
The Imperial Roll of Honour is a list of military units that have supported the Empire's armies each season. The lists are compiled by civil servants following a motion passed by the Imperial Senate.

386YE Autumn Equinox

Beacons of KallavesaAnsel the namelessWintermarkSermersuaqThe Winter Wolfborn
Black ThornsEadric de RondellDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Black ThornsJacobDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Black ThornsLord GilderaiDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Black ThornsRhydian de RondellDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Black ThornsAbatharHighguardBastionCohort of the Winter Bear
Black ThornsBrother IsaiahHighguardBastionCohort of the Winter Bear
Black ThornsEveHighguardBastionCohort of the Winter Bear
Black ThornsNathanielHighguardBastionCohort of the Winter Bear
Black ThornsTitusHighguardBastionCohort of the Winter Bear
Black ThornsRhian RootroundNavarrBrocéliandeThe Barbed-Eye
Black ThornsOtsoWintermarkHahnmarkDragons Watch
Black ThornsMoira SkjalingWintermarkHahnmarkSkjalfell Hall
Black ThornsGwyddian AshbornNavarrHercyniaAshborn
Black ThornsFynn Waystone PathNavarrHercyniaDeadfall
Black ThornsNeasaNavarrHercyniaHawkwind Banner
Black ThornsConanNavarrHercyniaLarksong Striding
Black ThornsRonanNavarrHercyniaThe Dreadshields
Black ThornsCorwyn HeartsbaneNavarrHercyniaThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Black ThornsMooseNavarrHercyniaThe Waystone Path
Black ThornsYsult Moss-stepNavarrHercyniaThornfang Thornborn
Black ThornsSkjal ShadowbreakerWintermarkKallavesaHouse Gerís
Black ThornsDarrachNavarrLiathaven
Black ThornsFinharellNavarrMiaren
Black ThornsSeth BlackhawkNavarrMiaren
Black ThornsTalysNavarrMiaren
Black ThornsTheowyn BlackhawkNavarrMiaren
Black ThornsAelis Broken BoughNavarrMiarenDeadfall
Black ThornsKalas Realm ReachNavarrMiarenRealms Reach
Black ThornsOak SilverfletchNavarrMiarenThe Silver Fletchings
Black ThornsCyrusHighguardNecropolisCohort of the Winter Bear
Black ThornsAbaddonHighguardNecropolisThe Steel Tide
Black ThornsSigismund Vladislav KestoviaVarushkaOssium
Black ThornsIvanbrokHighguardReikosOrder of the Basilisk
Black ThornsGiuliano Stefano Grimbold-Antenucci di SarvosThe LeagueSarvos
Black ThornsNatalia 'The Falcon' BarossaThe LeagueTassatoCompany of The Red Fox
Black ThornsGrimald de TirDawnThe Barrens
Black ThornsZadkiel de CoeurdeferDawnThe Barrens
Black ThornsEscalados de CarsenereDawnThe BarrensAnvil Lance
Black ThornsSebastián FawnwoodDawnThe BarrensHouse Fawnwood
Black ThornsCaladain de RenardDawnThe BarrensHouse de Renard
Black ThornsTalis AshbornNavarrTherunin
Black ThornsGeraint Bronwen's RestNavarrTheruninBronwen's Rest
Black ThornsBryn DancingleafNavarrTheruninDancing Leaf
Black ThornsFlidaisNavarrTheruninEmber-Oak
Black ThornsSeren EmbercastNavarrTheruninEmbercast
Black ThornsMarcus LarksongNavarrTheruninLarksong Striding
Black ThornsSelvis LarksongNavarrTheruninLarksong Striding
Black ThornsPuckNavarrTheruninThornfang Thornborn
Black ThornsLady Eve OrzelDawnWeirwater
Black ThornsTristan Longstone CastellanDawnWeirwaterHouse Castellan
Black ThornsZoran De OrzelDawnWeirwaterHouse Orzel
Citadel GuardMartinez i Rek i RiquezaWintermarkHahnmark
Citadel GuardAelthrik DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Citadel GuardAndwyn DunwolfWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Citadel GuardDægmund DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Citadel GuardHorst DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Citadel GuardIivo DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Citadel GuardIvar DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Citadel GuardLeif DunwolfWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Citadel GuardSeht Ravenson of Dunhearth HallWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Citadel GuardSkeld The WandererWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Citadel GuardTobrytan DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Citadel GuardDae of the Broken SpireUrizenMorrowThe Wise Citadel
