The Oak
Things Endure
The Constellation
The Oak is usually located by following the final strand of the Web to pinpoint the Oak’s brightest star, which forms the apex of this constellation of thirteen stars. What is commonly referred to as the ‘Root’ star is obscured by the horizon until late spring, when it rises over the following months. By late summer this constellation is found almost overhead.
Following the Autumn Equinox 385YE. Astronomancers across the Empire became aware of the names and titles of the individual stars that make up the Oak. Speculation suggests that a coven performed a divinatory ritual during the Equinox to commune with the constellation, and that one of the side effects was the revelation of these names. Where these names come from, and what they mean for a wider understanding of astronomancy, is unclear but a matter of some discussion.
The Oak is the tree which has the strength to grow out in defiance of the ground; which stands fast against the buffets of fate and weather. Oak endures; it gains strength as it ages and it stands fast against all comers. It is dependable, reliable, does not blunt or rust, and can be turned to many uses. Barricades and buttresses, shields and staves, the simple homespun stuff of civilisation. In Varushka where the Oak is not a natural tree the constellation is known as the Summer Tree; in the Marches it is referred to as "Our Good Oak".
The Oak can also refer to origin and sense of self; communities that put down deep roots or that have a very strong personal identity often feel the Oak represents them.
Invoking the Oak in Magic
Invoking The Oak is to call on natural strength, on the virtue of good rich earth and the tenacity of that which grows from it. Spells which strengthen, cause people to stand fast, defy other spells, shields the innocent from effects, or are associated with wards all benefit from the implication of the Oak. Some subtler ritualists also use The Oak or more specifically the Acorn as a symbol for young warriors and those not yet passed their test of citizenship; associating them with the Oak is believed to provide them with strong and beneficial auspices for the future.
The Oak also has deep roots; rituals to do with hearth, family, sense of self and belonging all benefit from the presence of the Oak as of course does the national egregore ritual.
Tulpas of the Oak
The Marches have a long history of Oak tulpas – the Green Man, Puck-in-the-Moss, Hob-Robin and the Antrobus Horse are all thought-forms associated with the Oak. They tend to solitary and are usually only encountered in heavily wooded areas. There are some reports though of a woman in armour all made of wood and leaves who appears to Dawnish knights and Highborn in need of strength and fortitude, especially if they sit vigil during the night. Such people speak only of a silent, warm, reassuring presence; and of being ready, in the morning, for the trial.
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Stars of the Oak
Thirteen stars make up the Oak. As of Autumn 385YE, these names and titles are known to Imperial astronomancers. They might be evoked specifically during rituals that draw on the power of the constellation.
Ritualists who invoke the Oak speak of a strong sense of self and identity; of a deep awareness of national and imperial pride. Some believe that invoking the name of the Oak before taking liao can increase the chances of placing one in touch with a past life with a past sense of self. One Suaq ritualist described brushing by the Oak as "feeling like I could see a thousand ancestors stretching before me into the past".
The Chain (Things hold together) | The Chalice (Things heal; things apart come together) | The Claw (Things bleed) |
The Door (Things move and change) | The Drowned Man (Things end) | The Fountain (Things live) |
The Great Wyrm (Things change and transform) | The Key (Things are revealed) | The Lock (Things can be hidden) |
The Mountain (Things are not easy) | The Oak (Things endure) | The Phoenix (Things learn) |
The Spider (Things are watched by a hidden eye) | The Stallion (Things procreate) | The Stork (Things matter) |
The Web (Things are connected) | The Three Sisters (Things are connected by blood) | The Wanderer (Things are not what you think or Things go awry) |