"So just to be clear, you want us to build a trading post for you to use?" Bulligan was intrigued by the offer from the scarred orc.

"Aye that's right. I want to be able to send my folks here and know that they're going to be able to trade what I send them with. No use being sent and coming back with them is there?" The orc took a long drag from their pipe and continued, "Basically, as I see it, everybody wins. You get a bunch of useful herbs, we get some really good quality lye as well. And maybe if trade goes well we can expand it and each get stuff we can't get elsewhere..."

There was something about that last point that made the young apothecary pause. But xe couldn't quite place it. "So why do you need to be able to go to this envoy? Why not just go to the Senator or the Consul if you're having problems?"

The scarred orc smiled in a way that was reminiscent of a knife: "Well I don't want to have to annoy the Consul or the Senator just because some traveller decided to try to cheat me. No, much better for the person that benefits from this excellent trade to be the one that has to deal when people overstep their position."
A little bird told me.jpg
The grim silence of Winter in the Barrens gives way to the chatter of birds and the susurrus of whispered conversation.


After the recent bloodletting, an awful silence descends upon the Barrens. The Rahvin fortify their mines in readiness for the final assault... but it never comes. The Great Forest Orcs pull back into their forest, fearful of upsetting their powerful neighbour. The Karass strut confidently across the lands they claim, but if they hanker to settle more feuds they show no signs of it. Perhaps they sense their brutal destruction of the Vendarri has not won them any friends.

When word spreads that the army of the Black Wind have returned to the Barrens in force, it seems as if the land itself holds its breath. But the army doesn't attack. It moves cautiously towards the lands claimed by its sept, as if unsure of the terrain or what enemies they face. The armies of Dawn stationed in the Barrens keep a watchful eye on them, but they make no attempt to finish the butchery that the Iron Helms started.

Then something strange happens. As winter gives up its claim on the lands and the first flowers of spring unfurl their blooms, the chatter of birds begins to spread across the blood-soaked land. The Dawnish are the first to respond, like a great bear emerging from their sleep after the snows. The people of Dawn continue to focus on Dawnguard and the Carmine Fields. Mindful of the words of the National Assembly, but inspired by the inaugural address of Emperor Vesna more and more folk travel to the territory each week, pushing east to claim lands now abandoned by those that war has claimed.

They are not the only ones to venture forth. Eagle-eyed Dawnish scouts spot members of all the remaining septs visiting with each other. Rahvin and Black Wind. Black Wind and Karass. Rahvin and Great Forest and Black Wind. Karass and Menrothat. Menrothat and Great Forest. Spring has come to the Barrens, banishing the dolorous silence of Winter. The frozen rivers thaw into babbling brooks. The winds that blow are still cold but now they are filled with whispered conversations.

In the plight of the Rahvin we see echoes of the rebellion. The septs of the Barrens sought peace with the Empire but met nothing but broken promises and bloody steel. If we are truly to be liberators, we must first have the courage to accept our failings. The Imperial Orcs recognise the hand of the Empire in the death of Rahvin.

Stiv, Imperial Orc Assembly, 385YE Winter Solstice, Vote: Greater Majority 123-0

Rahvin and the Black Wind

  • The army of the Black Wind has arrived in the Barrens
  • Roughly a third of the Black Wind sept have joined the Rahvin

The cruel actions of the Iron Helms have forced the army of the Black Wind to return to the Barrens. They arrived on the final day of the Winter Solstice, advancing cautiously towards their homes, fearful of a trap or ambush. No Imperial army has as dark a reputation for ruthless cruelty as the Iron Helms - had they remained in the Barrens with orders to threaten the Black Wind, then the army would have been forced to surrender. Had the Empire been minded to, they could have forced the Black Wind to switch sides by threatening to wipe out their people if they didn't obey, just as the Druj did.

But that hasn't happened. The Iron Helms have departed the Barrens leaving two Dawnish armies to keep an expectant but wary eye on the Black Wind. Each are alert to any possibility of attack from the Druj army, but that hasn't happened either. The vanguard of the Black Wind army arrived in the Barrens early on the last day of the Winter Solstice; the rest of the army followed a few days later crossing into Saltmarsh. The Black Wind soldiers kept clear of both the Eastern Sky and the Golden Sun; and with each of the Dawnish armies given clear instruction to only spill blood if they were attacked, there has been no fighting. Instead, the army has been allowed to spread like a shadow into the Bitter Strand where the first of the sept's settlements lie.