Citadel GuardLaniusUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
Citadel GuardPelagios of NetherwatchUrizenRedoubt
Citadel GuardAndronikos of the Lighthouse at NikephorosUrizenRedoubtArete's Promise
Citadel GuardXanthippe of the Lighthouse at NikephorosUrizenRedoubtArete's Promise
Citadel GuardAtreusUrizenRedoubtThe Citadel of the Still Waters
Citadel GuardBoagrius StillwaterUrizenRedoubtThe Citadel of the Still Waters
Citadel GuardCaius stillwatersUrizenRedoubtThe Citadel of the Still Waters
Citadel GuardCyrus StillwaterUrizenRedoubtThe Citadel of the Still Waters
Citadel GuardMarcusUrizenRedoubtThe Citadel of the Still Waters
Citadel GuardVarrusUrizenRedoubtThe Citadel of the Still Waters
Citadel GuardTzimisas of Star Fury SpireUrizenRedoubtUrizen, Whole
Citadel GuardMordaurghWintermarkSermersuaqDunhearth Hall
Citadel GuardVolmar DunseolcWintermarkSermersuaqDunhearth Hall
Citadel GuardFloria SunshaperUrizenSpiralSunshaper Citadel
Defence of the Broch spy networkAsh FowlerThe MarchesMitwold
DrakesJohn of MeadeThe MarchesMitwoldmitwold exiles
DrakesWilliam YewThe MarchesMournwoldThe Hogsgrove Coppice
DrakesJack DrinkwaterThe MarchesUpwold
Eastern SkyPwyll De SerretesDawnSemmerholmDu Besté
Golden SunFeroce LupoDawnSemmerholmTour De Cendres
Golden SunGuillaumeDawnThe BarrensHouse Vexille
Golden SunLord Fabienne VexilleDawnThe BarrensHouse Vexille
Golden SunLord Elienne TallstagDawnWeirwaterHouse Tallstag
Granite PillarBalaamHighguardCasineaCantiarch's Hold
Gryphon's PrideLucius PannonicusDawnAstolatHouse Asterion
Gryphon's PrideVincent LarmallevésDawnAstolatThe Phoenix Guard
Gryphon's PrideLodwick HardinWintermarkHahnmarkHyrst Hall
Gryphon's PrideMadocDawnSemmerholmHouse Medwood
Gryphon's PrideRoland of MedwoodDawnSemmerholmHouse Medwood
Gryphon's PrideSir PelinalDawnSemmerholmHouse Medwood
Gryphon's PrideUlfiusDawnSemmerholmHouse Medwood
Gryphon's PrideRadzic Kobila of SkallitzDawnThe Barrens
Gryphon's PrideChield of VeridaineDawnThe BarrensHouse Veridaine
Gryphon's PrideAnconDawnThe BarrensHouse Wolfborne
Gryphon's PrideArchavion WolfborneDawnThe BarrensHouse Wolfborne
Gryphon's PrideOllanius PiusDawnThe BarrensHouse Wolfborne
Gryphon's PrideOwain WolfborneDawnThe BarrensHouse Wolfborne
Gryphon's PrideAdrian ArkenstockDawnThe BarrensHouse de Rosier
Gryphon's PrideDufenal AshThe MarchesUpwold
Gryphon's PrideRen TannerDawnWeirwater
Gryphon's PrideEricDawnWeirwaterHouse Orzel
Iron HelmsLogan Olivia de HavillandDawnAstolat
Iron HelmsMouse SergeantDawnAstolat
Iron HelmsGuinevereDawnAstolatHouse Caerleon
Iron HelmsRobert de LarocDawnAstolatHouse Cordraco
Iron HelmsGalleronDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Iron HelmsNimueDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Iron HelmsSer Elio SepulcreDawnAstolatHouse Sepulchre Banner
Iron HelmsKindra SurefootWintermarkHahnmark
Iron HelmsUmarth "Winter's Flame" KannaskWintermarkHahnmarkThe Fold
Iron HelmsMaddocNavarrHercyniaThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Iron HelmsMikaeli PavlovichVarushkaKarov
Iron HelmsNikolai Yaropolk BorislavVarushkaKarovThe Hearth & Honey
Iron HelmsSketchemi Justicast MentyevikVarushkaKarovThe Hearth & Honey
Iron HelmsRumen NowakVarushkaKarovWulfen Reavers
Iron HelmsDannicaVarushkaKarsk
Iron HelmsKoshka Gregov HelinaVarushkaKarskIron Hawks
Iron HelmsBalrogImperial OrcsMareave
Iron HelmsGaeorg BrokenboughNavarrMiarenDeadfall
Iron HelmsEdric StormbrokeNavarrMiarenThornfang Thornborn
Iron HelmsIvan “Twice bit”VarushkaMiekarovaGrimhold Guard
Iron HelmsVasiliy Krenyenkov Valeskai StrascovichVarushkaMiekarovaGrimhold Schlacta
Iron HelmsBalthasar CawlUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
