To upgrade the Red Wind Corsairs to take on the "Forayers" quality which will allow the army to take orders to change from an army to a navy and back again. At a cost of 80 weirwood and 240 crowns

Proposed: Chiara Zayden Riqueza, Citizens' Voice



  • Autumn 386YE


  • Costs as per opportunity
  • 80 weirwood
  • 30 thrones
  • Six months to complete



Once complete the Red Wind Corsairs will gain the Forayers quality.


  • Can use the Take to the Sea or Take to the Land order when defending a coastal region in the Bay of Catazar
  • Can use the Daring Raid order when attacking

A foraying army is made up of soldiers with extensive experience of fighting in naval battles, such as the corsairs of the Brass Coast. They also have access to the kind of powerful fighting ships that are needed to fight effectively at sea. This allows them to operate in either domain, switching between the two as needs must. Embarking or disembarking takes a season and the force is vulnerable while that happens, but they can move off as normal in the following season, once the change is complete. The Red wind Corsairs could only use this ability in the Bay of Catazar at present.

In addtion, the Red Wind Corsairs embrace their instinct to treat their defeated enemies with respect and take their money not their lives. The general can submit the daring raid order. Although some Wintermark armies find fighting alongside a foraging army distasteful - many Wintermark heroes prefer the idea of ransoming defeated enemies to butchering them and have no reason to dislike a daring army.

Take to the Sea/Land
  • Casualties inflicted by this army are reduced by two fifths.
  • The ability of this army to defend territory is reduced by a fifth.
  • Casualties suffered by the army are increased by two fifths.
  • At the end of the season the army converts into a navy (or vice versa).
The army retains access to numerous ships and vessels that are powerful enough to make a difference in naval battles. Either vessels that are directly part of the army or aid from the Corsair families of the Brass Coast that they can call on. By spending a season in a coastal region, changing the operation and arrangement of the force, they can embark on these ships to become a navy at the start of the following season. If the force are not attacked during this time, then they can resupply as normal - if they are attacked, their ability to defend the region will be compromised and they will suffer higher casualties. The Corsairs can use the same order to return to land-based operations, spending a season to cease being a navy and become an army once more.