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Precedence and the Font

  • The mana distributed to the grand masters following 386YE Spring was 133 mana.
  • The mana remaining after distribution was 3 mana.
  • The mana collected via the Principle of Precedence at 386YE Spring Conclave was 243 mana.
  • The mana available in the font for Conclave at 386YE Summer is 246 mana.

The members of each order in attendance at the end of the previous summit determine precedence for the following summit according to the Principle of Precedence.There was 133 mana in the font after the final Conclave session of the 386YE Spring Equinox. This was distributed to the grand masters of the Conclave according to the Principle of Proportions as per the table below.

This left 3 mana, which is added to the 243 mana collected via the Principle of Proportions at the previous event to form the font for the coming summit. The Conclave has access to a font of 246 mana at the 386YE Summer Solstice.

Grandmaster of the Order of the Rod and Shield196233
Grandmaster of the Order of the Sevenfold Path289223
Grandmaster of the Order of the Unfettered Mind388212
Grandmaster of the Order of the Shuttered Lantern482202
Grandmaster of the Order of the Celestial Arch561151
Grandmaster of the Order of the Golden Pyramid661151
Grandmaster of the Order of the Silver Chalice759141

Friday Session

Dissemination: Hammers of the Brilliant Shore

  • Raised by: Albrecht von Holberg on behalf of the Sevenfold Path
  • Declaration: In recognition of their actions in the ongoing campaign to end slavery across the world, the Sevenfold Path gratefully accept The Sumaah proposal. This conclave disseminates a ritual text of Hammers of The Brilliant Shore to Ambassador Oxtitocszin of The Sumaah Republic
  • Outcome: Passed

Candidacy: Tender of the Phoenix Flame

  • Raised by: Arsenio, on behalf of the Golden Pyramid
  • Declaration: To appoint the title of Tender of the Phoenix Flame
  • Outcome: Passed. Enchantress Areloe Larmallevés was appointed to the title.

Candidacy: Shadowed Torchbearer

  • Raised by: Eliza, on behalf of the Unfettered Mind
  • Declaration: To appoint the title of the Shadowed Torchbearer
  • Outcome: Passed. Vanja was appointed to the title.

Alignment: Tharim, Amity

  • Raised by: Archmage Ematius of Winter
  • Declaration: Amity for Tharim. As the Jocular Steel-clad Knight's tour with the Fire of the South comes to a close, we thank the Bound Monarch for his continued support defending Imperial homes and vanquishing Imperial foes. While we do not at this time seek to take up the Sovereign Binder's offer regarding the harps, legacy, blade, springs and gardens, if King Tharim wishes to receive a consistent and varied supply of delicious Imperial mana crystals, we ask him to reflect upon the suggestion of an appropriate ritual text as was so well received by his Heralds last Autumn. Should further negotiation be required, the Archmage of Winter is always pleased to hear from him.
  • Outcome: Passed

Candidacy: Arcane Architect

  • Raised by: Fausta Ankarien on behalf of the Silver Chalice
  • Declaration: To appoint the title of the Arcane Architect
  • Outcome: Passed. Amalia da Regario claimed the title

Dissemination: Stalwart Stand on Solid Ground

  • Raised by: Sakari Nightscale on behalf of the Rod and Shield
  • Declaration: The Imperial Conclave supports our fellowship with the Sumaari, united under the Way of Virtue. We offer Ambassador Oxtitocszin of Sumaah the ritual "Stalwart Stand on Solid Ground" from Imperial Lore
  • Outcome: Passed

Concord: Kimus and the Pauper's Key

  • Raised by: Ignaceios i Zuhri i Erigo, on behalf of the Celestial Arch
  • Declaration: We ask The Thousand Eyes of Sun and Moon to find the Paupers Key of Emperor Frederick
  • Outcome: Passed

Candidacy: Archmage of Spring

  • Raised by: Tyburn Weaver on behalf of the Shuttered Lantern
  • Declaration: An Archmage is not only an ambassador to the realms but they must also translate this work to those who are not masters of magic. We welcome scrutiny.
  • Outcome: Ibis Briarheart retained the position

Saturday Session

Concord: Exploring Mareave

  • Raised by: Edmundo of Damakhan's Forge
  • Declaration: Conclave request The Golden Pyramid continue their exploration of Mareave for the next year.
  • Outcome: Passed

Concord: Asavea and the Way

  • Raised by: Rafael Barossa D'Apulian
  • Declaration: The Conclave sends the sevenfold path to Asavea to make contact with Acciai-inspired Wayist Sects there. The plenum are looking for priests, not magicians, so we should use all our social, tactical, and magical skill to spread the way alongside our synod siblings. NO MATTER THE COST.
  • Outcome: Passed

