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{{CaptionedImage|file=DawnAndUrizen.jpg|caption=Sturdy castles and great stone walls protect the Imperial heartlands.|align=left|width=350}}
The world of Empire is littered with walled settlements, fortresses, keeps, castles and fortified bridges. These lesser structures may be the target of a quest or skirmish but they are not important for the calculate of army strength present in a territory. Only mighty fortifications are tracked; sturdy castles, networks of carefully positioned forts; great stone walls with sentinel towers.
The world of Empire is littered with walled settlements, fortresses, keeps, castles and fortified bridges. These lesser structures may be the target of a quest or skirmish but they are not important for the calculation of army strength present in a territory. Only mighty fortifications are tracked: sturdy castles, networks of carefully positioned forts; great stone walls with sentinel towers.

==Fortification Strength==
==Fortification Strength==
A campaign fortification is stationary and attached to a specific region. That region gains the fortification keyword. Fortifications have a strength, based on the same scale used for [[Imperial armies]]. A small campaign fortification has a strength of 3,000 - equivalent to fighting strength 3,000 raw recruits.
* A starting fortification contributes 3,000 fighting strength to the owning side
* If the fortification is attacked, its contribution is doubled for the purposes of Victory
* If the fortification is attacked, its contribution also inflicts casualties

The strength of any fortifications in a territory are added to the strength of the armies present, but only for purposes of determining which side is victorious. Fortifications do not inflict or take casualties ''unless'' the orders issued by the generals for the campaign indicate that they are attacking the fortification or the region it defends.
A campaign fortification is stationary and located in a specific region. Fortifications have a strength, based on the same scale used for [[Imperial armies]]. A small campaign fortification has a strength of 3,000 - equivalent to fighting strength of 3,000 trained soldiers.

For example, if the campaign is focused on capturing a forest region in [[Karsk]] then the presence of a fortification in a nearby region will be important for determining which side is winning, but will not directly affect casualties. If the orders for the campaign involve trying to assault the fortification, then it inflicts and takes casualties just like a campaign army.
The strength of any fortifications in a territory are added to the strength of the armies present, but only for purposes of determining which side is victorious. Fortifications do not inflict or take casualties ''unless'' the orders issued by the generals for the campaign indicate that they are attacking the fortification or the region it defends. The military fighting strength of a fortification (but not any [[military unit]] assigned to [[Fortifications#Military_units|support it]]) is doubled if the region it is in is attacked, for calculating victory, and the fortification will inflict casualties based on its force.

===Capturing and destroying a fortification===
For example, if the campaign is focused on capturing a forest region in [[Karsk]] then the presence of a 3,000 strength fortification in a nearby region will be important for determining which side is winning, but will not directly affect casualties. If the orders for the campaign involve trying to assault the fortification, then it inflicts and takes casualties like a campaign army with a fighting strength of 6,000 for the purposes of calculating victory, and 3,000 for the purposes of inflicting casualties.
An enemy fortification is captured when it's strength is reduced to 1,000 or lower. A fortification that is reduced below 250 strength is destroyed, rather than captured.

==Creating a fortification==
A fortification [[Campaign_outcome#Fortifications|is destroyed]] if its strength falls below 1,000.
The [[Imperial Senate]] can pass a motion to create a new campaign fortification. The cost to create a new fortification is 100 wains of white granite over the course of a year. The project requires a minimum of 25 wains of white granite for each season of construction until the full amount is paid. The campaign fortification is created after four successful seasons of construction.

===Improving a fortification===
==Senate Commissions==
The [[Imperial Senate]] can pass motions to create new campaign fortification or to improve or repair existing ones. Every fortification occupies a [[territory#region|region]]; a given region may only contain one fortification.
* Materials: 80 [[white granite]] and 30 thrones.
* Time: 1 year to construct
* Upkeep: 10 thrones per season.
The Imperial Senate can pass a motion to improve the quality of an existing fortification. Improving a fortification takes one year to complete. The fortification must be controlled by the Empire throughout.
The Imperial Senate can pass a motion to improve the quality of an existing fortification. Improving a fortification takes one year to complete. The fortification must be controlled by the Empire throughout.