Iron HelmsDecimusHighguardNecropolisThe Steel Tide
Iron HelmsSolomon of the Silent TideHighguardNecropolisThe Steel Tide
Iron HelmsRadomir Shallotovich DvorakVarushkaOssiumDark Water Vale
Iron HelmsEsther of The Flame Beneath The EarthHighguardReikos
Iron HelmsSlava Goranin Du BesteDawnSemmerholmDu Besté
Iron HelmsClaudia Varkulova RemislavVarushkaVolodmartz
Iron HelmsAlderei the FairVarushkaVolodmartzCarrion
Iron HelmsTorvel Jasnaov SorrowfallVarushkaVolodmartzSovereign's Head
Iron HelmsWilliam Sommer of The Forest PrimaevalDawnWeirwater
Iron HelmsLady Nymeria MortéreDawnWeirwaterHouse Mortére
Iron HelmsLord Daemon MortéreDawnWeirwaterHouse Mortére
Iron HelmsMorrigan MortéreDawnWeirwaterHouse Mortére
Iron HelmsSaranizUrizenZenith
Isaella's DanceNiah StarSeekerNavarrMiarenThe Thornborn of Entwined Paths
Narwhal's SpearTostigWintermarkHahnmarkCorvenhal
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveEliawn ‘Eli’ Weaver.DawnAstolat
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CovePariahHighguardBastionThe Sepulchre of the Red Sun
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveRafiqHighguardBastionThe Sepulchre of the Red Sun
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveSarfas WrightHighguardBastionThe Sepulchre of the Red Sun
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveAnne-visa i Elba Stardo i GuerraThe Brass CoastFeroz
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveSkaadiWintermarkHahnmark
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveTheodric SandysWintermarkHahnmarkHeothwort Hall
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveAntonio Diego ErigoWintermarkHahnmarkHyrst Hall
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveConnrynWintermarkHahnmarkIron Fangs
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveKyeson DurnhelmsonWintermarkHahnmarkThe Phoenix Guild
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveEstrellaThe Brass CoastKahramanBlazing Tide
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers Cove"MadFox" Gunther GunthersburWintermarkKallavesa
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveSloane of the Silent TideHighguardNecropolisThe Steel Tide
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveRhiannon WolfborneDawnSemmerholmHouse Wolfborne
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveSkal IlfssonWintermarkSermersuaqByrchenhal
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveDägen ÄgenssenWintermarkSermersuaqHyrst Hall
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveFlynnDawnThe Barrens
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveTegid Ember-OakNavarrTheruninEmber-Oak
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveFenwick DevoeDawnWeirwaterHouse Du Letharia
Salt Flats of Sanath Smugglers CoveCatenaUrizenZenith
TusksFather EdmundThe MarchesBregaslandBarrowby Abbey
TusksKazanUrizenMorrowAuxillio Medica
TusksEvanderUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
TusksEzeriusUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
TusksIsmene of the Scarlet GuardUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
TusksNestorUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
TusksTomaiUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
TuskssicariusUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
TusksMillward CowleyThe MarchesMournwoldVirtuous Company of Sarcombe Artisans
TusksWatt of LambrookThe MarchesUpwoldHouse Balston
TusksWilliam GuildensternThe MarchesUpwoldThe Unbound Union
TusksTitus GreyUrizenZenith
Walls Of Cargo"Axehind" Aedric DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Walls Of CargoBonetender VashniImperial OrcsSkarsind
Walls Of CargoHadrian LathanderUrizenZenith
Walls Of CargoVespasianUrizenZenithUrizen, Whole
Wolves of WarPhillipe De L'humiditéDawnAstolatHouse Cordraco
