Sometimes magic is a supremely subtle force that interpenetrates all things; sometimes it is as unsubtle as a lightning strike or an earthquake.

Mortal Magic

Castles of Ice and Mists

  • Magical fortifications have been raised in Hahnmark, Bregasland, and Kallavesa

During the Winter Solstice Imperial magicians raised a total of five magical fortifications in the Empire. One of them was called from the domain of the The Breath of Winter; a great castle of ice and granite raised in the hills of Kalpamark Hahnmark by the Voices of the Unbound Storm of Wintermark.

At the same time, the Sussivari Frost Coven of Wintermark and the Moon and Stars of Dawn raised four castles of mist over the fens of the Rushes and Ottermire in Bregasland, and the marshes of West Marsh and Kallavesa Marsh in Kallavesa.

Shrouds over the Brass Coast

  • There are shrouds over the territories of Madruga and Kahraman

The Penumbral Veil hangs over the Freeborn territories of Madruga and Kahraman. The inky black night skies that previously hung over Ossium and Semmerholm have dissipated.

Explosions in the Sky

  • A strange and magical light show happens in the sky over Bastion

A few days after the Winter Solstice, shortly after dusk, miraculous lights appear in the night sky of Bastion. People stream out of their chapters - many interrupting their evening meal - to watch in awe at the explosions of light above them.

There is an explosion across the night sky, silent, but made of a thousand stars sparkling in a technicolour riot of colour and majesty that can be seen throughout Bastion. The lights trickle down across the sky, before swirling into a mass, each moment, the mass forms into another figure, another face, each a brief moment where there might be recognition, before it transforms to another. The figures are seen in an array of actions, sermonising, preaching, casting magic, healing the sick, walking the trods, clad in armour in the depth of battle or simply sat in quiet contemplation.

When the final figure is seen the swirling torrent of stars combine to form a grand, shining tower of massive proportions. A procession of veiled figures, shimmering in brilliant white and gold walk away from the structure, led by one with an eagle-topped staff. The Tower fades away, as a long line of veiled figures march across the night sky, leaving trails of glimmering stars in their wake. They walk with silent purpose, a strength and Pride in each step.

The star-like lights that fall to the earth manifest themselves in golden-robed figures who follow the paths and roads and streams of Bastion in silent motion towards some unknown point. If one were to interact with these figures, they would receive no response. They are mere apparitions, formed by the grand display of magic on show. Finally, the trail of sky-walkers, and golden-apparitions seem to come to a head, their goal seemingly being the White City itself, the white granite spires illuminated by the glittering lights of the sky, upon reaching the city.

They stop, and there is a moment of silent anticipation, the veiled ghost-like figures peering up towards the sky. The front figure, with the eagle-topped staff steps forward, and plants the staff into the sky above the White City. Suddenly, there is a momentary blinding light, another silent explosion, which seemingly obliterates the figures in the sky and upon the ground, absorbing all, leaving behind a solitary glowing star, brighter than all amongst the night sky. Over the course of the evening, the star slowly lowers itself towards the White City until it reaches the top of the tallest spire of the highest Basilica. There, the glowing beacon remains in place for the duration of the season.

Through the Black Gate

  • During the Spring Equinox it will be possible to perform Whispers through the Black Gate between 20:50 and 21:50
  • The current Imperial Necromancer is Enchantress Claudia Varkulova Remys

The Black Gate can be opened to allow masters of Winter magic to commune with the spirits of the dead. For reasons that have never adequately been explained, the Gate can only be opened at twilight when it is neither quite day nor quite night. Imperial magicians prognosticate that this means that during the Spring Equinox the ritual can be performed in the hour between nine and ten. This information is, of course, of particular relevance to the Imperial Necromancer given their powers and responsibilities.

Covid Restrictions
We often have players come to the make up department for help with wounds and lineage trappings when they're being the subject of Whispers Through the Black Gate. Due to covid restrictions around providing make up for players at this event we will not be able to assist with this. Players will have to do any make up themselves using their own supplies, in a space that is not our make up area.