* Increasing a fortification from a strength of 3000 to a strength of 6000 requires 120 wains of white granite.
* Increasing a fortification from a strength of 3000 to a strength of 6000 requires 100 wains of white granite and 300 crowns.
* Increasing a fortification from a strength of 6000 to a strength of 9000 requires 140 wains of white granite.
* Increasing a fortification from a strength of 6000 to a strength of 9000 requires 120 wains of white granite and 360 crowns.
* Increasing a fortification from a strength of 9000 to a strength of 12000 requires 140 wains of white granite and 420 crowns.

Further increases in the strength of a campaign fortification follow the same cost increase structure.
Further increases in the strength of a campaign fortification follow the same cost increase structure.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Harlech castle.jpg|title=Harlech Castle gatehouse||align=right|width=400}}

==Repairing a fortification==
An Imperial fortification that has been damaged regains one tenth of it's maximum strength every season provided the territory is under Imperial control. Additional repairs can be effected by a motion in the Imperial senate and the expenditure of wains of either white granite or weirwood.
Fortifications are damaged when they are involved in a [[War|campaign]]. The upkeep costs provide for some automatic repair over time, provided the territory is under Imperial control, but the progress is slow. The Senate may pass a motion to pay for emergency repairs.

==Natural repair==
====Automatic Repair====
If an Imperial fortification is located in an Imperial controlled territory and is not subject to an attack during that season then it automatically recovers 300 strength. Imperial fortifications in territories controlled by barbarians or which are attacked during a season are not automatically repaired.
If an Imperial fortification is located in an Imperial controlled territory and is not subject to an attack during that season then it automatically recovers one tenth of its maximum strength every season. Imperial fortifications in territories which are not controlled the Empire or which are attacked during a season are not automatically repaired.

==Emergency repair==
====Emergency Repair====
The Imperial Senate may pass a motion to authorize the purchase of additional materials - in the form or either white granite or weirwood - to speed up the repair of an Imperial fortification. This represents a concerted effort by the Empire to repair the fortificaiton. Emergency repair, like natural repair, takes a season to complete.
The Imperial Senate may pass a motion to authorize the use of additional materials - either white granite or weirwood - to speed up the repair of an Imperial fortification. This represents a concerted effort by the Empire to repair the fortification. Emergency repair, like natural repair, takes a season to complete.
<div style="width:400px; float: right; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 15px;"><table class="wikitable">
<tr><th>Wains Spent</th><th>Benefits</th></tr>
<tr><td>1-20</td><td>25 points/wain</td></tr>
<tr><td>21-40</td><td>20 points/wain</td></tr>
<tr><td>41-60</td><td>15 points/wain</td></tr>
<tr><td>61-80</td><td>10 points/wain</td></tr>
<tr><td>81-100</td><td>5 points/wain</td></tr>
When a motion of emergency repair passes, any imperial citizen may contribute resources and money towards the repairs before the start of the next summit. A citizen who provides wains to resupply an army must also provide the appropriate amount of money at the same time.  

In a single season, the first 30 wains of white granite or weirwood restore 20 strength for each wain allocated. The next 30 wains provide an additional 15 strength each. The next 30 wains provide an additional 10 strength - and so on. The rate of emergency resupply resets each season so the white granite and weirwood spent in a subsequent season is not affected by earlier actions.
In a single season, the first 20 wains of white granite or weirwood restore 25 strength for each wain allocated. The next 20 wains provide an additional 20 strength each an so on, up to a maximum of 100 wains in a single season. In addition to materials, emergency resupply costs 2 crowns per wain. The rate of emergency resupply resets each season so the white granite and weirwood spent in a subsequent season is not affected by earlier actions.

