It had been a long day on the trod. The magic might give you the energy to keep walking longer than was good for you, but it didn't do anything for the cold and the rain. They'd all been glad when they'd made it to Black Pines Wayhouse. Comfy chairs, a roaring fire, and a table heaving with hot food. Life didn't get much better than this.

So of course Morgan and Sifra had to start arguing. This time it was the news about Gerallt Brackensong that had set them off.

"Look - he gave his life fighting the vallorn. He died so the others could get away. That is what's inspirational about him". Morgan was a thorn, and he took his responsibilities to protect the others pretty seriously. He once got a four crown fine from the magistrates after a League mountebank had suggested he was just the striding's hired muscle.

"Lots of people die fighting the vallorn though don't they?" Sifra countered. "That's why we're Navarr - we've sworn to give our lives to defeat the vallorn. Whatever it takes... remember? So I'm sure this fella was great, but it's no big deal."

"No big deal? He sacrificed himself - stayed behind to save the others. That's no big deal is it? I like to think you lot would remember me if I sacrificed myself to save the rest of you!"

"Course we would Morgan" Sifra reassured him, but she flashed the others a grin. "We'd drink a toast to your name in every wayhouse between here and Rest... Because we'd know that if we didn't raise a glass your ghost would haunt the lot of us and never shut up about it..."

Morgan glowered at the mockery even as the others laughed. Sifra raised her hands to disarm her sibling. "Look, what I'm saying is that it was Gerallt's love of music that is inspirational. They reminded us to take Pride in what we have - their love of songs and stories is what is important. Not getting eaten by the Vallorn - which any lummox could manage..."

More laughter followed but Morgan was deadly serious now. "Others carried on those traditions after Gerallt died." he protested.

Sifra smiled indulgently at her brother. "That's what an inspiration is you fool. Everyone does stuff... An exemplar inspires people! They don't just achieve something virtuous - they inspire others to virtue."

"And Gerallt's sacrifice inspires me," retorted Morgan with a little more heat than Raelyn, the brand, was happy with. She put a stop to the growing fight with a gentle world, and sent the siblings to fetch things from opposite sides of the wayhouse to give them both time to calm down. But everyone knew that they'd be hearing this debate between songs and sacrifice again, all the way to Sermersuaq.
Geralt Brackensong.jpg
Gerallt Brackensong, Exemplar of Pride.


  • Gerallt Brackensong is an exemplar of Pride
  • Halwyn Splitroot proposed a writ of consecration be provided to create an inspirational location in their memory and the Pride assembly agreed

During the Winter Solstice, the Imperial Synod passed the first writs of consecration. This new judgement governs the use of true liao to create inspirational locations. The virtue assembly of Pride enacted a judgement calling for a memorial to the Navarr guide and exemplar Gerallt Brackensong.

The judgement mentioned First Voice Glade, the garden-school of the performing arts destroyed by the forces of Oblivion. The civil service have spent the last few months identifying the likely outcomes of creating a true consecration there, and identified two other alternative sites for the inspirational location.

They've now returned that information for the consideration of the General Assembly. If one of these mandates is enacted then following the Spring Equinox work can begin creating the inspirational location.

Gerallt, Guide and Bard

  • Gerallt Brackensong was a guide and bard who made the ultimate sacrifice to save his friends

Gerallt Brackensong was a Navarr guide who was recognised as an exemplar of Pride three years ago. A skilled bard he used music and stories to inspire others, and ultimately sacrificed his life to thwart the plans of a monstrous eternal. The Navarr take sacrifice very seriously, especially when it comes to discussing matters of Pride. A memorial was built by some of his friends in Miaren, a school of traditional Navarr performing arts surrounded by a beautiful garden. First Voice Glade was sadly a casualty of the invasion of that territory by the scions of Cold Sun. Indeed, the inspiration for Halwyn Splitroot to raise the writ of consecration was in part a response to this affront to the Empire's Pride.

