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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
09:38, 8 July 2023 Effigy of Sung.png (file) 1.13 MB Category:Photos:ErinKnott 1
15:26, 3 March 2024 Resource guide-A5.pdf (file) 72 KB Guide to resin resources and coin denominations, in greyscale, to print on A5. 1
15:33, 3 March 2024 GOD-guide-to-call-winged-messenger.pdf (file) 27 KB Step-by-step for Winged Messenger from the player perspective 1
15:37, 3 March 2024 Guide-lost-property.pdf (file) 41 KB Guide to how GOD handles lost property 1
12:50, 30 March 2024 GOD-layout-player-map-packs.png (file) 148 KB GOD tent layout before time in. 1
12:50, 30 March 2024 GOD-layout-player-map-normal.png (file) 258 KB GOD tent layout after time in, during normal service. 1
17:21, 10 June 2024 Rules Guide A5.pdf (file) 135 KB Rules summary for Empire. This version is A5, and reads best as a PDF. 1
17:21, 10 June 2024 Rules Guide A4.pdf (file) 150 KB Rules summary for Empire. This version is A4, and works best printed out and folded into a booklet. 1