Fortifications require far less money to pay for their upkeep than an Imperial army - but they are still not free. A basic fortification costs 10 thrones per season. A 6000 strength fortification costs 18 thrones and a 9000 strength fortification costs 24 thrones. Stronger fortifications cost proportionately more.
Fortifications are one of the first priorities of the civil service after the armies are paid for. If there is insufficient income in the Imperial treasury to pay for the upkeep of a fortification then it provides no benefits of any kind that season.
==Military units==
Some wealthy or powerful citizens maintain their own independent [[military unit]]. These units can be attached to a fortification to increase its effective strength. This is done by the orders of the military unit’s commander (submitted using the personal resource downtime system).
The experienced and capable troops in a military unit provide an advantage out of proportion to their numbers. A starting military unit adds the equivalent of 100 soldiers to the strength of any fortification they support.
The table below shows a list of the rituals in both Imperial lore and Urizen lore which can an affect a fortification.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Ritual
! Effect
! Realm
! Magnitude
|[[Golden Ramparts]] || The fortification's effective strength is increased by 1,500 over the next season || Summer || 75
|[[Guardian Gate]]<sup>[[#1|(1)]]</sup> || Any [[spy network]] operating in the territory finds it harder to gain information. Any [[military unit|military units]] supporting the fortification will receive a report on hostile armies in the territory at the next event. || Day || 80
|[[Hammers of the Brilliant Shore]] || The fortification restores 250 strength over the next season || Summer || 60
|[[Mountain Remembers Its Youth]]<sup>[[#2|(2)]]</sup> || All fortifications and armies in the territory suffer a share of 500 casualties over the next season. Casualties suffered by fortifications in this way are reduced by 20% || Spring || 60
|[[Mystic_scrolls_of_Estavus#Ramparts_of_Ashlar|Ramparts of Ashlar]]<sup>[[#3|(3)]]</sup> || The fortification's effective strength is increased by 3,000 over the next season || Autumn || 150
|[[Stalwart Stand on Solid Ground]] || The fortification will not be destroyed over the next year unless it is reduced to 0 strength || Summer || 60
|[[Stone's Unyielding Defiance]]<sup>[[#1|(1)]]</sup> || The fortification restores 250 strength and its effective strength is increased by 1,500 over the next season || Summer || 120
|[[Thunderous Tread of the Trees]]<sup>[[#2|(2)]]</sup> || All fortifications and armies in the territory suffer a share of 500 casualties over the next year. Casualties suffered by fortifications in this way are increased by 20% || Spring || 120
#{{anchor|1}} This ritual is in [[Urizen_magical_traditions#Urizen_Lore|Urizen lore]]
#{{anchor|2}} This curse affects an entire territory
#{{anchor|3}} This ritual is a [[Mystic_scrolls_of_Estavus|mystic scroll]] of [[Estavus]]
{{War Further Reading}}
[[Category: Senate]]
==Current Fortifications==
==Current Fortifications==
        <tr><td>[[The Brass Coast]]</td><td>[[Kahraman]]</td><td>[[Kahraman#Fort Braydon|Fort Braydon]]</td><td>1</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Starting_at_the_end#Towers_of_Fire|Beacons of Wintermark]]</td><td>[[Wintermark]]</td><td>[[Hahnmark]] and [[Kallavesa]]</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>0</td></tr>
        <tr><td>[[Dawn]]</td><td>[[Semmerholm]]</td><td>[[Semmerholm#The Gate|The Gate]]</td><td>1</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Karsk#Aleksandra's Watch|Aleksandra's Watch]]</td><td>[[Varushka]]</td><td>[[Karsk]]</td><td>Lestasny</td><td>1</td></tr>
        <tr><td>[[The Marches]]</td><td>[[Upwold]]</td><td>[[Upwold#The Eastern Guard|The Eastern Guard]]</td><td>1</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Redoubt#The Court of the White Fountain|Court of the White Fountain]]</td><td>[[Urizen]]</td><td>[[Redoubt]]</td><td>Optarion</td><td>1 (special)</td></tr>