The army are planning to try and evacuate as many of their people from the Barrens as possible. In each settlement long discussions are had; abandoning the Barrens would likely mean never seeing their homes again. Moving to the Mallum would see them firmly put under the thumb of the buruk-tepel - something that few would are willing to accept while there are any better choices.

Delegates soon arrive from their cousins in the Rahvin from whom the sept split only a few years ago. Their position is only marginally more secure, the Senate have declared them to be foreigners, but what is given can be just as quickly taken away. The Rahvin urge the Black Wind to change sept in the hope that they can yet have a future in the Barrens and it is clear the prospect appeals to many. There are also envoys from the Great Forest Orcs, and the Karass though what they speak of is unclear.

By the time the Spring Equinox approaches, some clarity is beginning to emerge. Roughly one third of the Black Wind living in the Barrens plan to change sept and rejoin the Rahvin, determined to stay in their homes even at the risk of death at the hands of their enemies. The remaining members of the sept are planning to flee the Barrens, with the army intending to cover their retreat as they head east to get away from the Empire. They face a grim future in the Mallum, but for many Black Wind, the Iron Helms have demonstrated that the Empire is every bit as bad as the Druj.

As the summit draws near the decision is made: a representative of the Black Wind will accompany a Druj delegation to Anvil to speak on the matter with the Imperial Consul in the hope of convincing the Empire to let their people withdraw.

Eastern Sky - Shoes on. It's time to march back to the Barrens. I remind you that we go to keep balance in a rather tumultuous time for our homeland, and urge you, after our long resupply in Stone castles and not hear this, to set an example. We are Dawn's favoured too. We serve their needs as well as the Empire's. With our Siblings in the Golden Sun, we're to keep an eye on the Black Wind and hopefully look to their Surrender. But Understand - No blood is to be spilled lest it be Druj. When in doubt, look to the star in the Eastern Sky

Dame Aurum De Castellan, General of the Eastern Sky

Soldiers of the Sun we remain in the Barrens this season. We await the arrival of the Black Wind army who come to surrender to the Empire. If they come in peace with true intent to disband as a force them we welcome them thusly, and in diplomacy but should they come with bloodshed in mind we will defend all in the Barrens from aggression from any source.

Zoran De Orzel, General of the Golden Sun

Poisoned Words

  • Delegates from the Druj are visiting Anvil to discuss the matter of the Black Wind
  • They are bringing a representative of the Black Wind
  • The representatives from the Mallum will be at the Senate building for 17:30 on Saturday

A few days before the Spring Equinox, a young Dawnish hunter arrives in Anvil carrying a message from the Druj to the civil service. The scroll she carries is from Akhan Wormspeak, a tepel and apparently a skilled negotiator. Akhan demands a formal audience with the Imperial Consul, in the Senate building, on Saturday.

Akhan claims to be empowered by the Buruk Tepel to make deals on behalf of the Druj and says he wants to discuss the matter of the Black Wind. Wormspeak will arrive with a small retinue, including a representative from the army, and hopes the Imperial Consul will do likewise. In the interest of honest and fair negotiations they invite those with an interest in the affairs of the Barrens to come to the Senate building to witness the negotiation. Akhan and their retinue will arrive at the main gates of Anvil shortly before the meeting and will allow themselves to be escorted to the Senate under guard if that would make their Imperial counterparts feel more comfortable.

The magistrates would like to remind everyone that while they are in Anvil under a flag of peace, and while travelling to and from Anvil, the Druj are protected by Imperial law.

Steel Jaws

  • The Black Wind army are preparing to spend the season evacuating their sept from the Barrens
  • Imperial armies could ambush the army by launching a sudden attack
  • The Black Wind would suffer 20% more casualties from any Imperial assault this season
  • The Black Wind would inflict 20% less casualties when defending against an attack this season
  • If the Empire won the campaign but the army survives, it would be forced flee the Barrens along with their sept

The simple fact remains that the Black Wind, army and sept both, are still considered enemies of the Empire. They are not protected by Imperial law; anyone can attack them with impunity. The army came to the Barrens expecting to surrender to the Iron Helms, but with the Iron Helms nowhere to be found, they have tentatively explored a different course of action. None-the-less the army is out of position, out of supply, and deep in enemy territory. Its position is precarious in the extreme and it is very vulnerable.

