certain that it would be difficult for them to replace it. Imperial Orc generals learned to be careful about how they deployed their forces - preserving lives where they could - to keep the nation vital.

Gaining Skarsind gave the Imperial Orcs a homeland but did nothing to remedy the limitations of their sparse numbers. When the Highborn liberated Reikos, they were able to supply a fourth army as much because the people of Reikos stood ready to be part of that army as because of the wealth and prosperity the territory eventually regained. The few original inhabitants of Skarsind who still dwell there are Wintermark humans - so there is no indigenous population to swell their ranks.

This situation was somewhat mitigated by the raid on Beoraidh at the beginning of 383YE. With the support of the Winter Sun, a significant Imperial force launched a surprise attack on the Grendel town of Beoraidh on the Broken Shore. A large number of trained gladiators and orc slaves intended to be cannon fodder for the Grendel armies were liberated and brought safely back to Skarsind. With an influx of skilled warriors, enthusiastic supporters of the nation that helped free them from bondage, the Imperial orcs could raise a new army - provided they could gain a second territory - or in the tragic event that one of the existing Imperial Orcs armies were destroyed.

Army Orders

Following the decision of the Imperial Senate to send prospectors and miners to investigate the hills of Skarsind the Black Forge has access to enough metals to support orcs from across the nation.

Any Imperial Orc army can take the forge hammers defensive order, provided they are in Skarsind. The army musters at the Black Forge, and the smiths there work night-and-day to resupply them with the armaments they need - whether they are veterans or new recruits.

Forge Hammers
  • Can use the order to camp around the Black Forge in the hills of Skarsind above Gildenheim
  • Casualties suffered by this army are increased by a fifth
  • The ability of this army to defend territory is increased by three tenths
  • For each wain of mithril used for emergency resupply provides an additional 5 army strength
The soldiers of the army camp around the Black Forge, which turns mithril into the finest quality weapons and armour. The smiths both repair and replace the armaments of veteran soldiers, and provide new recruits with a top-tier loadout. The army is ready to defend the territory, and inspired by the Epic of the Ethengraw, they will make the enemy fight for every inch of ground they try to claim. Only one army can use this order at a time; if more than one army uses it all armies involved instead take the heroic stand order.

Further Reading

Core Brief

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