        <tr><td>[[Urizen]]</td><td>[[Redoubt]]</td><td>[[Redoubt#The Court of the White Fountain|Court of the White Fountain]]</td><td>1</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Mournwold#Far_Striders_Watch|Farstrider's Watch]]</td><td>[[The Marches]]</td><td>[[Mournwold]]</td><td>Greensward</td><td>1</td></tr>
        <tr><td>[[Highguard]]</td><td>[[Casinea]]</td><td>[[Casinea#The Silent Sentinel|The Silent Sentinel]]</td><td>2</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Kahraman#Fort Braydon|Fort Braydon]]</td><td>[[The Brass Coast]]</td><td>[[Kahraman]]</td><td>Braydon's Jasse</td><td>1</td></tr>
        <tr><td>[[The League]]</td><td>[[Temeschwar]]</td><td>Temeschwar</td><td>2</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Mitwold#Golden_Downs|Forte Fidelis]]</td><td>[[The Marches]]</td><td>[[Mitwold]]</td><td>Golden Downs</td><td>1</td></tr>
        <tr><td>[[The League]]</td><td>[[Holberg]]</td><td>Holberg</td><td>2</td></tr>
        <tr><td>[[Dawn]]</td><td>[[The Barrens]]</td><td>[[The Barrens#Towers of the Dawn|Towers of the Dawn]]</td><td>2</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Tassato#La_Redotta_Rezia|La Redotta Rezia]]</td><td>[[The League]]</td><td>[[Tassato]]</td><td>Tassato Mestra</td><td>1</td></tr>
        <tr><td>[[Dawn]]</td><td>[[Astolat]]</td><td>[[Atolat#The Castle of Thorns|The Castle of Thorns]]</td><td>3</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Mournwold#Landskeepers_Bulwark|Landskeepers Bulkwark]]</td><td>[[The Marches]]</td><td>[[Mournwold]]</td><td>Freemoor</td><td>1</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Feroz#Mora.27s_Rock|Mora's Rock]]</td><td>[[The Brass Coast]]</td><td>[[Feroz]]</td><td>Morajasse</td><td>1</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Sarvos#Our_Lady_of_Pride|Our Lady of Pride]]</td><td>[[The League]]</td><td>[[Sarvos]]</td><td>Foracci</td><td>2</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Necropolis#Reumah.27s_Rest|Reumah's Rest]]</td><td>[[Highguard]]</td><td>[[Necropolis]]</td><td>Coursmouth</td><td>1</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Madruga#The_Salt_Guard|Salt Guard]]</td><td>[[The Brass Coast]]</td><td>[[Madruga]]</td><td>Siroc Plains</td><td>1 (special)</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Upwold#The Eastern Guard|The Eastern Guard]]</td><td>[[The Marches]]</td><td>[[Upwold]]</td><td>Birchland</td><td>1</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Skarsind#The_Will|The Will of the Wintermark]]</td><td>[[Imperial Orcs]]</td><td>[[Skarsind]]</td><td>Skogei Glens</td><td>1</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Ossium#Tower_of_the_Scorpion|Tower of the Scorpion]]</td><td>[[Varushka]]</td><td>[[Ossium]]</td><td>Echofell</td><td>1</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Redoubt#The_Walls_of_Cargo|Walls Of Cargo]]</td><td>[[Urizen]]</td><td>[[Redoubt]]</td><td>Limus</td><td>1 (special)</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Reikos#Remember Exile|Remember Exile]]</td><td>[[Highguard]]</td><td>[[Reikos]]</td><td>Broken Ride</td><td>2</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Temeschwar#The_Walls_of_Temeschwar|Temeschwar]]</td><td>[[The League]]</td><td>[[Temeschwar]]</td><td>Hanuri</td><td>2</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Semmerholm#The_Adamant_Gate|The Adamant Gate]]</td><td>[[Dawn]]</td><td>[[Semmerholm]]</td><td>Estmure</td><td>2 (special)</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Casinea#The Silent Sentinel|The Silent Sentinel]]</td><td>[[Highguard]]</td><td>[[Casinea]]</td><td>Mareholm</td><td>2</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Astolat#The Castle of Thorns|The Castle of Thorns]]</td><td>[[Dawn]]</td><td>[[Astolat]]</td><td>Withy</td><td>3</td></tr>
      <tr><td>[[Holberg#The_City_of_Holberg|Holberg]]</td><td>[[The League]]</td><td>[[Holberg]]</td><td>Holfried</td><td>4</td></tr>
==Further Reading==
* [[War]]
* [[Campaign outcomes]]
* [[Territories and regions]]
* [[Imperial armies]]
* [[Keywords]]
[[Category:Military Council]]