A concerted attack by Imperial armies against the Druj army would allow the Empire to take advantage of how exposed the army is. Casualties from an Imperial attack on the Black Wind would be increased by a fifth, above and beyond those that their orders would normally inflict. The Druj army will struggle to fight back, and the casualties it would inflict would be reduced by a fifth, in addition to any penalties from their orders from their planned retreat.

The Empire would be almost certain to win the ensuing conflict, in which case the Black Wind would be forced to flee east, out of the Barrens, with soldiers sacrificing their own lives to protect their people, assuming they didn't do enough damage to disband the army.

From the courage of the Rahvin who came to Anvil under threat of their lives, we drew the inspiration to take a step towards becoming liberators. You asked us to trust you and give up a tiny part of the Empire - we have done so. Now trust us, come to Anvil once again so we can finally discuss what you need - openly and as allies.

Bleakshield Zorra, Imperial Orc Assembly, 385YE Winter Solstice, Vote: Greater Majority 123-0

Forged Hope

  • The representative of the Rahvin who visited last season is returning to Anvil this season to speak with the Imperial Orcs
  • They hope to arrive at 10:00pm on Friday

Last season Jannik, a representative of the Rahvin, made the journey to Anvil to meet with the Imperial Orcs in secret. During the second night they met with several Imperial Orcs to discuss the reality of the sept and where it stands in the Barrens, making an impassioned plea for help. The next day the Imperial Senate voted to recognise the Rahvin as foreigners. It is a small step, but an important one and coupled with the statements made by Bleakshield Zorra and Stiv in the Imperial Orc Assembly it has given them some measure of hope that they may yet find a way to survive and reunite their sept with the Black Wind. They have redoubled operations in the Fangs, frantically seeking to forge enough mithril weapons and armour so that they have some hope that they can defend themselves when the time comes.

In the meantime, they have used the protection and freedom being a foreigner grants them to travel the Barrens talking with the Black Wind, the Karass, the Great Forest Orcs and those Imperial Orcs they encounter on the way. Most of their efforts have been focussed on the Black Wind. More than anything the sept longs to reunite with their former sept-mates. They have succeeded in persuading some members of the sept to throw their lot in with the Rahvin, in the hope that the latest Imperial peace will last.

When word comes that the Imperial Orcs Assembly have invited the Rahvin to return, they respond with enthusiasm. Having succeeded once already, there is hope that Jannik might succeed a second time, and this time they can travel openly to speak with the Imperial Orcs and the Imperial Consul. Their deepest hope, is that the Imperial Orcs will help them find a way to convince all the Black Wind to join the Rahvin. That seems very difficult - the Black Wind are set on issuing orders to evacuate their people - but a strongly worded treaty might achieve it. But it would also be dangerous - it would mean an independent army in the Barrens and the Rahvin absorbing the sept who are most openly hostile to the Empire.

Great Forest Orcs

As Navarr we pride ourselves on our hospitality. We aided the Great Forest Orcs, we received their aid. To not continue to support those that have shown us friendship is shameful. Those that endanger our friends the Great Forest Orcs will face the fury of our nation.

Corey Wayfarer, Navarr Assembly, 385YE Winter Solstice, Vote: Greater Majority 362-0
  • The Great Forest Orcs are deeply concerned for the future, unsure of their relationship with the Navarr and fearful of the Empire
  • The National Assembly of Navarr can enact a mandate to swear a powerful oath to reassure the Great Forest Orcs of the Navarr's intentions

The Imperial massacre of the Montanians has struck the Great Forest Orcs hard. The humans were the sept's closest allies, it was they that encouraged the orcs to take shelter in the Empire and the two people walked the trods together for many years alongside the Navarr. Nobody imagined the Montanians would ever be able to settle in the Empire; their religious convictions were too strong and their passion for Freedom too great. But the onslaught took all the septs by surprise and shocked the Great Forest Orcs to their core. Those who survived the attack have taken shelter in the Great Forest, where the sept are careful to keep them well away from Imperial eyes.

Now the leaders of the sept are fearful that they will be next. They have a treaty with the Empire that protects them, but treaties can be renegotiated. That treaty also explicitly included the briars the Great Forest Orcs considered to be part of their sept, and that didn't save the Montanians. The Great Forest Orcs have poured over the wording of their treaty and discovered that it never actually mentioned the Montanians by name; they had simply assumed they were included. And there is a sinking realisation that it wouldn't matter anyway. Who would the Great Forest Orcs complain to if the treaty were broken? A powerful nation like Axos or the Jotun might decry the Empire to the world if they break a treaty. Who would the Great Forest Orcs run to? The Druj?

