The Rusalka
Lyrics by Yael, who plays Danika Alicja Dabrowska. The melody is based on Herr Mannelig, a Swedish folk ballad, by Garmarna.
A recording is available here by Yael
Early one morning, not far from Semmerlak The cold light poured into a tavern; A shapeshifted Rusalka met a warden there; She looked like a beautiful woman,
Chorus: Oh Warden, oh Warden, won't you marry me For all that I'll gladly give you You may answer only yes or no Will you do so or no
To you I will give the twelve fine mills That stand between Karsk and Karov, The mill stones are made of the reddest brass And the wheels are gilded with silver;
To you I will give the mighty iron axe That jingles from fifteen steel rings And strike with it and kill in the battlefield Many foes you’ll be conquering;
To you I will give a brand new shirt Of lustrous wool and fine furs; It is not sewn with needle or thread But embroidered with the finest colours
Gifts such as these I would gladly receive If you were a fellow Varushkan, But I know that you are not who you seem to be, For surely, you are a Rusalka.
The warden did not strike her, nor did he lift his sword, For he knew of the ancient traditions; He offered her a drink, and bread for the road, And watched her angst and frustration;
The angry Rusalka ran out the door She wailed and she wept and she shrieked; "Had I gotten him to have me as his wife I would sink him in the deep!"