Latest revision as of 15:29, 9 April 2024

Sturdy castles and great stone walls protect the Imperial heartlands.


The world of Empire is littered with walled settlements, fortresses, keeps, castles and fortified bridges. These lesser structures may be the target of a quest or skirmish but they are not important for the calculation of army strength present in a territory. Only mighty fortifications are tracked: sturdy castles, networks of carefully positioned forts; great stone walls with sentinel towers.

Fortification Strength

  • A starting fortification contributes 3,000 fighting strength to the owning side
  • If the fortification is attacked, its contribution is doubled for the purposes of Victory
  • If the fortification is attacked, its contribution also inflicts casualties

A campaign fortification is stationary and located in a specific region. Fortifications have a strength, based on the same scale used for Imperial armies. A small campaign fortification has a strength of 3,000 - equivalent to fighting strength of 3,000 trained soldiers.

The strength of any fortifications in a territory are added to the strength of the armies present, but only for purposes of determining which side is victorious. Fortifications do not inflict or take casualties unless the orders issued by the generals for the campaign indicate that they are attacking the fortification or the region it defends. The military fighting strength of a fortification (but not any military unit assigned to support it) is doubled if the region it is in is attacked, for calculating victory, and the fortification will inflict casualties based on its force.

For example, if the campaign is focused on capturing a forest region in Karsk then the presence of a 3,000 strength fortification in a nearby region will be important for determining which side is winning, but will not directly affect casualties. If the orders for the campaign involve trying to assault the fortification, then it inflicts and takes casualties like a campaign army with a fighting strength of 6,000 for the purposes of calculating victory, and 3,000 for the purposes of inflicting casualties.

A fortification is destroyed if its strength falls below 1,000.

Senate Commissions

The Imperial Senate can pass motions to create new campaign fortification or to improve or repair existing ones. Every fortification occupies a region; a given region may only contain one fortification.


  • Materials: 80 white granite and 30 thrones.
  • Time: 1 year to construct
  • Upkeep: 10 thrones per season.


The Imperial Senate can pass a motion to improve the quality of an existing fortification. Improving a fortification takes one year to complete. The fortification must be controlled by the Empire throughout.

  • Increasing a fortification from a strength of 3000 to a strength of 6000 requires 100 wains of white granite and 300 crowns.
  • Increasing a fortification from a strength of 6000 to a strength of 9000 requires 120 wains of white granite and 360 crowns.
  • Increasing a fortification from a strength of 9000 to a strength of 12000 requires 140 wains of white granite and 420 crowns.

Further increases in the strength of a campaign fortification follow the same cost increase structure.

Harlech Castle gatehouse


Fortifications are damaged when they are involved in a campaign. The upkeep costs provide for some automatic repair over time, provided the territory is under Imperial control, but the progress is slow. The Senate may pass a motion to pay for emergency repairs.

Automatic Repair

If an Imperial fortification is located in an Imperial controlled territory and is not subject to an attack during that season then it automatically recovers one tenth of its maximum strength every season. Imperial fortifications in territories which are not controlled the Empire or which are attacked during a season are not automatically repaired.

Emergency Repair

The Imperial Senate may pass a motion to authorize the use of additional materials - either white granite or weirwood - to speed up the repair of an Imperial fortification. This represents a concerted effort by the Empire to repair the fortification. Emergency repair, like natural repair, takes a season to complete.

Wains SpentBenefits
1-2025 points/wain
21-4020 points/wain
41-6015 points/wain
61-8010 points/wain
81-1005 points/wain

When a motion of emergency repair passes, any imperial citizen may contribute resources and money towards the repairs before the start of the next summit. A citizen who provides wains to resupply an army must also provide the appropriate amount of money at the same time.

In a single season, the first 20 wains of white granite or weirwood restore 25 strength for each wain allocated. The next 20 wains provide an additional 20 strength each an so on, up to a maximum of 100 wains in a single season. In addition to materials, emergency resupply costs 2 crowns per wain. The rate of emergency resupply resets each season so the white granite and weirwood spent in a subsequent season is not affected by earlier actions.


Fortifications require far less money to pay for their upkeep than an Imperial army - but they are still not free. A basic fortification costs 10 thrones per season. A 6000 strength fortification costs 18 thrones and a 9000 strength fortification costs 24 thrones. Stronger fortifications cost proportionately more.

Fortifications are one of the first priorities of the civil service after the armies are paid for. If there is insufficient income in the Imperial treasury to pay for the upkeep of a fortification then it provides no benefits of any kind that season.