The reality for the Great Forest Orcs is that the Empire could wipe them out in a heartbeat and almost nobody would know. Outside the Barrens, and the Empire itself, the only people who would ever even know are the Druj, and nothing would give them greater pleasure than to see the Empire wipe the Great Forest Orcs out. Indeed, they know if the Druj ever return to the Barrens, their enslavement will be high on the vengeful orcs' list of priorities. Those who betray the Druj for the Empire know that there is no forgiveness.

Their only remaining ally, their last hope of survival as they see it, is the Navarr. Few Great Forest Orcs believe that the Empire would stay their hand if it were not for the Navarr. They are careful to avoid contact with the Dawnish settlers, keen to avoid anything that might draw the Empire's ire. But any Navarr who travel to the Great Forest Orcs find themselves treated as honoured and respected guests, as if they dignitaries of a great power no matter their station in life.

Thus they discover that the National Assembly of Navarr have upheld a statement of principle raised by Corey Wayfarer with a greater majority which reaffirmed their friendship and concluded that "Those that endanger our friends the Great Forest Orcs will face the fury of our nation." The statement has raised hope among the Great Forest Orcs that the Navarr will continue to protect them from the Empire, politically and militarily if needed.


  • The Navarr could use a mandate to swear an oath to preserve the friendship with the Great Forest Orcs and protect them
  • Navarr senators and brands could mark the oath with a tattoo
  • Doing so would reassure the Great Forest Orcs of their relationship with the Empire, such as it is
  • The two mandates are considered to be competing with each other

At the moment, the Great Forest Orcs are keen to minimise contact with the Empire. They no longer believe the treaty they signed will protect them if the Empire chooses to discard it, and they don't know how much they can continue to trust the assurances of the Senate. Their plan is to avoid antagonising anyone and hope that the Empire sticks to the spirit of its agreements. Probably the only thing that could change that now, is if the Navarr swore an oath to protect the Great Forest Orcs. A strongly worded oath, bound with appropriate hearth magics would reassure the Great Forest Orcs that the Empire will not turn on them next.

If the nation wishes to assuage the fears of the Great Forest Orcs, they can use a mandate to encourage people to swear an oath to protect the sept - both those in the Barrens and those living in Navarr territories in all corners of the Empire. Corey Wayfarer has provided the wording for a mandate to the civil service that if enacted would see a significant portion of Navarr take up the oath.

We have lived alongside the Great Forest Orcs and we consider them family. We will continue to work with them while the Navarr still live and breathe and we send (named priest) with 50 doses of liao to ask Navarr to look to their Loyalty and swear an oath to protect the Great Forest Orcs as though they were our family. Strength to the Navarr, Strength to the Great Forest Orcs

Synod Mandate, Navarr Assembly

Traditionally the Navarr mark vows, oaths, and promises with a physical sign of their intent and commitment - usually through tattooing or scarification. Such decisions are not to be taken lightly. There is powerful hearth magic in such oaths, there are credible reports that the tattoos or brands of oath breakers may twist into wounds that permanently weaken their bearer or torment them with dreams and visions of their betrayals. If the Navarr swear such an oath and then break it, the outcome will be terrible to behold. The Great Forest Orcs have spent long enough with the Navarr to know all of this.

If this mandate is enacted then the fears of the Great Forest Orcs will be soothed. Those who have established steadings in Hercynia and Miaren will be reassured that they can continue to build lives alongside the Navarr. Some of those who still live in Therunin will remain behind, even as most of them return to the Heart of Peytaht, the bonds of friendship strengthened. They will send a delegation of their leaders to speak with the Navarr at the Summer Solstice so that they may witness the leaders of the Navarr swear the oath and mark it in an appropriate way. If that happens, they will be open to discussions of how their relationship with the Navarr and the Empire may evolve and grow in the years to come.

Morwenna Witheredrose has provided the wording for an alternative mandate:

For our Empire to offer sanctuary only to those we find convenient is to pretend at compassion while concealing the heart of a coward. We send (named priest) with 50 doses of liao to encourage Navarr to reach out to all who call Peytaht their home, swearing to protect orc and human alike regardless of their beliefs.

Synod Mandate, Navarr Assembly

If this mandate is enacted then it will have the same effect as the one above. It will also be clear to the Great Forest Orcs that aegis offered by the Navarr also covers the remnants of the Montanians who now reside in Peytaht.