The cold sun have desecrated the corpse glade of the exemplar of Pride, Gerallt Brackensong. This affront to the Empire's Pride cannot be borne. The time has come to enshrine the warrior who slew the Purple Vallornheart of Yaw'nagrah at Return. The time has come for a consecrated memorial to the artisan who forged the legendary Gerallt's Barb. The time has come for the wider Empire to be inspired by the bard who encouraged all citizens to take pride in their cultures through his long-lasting songs and stories. Let the Empire's pride ringforth! And from the ashes of the Cold Sun's blasphemies we will create a brighter dawn in the example of Gerallt Brackensong!

Halwyn Splitroot, Writ of Consecration, Assembly of Pride, Winter Solstice 385YE, Vote: Greater Majority 571-24

There are several locations around the Empire that might prove particularly inspirational to not only the Navarr, but to pilgrims of Pride from across the Empire and beyond. They have identified three such locations and presented proposals to create a memorial school and garden at each location.

A suitable structure would require 30 wains of weirwood, and 90 crowns in labour. It would take three months to complete, after which time it would be suitable for consecration with true liao. Whether it is build in Miaren, Hercynia, or Therunin, the school would teach music and performing arts. It would also be surrounded by a garden. A precious few cuttings taken from the flower-beds and trees around the First Voice Glade still exist, carried away by stridings who visited the site. These would serve as the basis for a new garden.

Inspiration of Gerallt Brackensong
Commission Type: Great Work (Inspirational Location)
Cost: 30 weirwood and 90 crowns; three months
Requirement: Must be consecrated with true liao once completed
Requirement: Must be built at First Voice Glade in Miaren, Foxden Steading in Hercynia, or Return in Therunin
Effect: Establishes a school and inspires pilgrims of the Way especially Navarr pilgrims; provides bounty of herbs to herb gardens in territory

Once the place was consecrated, cuttings and seeds from the plants here would also be made available to anyone who visited the site. Plants grown from the gardens at the shrine would be a constant reminder of the inspiration of Pride and of Gerallt Brackensong. This would be particularly inspirational for Navarr's herbalists, whose pride in their gardens is well known.

The inspirational location would provide a level of investment in herb gardens in the territory where the inspirational location was built. Every such garden in the territory would receive three additional herbs each season. Imperial Roseweald in Spring, Cerulean Mazzarine in Summer, Marrowort in Autumn, and Bladeroot in winter.


  • The civil service have identified three possible sites for the inspirational location
  • Which one is chosen will determine whether there are any additional effects of the consecration, and what form they are likely to take

Just as importantly, however, the school would attract pilgrims. The nature of the inspiration it provided them, and the kinds of people who would visit, would be different depending on where it was built. Some flavour of what form this inspiration might take can be guessed at, but it's not possible to predict what, if any, additional impact the inspirational location would have until it was built and consecrated, however, but the results are likely to be subtle.

Three mandates have been presented, to allow the General Assembly to choose which of the opportunities to pursue.

Gerallt Brackensong was an inspiration to all those who take Pride in the songs and stories that exalt their nation. We send (named priest) with a dose of true liao to consecrate a school at First Voice Glade in Miaren in the name of Pride.

Synod Mandate, General Assembly

Gerallt Brackensong was an inspiration to all who study virtue and guide the Great Dance. We send (named priest) with a dose of true liao to consecrate a school at Foxden Steading in Hercynia in the name of Pride.

Synod Mandate, General Assembly

Gerallt Brackensong was an inspiration to all those who understand the value of sacrifice in pursuit of the greatest virtue. We send (named priest) with a dose of true liao to consecrate a school at Return in Therunin in the name of Pride.

Synod Mandate, General Assembly

First Voice Glade (Miaren)

  • An inspirational location could be constructed at the ruins of First Voice Glade in Miaren
  • This would inspire pilgrims to learn Navarr traditions of songs and storytelling, and to take pride in their own nations literature and music

First Voice Glade in Oakways was chosen as a memorial to Gerallt after his death in Therunin. A school of the performing arts was built there; the curriculum prioritized music but also taught dancing, juggling, and fire performance. It was strictly focused on Navarr traditions. The building, and the beautiful gardens that surrounded it, was razed by the Empty Hands - the scions of Cold Sun who invaded Miaren - following the Autumn Equinox 385YE.