Reconciliation: Circle of Zulgan Tash

  • Raised by: Friar Duncan of Ashill
  • Declaration of Reconciliation of members of the Circle of Zulgan Tash: Dread Auntie Zlata, Simargl the Empty One, Lutobor, Talvikani Winter's Guest, Zastyt the Feeder, Aleksander Zoravich, Novasad, Marzaaaama, Zorya the Golden Child, Yevgeni Lektovitch Rosa, Vaclav Mladenovich Kosti, Nadya Straconeva.
  • Outcome: Passed

Concord: Eternals and Virtue

  • Raised by: Zephaniah, proxy for the Imperial Magus
  • Declaration: Eternals are similar to tulpas or personas, avatars of concepts within the realms. Virtue is meaningless to such beings who face no spiritual gauntlet upon death. While they may inspire Virtue, so might a bird or fortress wall - the Way itself serves no purpose to them.
  • Outcome: Passed

Imperial Lore: Judgement of the Magisters

  • Raised by Sagua i Ezmara
  • Declaration: That the ritual Judgement of the Magisters be passed into Imperial Lore
  • Outcome: Passed, pending payment this ritual will be passed into Imperial Lore

Concord: Cursing Imperial Territories

  • Raised by: Francisco Vicente di Spiral
  • Declaration: The Imperial Conclave condemns any Magician who casts curses on Imperial Territories against the interests of the people
  • Outcome: Passed

Alignment: Lashonar to Neutrality

  • Raised by: Elina 'Realm's Visionary'
  • Declaration: Lashonar to Neutrality for endangering the Imperial and Non Imperial citizens of Spiral.
  • Outcome: Passed

Endorsement: Casting Raise the Rivers

  • Raised by: Bella Vicente d'Apulian, Arcane Envoy
  • Declaration: The Imperial Conclave declares that it endorses the casting of the Spring Magnitude 140 Arcane Projection 'Raise the Rivers' by the Freeborn on Kahraman at the 386YE Summer Summit with the intention that the River Scorrero bursts it banks and cleans the Blight from the region

Concord: Defeat the Plaguewulf

  • Raised by: Sakari Nightscale on behalf of the Rod and Shield
  • Declaration: A Greater Plaguewulf Terrorizes Lorenzo's Deep Pockets: Poisoning the mine, raising wights, killing Imperial Citizens. The Shuttered Lantern has called for support to deal with this threat to Hahnmark, Temeschwar, Miaren and Upwold. I call the Rod and Shield to Arms! We march to Lorenzo's Deep Pockets. Find the Braying Lord and End this Threat!
  • Outcome: Passed

Concord: Unfettered Anarchy on the Scions

  • Raised by: Fiorente Vicente di Apulian, on behalf of the Unfettered Mind
  • Declaration: Raficci Vicente Barossa was an Inspirational Magician. His courage led him to test and confirm a theory - that the curse Unfettered Anarchy harms the Scions of the Cold Sun. This conclave agrees that Rafe's example will be followed - and Unfettered Anarchy should be used against the Scions.
  • Outcome: Passed

Imperial Lore: Netweaver's Eye

  • Raised by: Gralka
  • Declaration: The war against the enemies of the Empire requires new weapons and not every weapon is a blade, knowledge can cut sharp as any knife, we put forward Netweaver's Eye to Imperial Lore and thank Roshanwe for this Gift.
  • Outcome: Passed

Endowment: Magical College

  • Raised by: Brynn Vision Enduring
  • Declaration: Conclave endows 100 mana to The Bursar of Conclave for funding a new Magical College
  • Outcome: Failed

Candidacy: Archmage of Autumn

  • Raised by: The Throne
  • Declaration: To appoint the position The Archmage of Autumn
  • Outcome: Passed. Edmundo of Damakhan's Forge retained the title.

Concord: Celebrating the Warmage

  • Raised by: Xanthippe, on behalf of the Celestial Arch
  • Declaration: The Conclave recognises the new War Mage Illyses and looks forward to continuing our relationship.
  • Outcome: Passed

Concord: Ossegrahn and a College of Magic

  • Raised by: Fausta Ankarien on behalf of the Order of the Silver Chalice
  • Declaration: The Imperial Conclave formally asks Lord Rain & Friends to put together proposals for a potential College of Magic with a focus on the healing and beneficial magics of Spring and not used to codify magic that encourages corruption, ruin or savagery.
  • Outcome: Passed