Denizens of the Realms

Basileus Flint

  • The Game of Cunning Curses will be taking place at the upcoming equinox
  • Those holding invites are asked to be in the Hall of Worlds for 21:00 on Saturday

Last season heralds from the City of Locks announced that the Prince of the Black Vault intended to run "a Game of Cunning and Curses" during the Spring Equinox. There are only seven places available, and the winner’s prize will include the opportunity to act as Basileus Flint’s representative to the Empire for a year. Of the seven invites three have already been made available to the people of the Empire; offered to auction houses during the Winter Solstice.

Brazen arrived in Anvil at just a few minutes before midnight a few weeks before the summit and woke up Florian Everwatch to explain in great detail how three of the remaining invites have been offered to the Archmage of Autumn, the Grandmaster of the Rod and Shield, and the Grandmaster of the Celestial Arch for them to give to an agent of their choice. Brazen stated with a smirk that the final invite has been offered to Ashborn Trosk in return for eleven thrones, explaining to the harassed civil servant that Trosk will understand what that means. When Florian asked Brazen what the rules might be for this "game" Brazen only grinned and said they they will be visiting Anvil at seven hours past noon on Friday to distribute keys to those who hold the invites. And that if Catellus di Tassato Regario of "Cat's Curiosities" could make themselves available at that time they would love to have a chat.

Lashonar game

  • Lashonar will be attempting to make use of the Imperial Regio from 8pm until around 10pm on Saturday evening as the stage for their 'Great Game'.
  • During this time the regio will be under a ritual of the Eternal's making and so will be unusable by other magicians.
  • Those chosen to participate in the game have had invites delivered by keening multi-coloured birds of night.
  • Lashonar invites all - participants or otherwise - to attend and watch!!

The Game Itself

The game shall join regio of night from across creation - through the power of Lashonar the barriers of distance and comprehension will be rendered inconsequential! Lashonar has sent a collection of heralds to facilitate the ritual to each regio: it is through these beings that players will ‘face’ each other.

The ritual will require attunement to each participant - this will link the regio to one far distant and allow any action or speech performed in one to be copied exactly by the herald in the other - in this way communication is possible.

Attunement requires a token of the participant’s passion: some emblem or object that captures an element of their identity. Once this item is set upon a provided altar within the regio and the participant announces how they wish to be known, the herald at the regio at which their ‘opponent’ stands will be linked - and vice versa.

There will be ten minutes for the so joined players to speak - to argue, to espouse their loves, desires - to bare their innermost beings! Then, finally, each will be asked for their farewells and to reflect on the experience and the transformative power of speech!

When attuned, the heralds will be unable to perceive anything within the regio. The entrance of any other being, save heralds of Lashonar themselves, will cause the attunement to falter until only the herald and the attuned participant remain.

Come the next season, Lashonar will delight over the results of the game and choose a winner from each regio to receive their prize!


What mood is The Charred Prince in? A strange one it seems. A pair of his Heralds recently visited the Castle of Thorns, declaring themselves to be Burning Ice and Biting Flame and demanding to speak to a civil servant who would pass their Knight's words to the Empire. The Ashen Knight wants attention and he demands it in a very specific form.

Between the times of 7pm and midnight on the Friday evening of the Spring Equinox, he claims that he has bound the ritual of Tribute to the Thrice Cursed Court to his ends. Between those times alone, if a single sheet of paper about the size of a human hand, bearing a written message is added to the box during the ritual, he will receive it. The note MUST be accompanied by a magical item well known to Imperial Artisans that will be exchanged for Heart's Blood, the vis of Winter in the standard manner.

From among those who send messages, The Charred Prince will select a number who will be invited to a Winter Chamber this very equinox. The Heralds make clear that the visit will not be an audience with Surut himself. Instead visitors will meet the same Heralds that brought the message. They warn that any who attend must become prepared to bargain without fear of pain.

What kind of bargains might be expected? Ask those who know of the Court and of The Ashen Knight in particular. The Charred Prince can lend considerable support to armies fighting the Vallorn - though the price he asks for that is well known - a region consumed in flames

Imperial Citizens should remember that Surut, The Charred Prince is under neutrality. The visit to meet his Heralds is therefore permitted by Conclave. The casting of the Tribute to the Thrice Cursed Court is of course currently prohibited under Conclave's rules. This is because Skathe of the Thriced Cursed Court is under Enmity. Whether the Conclave decides to make an exception for this specific use of the ritual will be up to them. The ritual will work, of course, whatever they decide.