Building an inspirational location here would rebuild the school and gardens on a larger scale. It would become a monument to the Pride Gerallt inspired in performers and storytellers across his nation. Pilgrims would leave with a greater appreciation for Navarr music, and many would be inspired to celebrate and explore the songs and stories of their own people. The additional benefits would be subtle, but this would certainly count as the kind of celebration of culture and beauty the Pride assembly proposed as a response to the hateful destruction of Cold Sun. While the site would remain primarily of interest to the Navarr, it would also serve as a place of pilgrimage for those who have seen the things they love ruined by the heartless eternal, providing reassurance that the beauty of the orc and human spirits can never truly be burnt away.

Foxden Steading (Hercynia)

  • An inspirational location could be constructed at Foxden steading in Hercynia
  • This would inspire pilgrims to study the virtues and the Great Dance, and would encourage the Navarr to spread understanding of the Way and the Great Dance wherever their stridings travelled

In his youth, Gerallt travelled widely with many stridings studying the artisan's arts. In his thirties, however, he settled down at Foxden steading in Summersend to study the Way. In time, he became a guide, offering spiritual support to the people of the nation and beyond.

Building the inspirational location here would involve establishing a school and shrine dedicated to the traditional understanding of the Way among the Navarr. Navarr music and tales relating to exemplars and paragons of all nations would be taught alongside more philosophical classes relating to the virtues and the Great Dance. It would become a centre for guides to gather, but also for stridings from across the nation to come and seek spiritual succour and counsel. While Gerallt excelled in his studies of the virtue of Vigilance, the focus would be on the proud traditions of the Navarr, both the virtues and the philosophy of the Great Dance that underpins the practice of many guides.

As an inspiration, this would encourage more Navarr to serve as both guides and missionaries, spreading understanding of, and pride in, the Way wherever their stridings traveled. It would also encourage more guides to reach out to those who are unhappy in their lives, and help them find another place in the Great Dance as they did recently with the Suranni wizards who sought sanctuary in the Empire. It would also likely increase understanding of the Way among the Navarr themselves, rekindling pride in their role in the creation and maintenance of the Empire and its faith.

Return (Therunin)

  • An inspirational location could be constructed at Return in Therunin
  • This would inspire pilgrims to consider the sacrifices they must make for their people, and would be a reminder for the Navarr of the importance of fighting the vallorn

Gerallt Brackensong fell at Return, in the Upper Tarn Valley. The story of his sacrifice is still told, although the details are not perhaps widely known outside those who were there. His death helped thwart the plans of Yaw'nagrah to rouse the Therunin vallorn, and allowed those who escaped to bring word of the eternal's treachery to the Imperial Conclave. Return itself is abandoned, but it could be reclaimed and transformed into a memorial to Gerallt's final sacrifice. A school focusing on teaching and preserving Navarr traditional stories and songs about fighting the vallorn, and about the nature of sacrifice, would be established in the old steading.

As an inspiration, the ruins of Return would serve as a timely reminder to the Navarr that fighting and ultimately defeating the vallorn will require sacrifice. It will remind them of their proud history of fighting to right the terrible error of their forbears, and wipe the corruption they unleashed from the world. It will both remind them to take pride in their successes, and to look to the future where the vallorn is ultimately defeated. It's likely to be particularly inspirational in light of the findings of the Great Library of Hacynian, encouraging pilgrims to follow in Gerallt's footsteps and consider how much they might be prepared to sacrifice for their people.


  • The writ of consecration creates a mandate that must be enacted at the Spring Equinox
  • Work on the commission can begin at the same time, or at any point after the site is consecrated

A writ of consecration creates a mandate in the General Assembly. Like most other mandates, it must be passed during the summit where it is presented. If it isn't enacted, a new writ of consecration would be required - the process would essentially start again - but unless circumstances change significantly the civil service recommendations and assessments would remain the same.

In the case of Gerallt Brackensong, a consecration alone is not sufficient to create the inspirational location; a commission is also required. The commission can be constructed at any time, but will not do anything unless the site is also consecrated. The ideal scenario would be to enact the consecration mandate, and commission the school at the same summit but it's possible to consecrate the site and then at a later date build the school.