Military units

Some wealthy or powerful citizens maintain their own independent military unit. These units can be attached to a fortification to increase its effective strength. This is done by the orders of the military unit’s commander (submitted using the personal resource downtime system).

The experienced and capable troops in a military unit provide an advantage out of proportion to their numbers. A starting military unit adds the equivalent of 100 soldiers to the strength of any fortification they support.


The table below shows a list of the rituals in both Imperial lore and Urizen lore which can an affect a fortification.

Ritual Effect Realm Magnitude
Golden Ramparts The fortification's effective strength is increased by 1,500 over the next season Summer 75
Guardian Gate(1) Any spy network operating in the territory finds it harder to gain information. Any military units supporting the fortification will receive a report on hostile armies in the territory at the next event. Day 80
Hammers of the Brilliant Shore The fortification restores 250 strength over the next season Summer 60
Mountain Remembers Its Youth(2) All fortifications and armies in the territory suffer a share of 500 casualties over the next season. Casualties suffered by fortifications in this way are reduced by 20% Spring 60
Ramparts of Ashlar(3) The fortification's effective strength is increased by 3,000 over the next season Autumn 150
Stalwart Stand on Solid Ground The fortification will not be destroyed over the next year unless it is reduced to 0 strength Summer 60
Stone's Unyielding Defiance(1) The fortification restores 250 strength and its effective strength is increased by 1,500 over the next season Summer 120
Thunderous Tread of the Trees(2) All fortifications and armies in the territory suffer a share of 500 casualties over the next year. Casualties suffered by fortifications in this way are increased by 20% Spring 120

  1. This ritual is in Urizen lore
  2. This curse affects an entire territory
  3. This ritual is a mystic scroll of Estavus

Current Fortifications

This table lists all working fortifications in the Empire. This list was last updated following the Autumn Equinox 386YE.

Beacons of WintermarkWintermarkHahnmark and Kallavesa 0
Aleksandra's WatchVarushkaKarskLestasny1
BallaghruhThe LeagueSpiralOssuary1
Court of the White FountainUrizenRedoubtOptarion1
Forte FidelisThe MarchesMitwoldGolden Downs1
Great Chains of SarvosThe LeagueSarvosCigno1 (special)
La Redotta ReziaThe LeagueTassatoTassato Mestra1
Landskeepers BulwarkThe MarchesMournwoldFreemoor1
Palace of ApulianThe LeagueSpiralApulus1
The Eastern GuardThe MarchesUpwoldBirchland1
The Stork's GazeUrizenZenithLustri1
The Will of the WintermarkImperial OrcsSkarsindSkogei Glens1
Towers of Zulgan TashVarushkaOssiumDrownbark Forest1 (special)
Walls Of CargoUrizenRedoubtLimus1 (special)
Fortress of KalantWintermarkSermersuaqStark2
Our Lady of PrideThe LeagueSarvosForacci2
Remember ExileHighguardReikosBroken Ride2
Reumah's RestHighguardNecropolisCoursmouth2
Spires of DuskDawnThe BarrensThe Plains of Teeth2
TemeschwarThe LeagueTemeschwarHanuri2
The Adamant GateDawnSemmerholmEstmure2 (special)
The Silent SentinelHighguardCasineaMareholm2
The Castle of ThornsDawnAstolatWithy3
Walls of HolbergThe LeagueHolbergHolfried5

Former Fortifications

These fortifications are no longer active. This happens automatically if a fortification is abrogated by the Imperial Senate but in most cases it is because the structure has been captured or destroyed by barbarians.

Farstrider's WatchThe MarchesMournwoldGreensward
Fort BraydonThe Brass CoastKahramanBraydon's Jasse
Fort MezudanThe LeagueSpiralAteri
HolmauerThe LeagueHolbergHolmauer
Holt of the OakNavarrTheruninLower Tarn Valley
Mora's RockThe Brass CoastFerozMorajasse
Orchard's WatchThe MarchesMournwoldGreensward
Overton GarrisonThe MarchesMournwoldGreensward
RebeshofThe LeagueHolbergRebeshof
Salt GuardThe Brass CoastMadrugaSiroc Plains
Tower of the ScorpionVarushkaOssiumEchofell
Towers of the DawnDawnThe BarrensDawnguard

Further Reading

Core Brief

Additional Information