  • Barien is sponsoring a tournament for the finest preachers of the Empire
  • Barien is preparing for an audience with the Ice Walkers of Wintermark at the Summer Solstice

Barien, Lord of the Crossroads, wishes to test the eloquent and the articulate of the Empire. The Host of Hosts has called on each nation of the Empire to send one of their own to the Glory Square of Dawn on the Sunday of the upcoming summit. Barien has invited the Grandmaster of the Sevenfold Path, the High Bard of the Empire, and any single Dawnish Cardinal to attend as judge of the contest (or failing that to send a representative to judge in their stead).

Revel, the capable and adroit herald of the Traveller, will be available to answer some questions on the contest on Friday.

Barien has publicly challenge the Ice Walkers of Wintermark giving them a year to complete his task. Mindful of any delays that might be caused by the strange effects of the recent mists, Barien has indicated that he has moved the deadline for his challenge to the Summer Solstice and is making preparations to meet with the Ice Walkers then. If the Ice Walkers have already completed his challenge, then they have one more season to try to improve on what they have managed so far, if not then there is one last opportunity to triumph.

He has also instructed his herald, Revel, to seek out folk who are currently engaged in challenges, especially those that began before the mists stole so many memories or which have been running for some time. Officially Revel is checking to see if people are ready to complete their challenge, unofficially the herald has been plain that in addition to discovering where they are up to, he is keen to know what if anything he can do to help them before the final meeting with Half Handed Lord.

The Forest Affray

  • Barien invites certain Winterfolk and the Academy cadets to quest in the Forest of Affray
  • The cadets will need to form three teams with different skill sets will be required
  • The Academy opportunity takes place at 15:45 on Saturday

The Forest of Affray (of which more in a moment) has been opened to Imperial citizens, and is clearly too good an opportunity for Barien to resist. Revel, one of Barien's favoured heralds, let's it be know that there are certain Winterfolk completing a Challenge the Iron Duke who have also been invited to the Forrest of Affray, their visit is foreseen at a different time from Hayaak's challenge, and they will be contacted directly.

In addition the Lord of the Crossroads also invites the cadets of the Academy of Heroes to come and take part in a series of special Hunts in the Forest of Affray. The Academy will need to organise three different teams to take part. One team will be hunting a team strong and obdurate warriors. One team will be hunting a group sly quick moving summer spirits. One team will be fighting a terrifying monster. They cadets should certainly seek out the Three Refrains to learn more about the possible Prey they may face. These hunts will take place at 15:45 on the Saturday of the Spring Equinox.

Challenge for the College

The Iron Duke has offered his assistance in the smooth running of the tournament; who better to account for the volatile demands and nature of the rulers of the Summer realm than one of their own? As such his trusted herald Revel visited Anvil last season to gather information from Imperials on some of the intended rules for use during the tourney. It appears that any eternal who wishes to offer patronage to the college must find three Imperial magicians willing to fight on their behalf using only mage armour and implements. Some eternals have already made arrangements; others are expected to try and recruit their team during the Spring Equinox 384YE. Of the Summer eternals interested in the Empire, only Rhianos, Eleonaris, and Jaheris have not made preparations of some kind. It's possible the first is disinterested or hasn't noticed the opportunity. Eleonaris is currently angry with the Empire, but it's more like with Jaheris, that they are up to something.

Not only Summer eternals are interested in patronage of the college. While the college focuses on Summer magic, there is no requirement that the patron be a Summer eternal. It would be odd to have an eternal of Autumn or Night serve as the patron, but presumably they would still be able to offer support to the magicians there in their own way - and those who have expressed and interest have certainly demonstrated their ability to do so in the past.

Two eternals - Prospero and Cathan Canae - have already indicated that they intend to discuss this matter during their parley. As to the others...


  • Adamant has already put a team together
  • Unfortunately it appears that at least half his team may already be dead

Shortly before the Spring Equinox a blue-scaled koboldi delivers a message from Adamant. It seems that although the King Under the Mountain had arranged a team for the tourney in good time, rumour has reached him that some of them will no longer be able to take part. He intends to send a message to the surviving member of the trio - to Sejanus of Urizen - in the hope they will have time to find some other people to fight alongside them in the coming tourney. The koboldi are already feverishly at work crafting new mage armour for these new champions.