If neither mandate is enacted at the Spring Equinox, then the orcs of the Great Forest will see themselves as having no choice but to abandon the Empire. A scant few might remain in the homes they have created in the Navarr territories, but the vast majority of them will return to the Heart of Peytaht. The Holt of the Oak will probably be abandoned as will the camps at the Golden Trees of Seren, the Heartwood of the Great Vale, and the Thimble. Where possible the Great Forest Orcs will avoid all contact with the Empire and to a lesser extent, the Navarr, focusing on building their defences for the attack they imagine must be inevitable.


  • The Karass respond favourably to the address of Emperor Vesna
  • The sept has sent representatives to speak with the Black Wind and the other septs in the Barrens

As news of Empress Vesna's address spreads across the Barrens the response from the Karass is positive. The sept seems to be comfortable with their position as foreigners in the Empire; they are happy to pay tax though it is difficult to assess the scale of their estates in the Untrod Groves and the Bleaks. They profess to have no problems following Imperial law though it is not certain they understand it well. They seem to be at peace with the Barrens under the control of Dawn. When pushed on the matter they only shrug and point out that unlike the other septs they never rebelled or caused trouble for the rulers of the Barrens. They got on well with the Druj, why should they not get on just as well with the Dawnish?

In fact, why not formalise the new relationship and finds ways to benefit both the Karass and the Dawnish?

Trading at Carmine Field

Carmine Trading Post
Commission Type: Ministry
Location: Carmine Fields, The Barrens
Cost: 12 weirwood and 36 crowns
Effect: Creates the title of Envoy to the Karass and increases taxation from the Barrens by one throne.
Envoy to the Karass
Type: Dawn National
Appointment: Tally of the Votes
Powers: Can trade measures of beggar's lye to the Karass in exchange for herbs
Responsibilities: To represent the Empire to the Karass and to deal with issues between the sept and the rest of the inhabitants of the Barrens.
Abundance of the Untrod Groves
8 beggar's lye6 cerulean mazzarine, 4 true vervain, and 6 random herbs
18 beggar's lye12 cerulean mazzarine, 8 true vervain, and 12 random herbs
32 beggar's lye18 cerulean mazzarine, 12 true vervain, and 20 random herbs
  • The Karass have offered to sell herbs in exchange for beggar's lye

Anka Karass is the closest thing that the sept has to a representative to Dawn. She has spent the last three months in Carmine Fields, offering all kinds of herbs in exchange for measures, ingots, and mana crystals. Anka has made it clear that she would like to formalise this arrangement. If Dawn constructs a trading post in the Carmine Fields then she will deliver some of her finest herbs in exchange for a steady supply of beggar's lye.

Anka makes clear that she expects whoever is appointed to organise this trade to be responsible for representing the Empire to the sept. The "Envoy to the Karass" would not be an ambassador - they wouldn't receive a briefing from the civil service nor would they be able to present treaties to the Senate - but they would be the first point of contact for the sept if they have problems that needed to be resolved.

If the trade goes well, then Anka suggests it might be possible to expand the trade later to include more exotic potions that the Karass know how to make.

A Crop of Conversations

  • A potent Autumn enchantment was in place on the Barrens over the last season

It is not clear who is responsible, but those with the power to detect magic are soon able to confirm that a powerful enchantment has enshrouded the land. The ritual has woven subtle threads of Autumn magic into the land's tapestry, born from person to person as they converse. Those touched by the spell find themselves able to take joy in conversation with those around them, spawning a thousand discussions that lead to a thousand more. The magic offers no guidance or direction, no purpose to this joyful elocution, bar a harvest of communication. A scintillating shower of conversations that cascade across the imagination, with subjects spanning thought horizons from lamentations to celebrations, from loss to love, from fears to hopes.

It is not clear what the casters of this magic intended, but it is clear what the result is. People in the Barrens are talking to each other.

Participation: The Barrens

Anyone whose personal resource is in the Barrens can start the event still under the effects of the ritual. If so you experience the following roleplaying effect: You feel an urge to engage in conversation with people you wouldn't usually choose to. Expanding your influence feels like a worthy goal.

Some people have found the ritual affects the way they speak and write. If you feel comfortable attempting it, you can try to make your speech more verbose or grandiose, more lyrical or poetic, more captivating and compelling. The ritual only directly affects speech, but it does given people confidence to share poetry and writing they've created.

The effects of this ritual will gradually weaken over time until it ends at dusk on Saturday.

Further Reading