  • Meraud seeks three mighty magicians to represent him in the coming challenge
  • The eternal has asked the Knight-protector of Summer to help arrange a contest to find the strongest competitors
  • The Knight-protector of Summer is currently Lady Izett, the Mournful
  • The contest will begin in the Glory Square in Dawn at 15:00 on Saturday

Meraud seeks three of the mightiest magicians in the empire to fight on his behalf for the summer college at the next summit. As a glorious endeavour, he requests that the Glory Square be used for this between 15:00 and 16:00 on the Saturday of the summit. He ask that the Knight-protector of Summer or their proxy help to arrange a contest, for which they will be duly rewarded. He makes no overtures to the Archmage of Summer, Grandmaster of Rod & Shield or master of Ice & Darkness other that he be would be honoured if they would come and test their mettle or sponsor champions to fight in this contest.

To be eligible, one must only an imperial mage who believes they are capable in battle magic, and will also be available at the following summit. Use of any wondrous artefacts and potions to increase their potence is encouraged, although contestants may wish to be aware that the ever flowing magic of the Summer Realm will be in abundance for them to use in this contest. Naturally, the winners will be handsomely rewarded by the Summer Magician. And should they win the Summer tournament, cementing Meraud's position as the patron of the college, he will grant them both audience and favour.


  • Hayaak intends to present champions for the coming challenge
  • He offers invitations to five people to each gather a team to compete in the Forest of Affray

Since Hayaak lost his hold over the Forest of Arden - and took a massive blow to his prestige - he has not been content to sit and wait. His heralds Prey and Cheyne have been a regular presence at Anvil, and well known to certain Summer magicians. With their help Hayaak retrieved a valuable Silver Acorn, and claimed stones of power sought by his bitter rival Jaheris. It now seems that the Lord of the Crossroads, the Iron Duke Barien is providing support to Hayaak's struggle, and has lent an old hunting ground and the creatures in it to the one who used to be the Hawk Lord. Hayaak invites teams of battle magicians to venture into that hunting ground, to display their power, and to win the right to represent him in the tournament.

This competition will take place in the Forrest of Affray, which can be reached through a regio in Axmure, in Semmerholm. The Sentinel Gate will allow access from Anvil starting at 2:45 on the Saturday afternoon of the Solstice. Yet it will do no good to go through the Sentinel Gate without a certain token. The Forest of Affray is reached via a Summer regio, and while Barien has opened the borders of that regio, they can only be crossed by someone with Hayaak's blessing. On Friday evening, a herald of Hayaak willvisit Anvil and give tokens to the five people Hayaak invites to create teams to face his competition.

These candidates for the favour of Hayaak are Morien who has made himself indispensable; the Eternal Family of Navarr, who have aided greatly; the Guild of Hunters whose love of the hunt is known to the Hawk Lord; Archmage Luke (or an associate should Luke wish to remain neutral in this matter); the Voices of the Unbound Storm who have attracted Barien's attention and are included by his will as part-payment for allowing Hayaak to use the Forest of Affray in this way.

Each team should consist of three battle magicians who are willing to fight in the Grand Magical Melee for the Summer College, and two others who will support them. Those who fight should expect challenges with heralds and guardians of the Summer Realm in order to earn feathers that proclaim their skill. Some will be fast moving, others at a slower pace. They should fight the same way they would in the tourney - with mage armour and implement - to show the Hawk Lord their skill. Those who accompany them will not fight, and will instead be in a safe area in the woodland. It is some distance to reach it, but they will have no need to move once there and seating will be available. Their challenges will be of a different nature.

All who will take part are recommended to seek out stories of the Forest of Affray, and to leave word on the poster board at the Hub of where they can be found before and after Conclave (the Herald will not arrive during the session).


  • The Brother of Wizards requests that a Highborn magister, Ahzrukhal son of Night, recruit two others to form a team to represent him

In a somewhat surprising move, Sadogua has named a single champion: Ahzrukhal son of Night, a Highborn magister. According to the herald that delivered the message, the Brother of Wizards asks Ahzrukhal to put together a team of battle magicians, and asks only that the team not involve any members of the chapter of Felix's Watch for reasons he has no intention of explaining. It appears that the Globbersnotch had intended to arrange some sort of party this season to recruit a team of champions but apparently Ahzrukhal has so impressed him he feels no need to do so. Either that, or his feelings have been hurt by a certain failed declaration before the Conclave, and the mighty Father of Bats is sulking. Again.


  • Blood-on-the-Snow invites anyone who thinks they can get away with it to represent him in the Summer Tourney
  • He offers boons to anyone prepared to risk it, and his favour to anyone who actually manages to win

Because of course Agramant wants to stir up trouble. Blood-on-the-Snow has let it be known that if any trio of battle magicians is prepared to take up his banner - ideally an actual physical banner marked with the run Naeve - and fight for him in the Summer Tourney, he will grant personal boons to any who survive the tourney and the resulting legal complications. If they actually win, by whatever means, and secure him the patronage of the college he will provide them a personal audience and the benefits of his enthusiastic favour. In theory, there is no reason Agramant cannot become patron of the Icy Crag - while legally it would be impossible it is likely that the nature of the tourney means that whoever wins, wins.

Given the long gap between E4-2019 and E2-2022, there is the possibility that some of our plot has become inconsistent. If you think your character has already agreed to represent an eternal in the tourney, and isn't mentioned here, please email plot@ to confirm

The information presented here details the background and objectives for one or more conjunctions of the Sentinel Gate. Details relating to the day, timing, gate size, and any additional information will be summarised on the Wind of Fortune conjunction page for the event, usually one of the last of the winds to be released.

For most conjunctions we've suggested Imperial titles that might be most fitting to take overall responsibility for ensuring that an opportunity is organised. Whilst the named individual has been deemed the most appropriate by the Civil Service, there is no legal requirement for them to coordinate a response or travel on the conjunction. They may delegate oversight to another individual of their choosing. As always, Imperial war scouts will be on hand at the muster point by the Sentinel Gate to provide further information to any citizens wanting to know more.

Sometimes it is necessary to make small adjustments to the timing or size of skirmishes, owing to delays or availability of crew that arise between the time of publication and when an encounter runs at the event. Details will be finalised on Friday afternoon of the event before time-in. Please do check the details of a conjunction you are interested in before using the gate to ensure that you have the full and up to date information. You can check a conjunction by casting Detect Magic (Discover Conjunction) on the Sentinel Gate in the presence of a ref.

Out Of the Frying Pan (Conjunction)

  • Meraud has asked the Grandmaster of the Celestial Arch to help rescue fleeing magicians from the Iron Confederacy
  • The Summer Mage will be sending a herald to the Sentinel Gate at around 7:45 on Saturday

The Iron Confederacy is by all accounts experiencing a period of unrest.The depredations of the Hand of Dumon have lead the priesthood of Arav the Silent Judge to crack down on magicians - and not everyone who comes to their attention considers themselves a servant of that dark Suranni god. Mere hours before the Spring Equinox summit is due to begin, a herald of Meraud appears at the Imperial Regio with an urgent message for the Grandmaster of the Celestial Arch. Meraud would very much like their assistance in rescuing a small group of renegade magicians attempting to get across the border from Arbonne into the sanctuary of southern Segura. Unfortunately, their efforts to flee have brought them to the attention of the priesthood of Arav, who are even now closing in on their position.

The herald knows that one of these magicians is a friend of Meraud, and the others are equally innocent of any involvement with Dumon. They are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Meraud considers the Celestial Arch are the Conclave Order with the most experience in negotiation and compromise. He asks that the Grandmaster gather a group - and to be on the safe side include battle magicians as well as negotiators - and meet his herald at the Sentinel Gate at around quarter to eight on Friday evening for a trip to Kalino Tower - a watchtower right on the southern border of the Brass Coast.

Diplomacy will be key, but the Grandmaster may need to fight. If the magicians can be freed from their captors and brought back to the watchtower, then Meraud's friends among the Freeborn will be able to help them back across the border to safety - the Iron Confederacy will not pursue. His herald will be able to give more details when they meet the Grandmaster and their allies at the Gate.

Success and Failure: The herald will presumably explain the consequences of success (rescuing the Suranni magicians) and failure (leaving them in the hands of Arav).