Wolves of WarMorgan De Bois GilbertDawnAstolatHouse De Bois Gilbert
Wolves of WarBenthri CalvertDawnAstolatHouse Meliora
Wolves of WarEctor MelioraDawnAstolatHouse Meliora
Wolves of WarWildfyreHighguardBastionThe Blades of Balthazar
Wolves of WarBill RunnerThe MarchesBregasland
Wolves of WarHolden RoddThe MarchesBregaslandThe Ottery Bog-Trawlers
Wolves of WarLawrence TalbotThe MarchesBregaslandThe Talbots
Wolves of WarAsenathHighguardCasineaFelix's Watch Banner
Wolves of WarTheomere SwiftstrideWintermarkHahnmark
Wolves of WarAldor BjorningWintermarkHahnmarkBjornholt
Wolves of WarCynwulf AshburhWintermarkHahnmarkDarkwolves of Argonne
Wolves of War"sword hind" Leofric DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Wolves of WarBlazeWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Wolves of WarEahlstan YarricsonWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Wolves of WarHagenWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Wolves of WarSylviWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Wolves of WarBjornWintermarkHahnmarkEira Spire
Wolves of WarRookWintermarkHahnmarkFellowship of the Broken Willow
Wolves of WarHarkonWintermarkHahnmarkHouse Gerís
Wolves of WarDrefanWintermarkHahnmarkHyrst Hall
Wolves of WarTager Defender of the Fallen TyrshaltWintermarkHahnmarkRenwaerd
Wolves of WarUlricWintermarkHahnmarkRenwaerd
Wolves of WarEodin SwiftstrideWintermarkHahnmarkShield Wolves
Wolves of WarMorcar SigvardsssonWintermarkHahnmarkStormspire
Wolves of WarSigarr VerinenWintermarkHahnmarkStormspire
Wolves of WarThrittWintermarkHahnmarkStormspire
Wolves of WarGunter Von HolbergThe LeagueHolberg
Wolves of WarTheomer LeofricssonWintermarkKallavesaBrackenbeak Hall
Wolves of WarThegn Elgar AngussonWintermarkKallavesaKraken's Vanguard
Wolves of WarBador BucksonWintermarkKallavesaSteelstorm Hall
Wolves of WarWaegmund 'Toothless'WintermarkKallavesaThe Aesclings
Wolves of WarVincente i Zayden i GuerraThe Brass CoastMadruga
Wolves of WarRhyffyllann Kraken's CrawlNavarrMiarenThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Wolves of WarIvy StoneThe MarchesMitwoldHouse Mudd
Wolves of WarTod GrouseThe MarchesMitwoldHouse Mudd
Wolves of WarValerianUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
Wolves of WarGerald CalvertThe MarchesMournwold
Wolves of WarRobin BlackthornThe MarchesMournwold
Wolves of WarTreeThe MarchesMournwoldThe Applewood Levy
Wolves of WarAlan SheppardThe MarchesMournwoldThe Mourn Stands
Wolves of WarAliss ThornThe MarchesMournwoldThe Mourn Stands
Wolves of WarAlyn o’ BlackbowThe MarchesMournwoldThe Mourn Stands
Wolves of WarArthur ApplebyThe MarchesMournwoldThe Mourn Stands
Wolves of WarBradwin BarlymaineThe MarchesMournwoldThe Mourn Stands
Wolves of WarEddThe MarchesMournwoldThe Mourn Stands
Wolves of WarHenry FletcherThe MarchesMournwoldThe Mourn Stands
Wolves of WarJack AshtonThe MarchesMournwoldThe Mourn Stands
Wolves of WarKnotte Jack RoperThe MarchesMournwoldThe Mourn Stands
Wolves of WarLeoric HudsonThe MarchesMournwoldThe Mourn Stands
Wolves of WarRichard HawthornThe MarchesMournwoldThe Mourn Stands
Wolves of WarThomas OakThe MarchesMournwoldThe Mourn Stands
Wolves of WarGeorgeHighguardNecropolis
Wolves of WarLokenHighguardNecropolis
Wolves of WarWilliam ArcherHighguardNecropolis
Wolves of WarMathayusHighguardNecropolisThe Steel Tide
Wolves of WarLasha "Buck" Tamarin RazoradzeVarushkaOssiumRazoradze Wagon Raiders
Wolves of WarVesna Borkovna ProchnostVarushkaOssiumThe Wolves Hearth
Wolves of WarZadokHighguardReikos
Wolves of WarCyrus, of Ebon's HallHighguardReikosEbon's Hall
Wolves of WarDeeferHighguardReikosEbon's Hall
Wolves of WarLeximusHighguardReikosEbon's Hall
Wolves of WarAmicia of the SemmerlakDawnSemmerholmAmber Lance
Wolves of WarAulus WarcasterWintermarkSermersuaq
Wolves of WarOrva PirittasdottirWintermarkSermersuaq
Wolves of WarFedelmidd Sydanjaa's Heart FloerWintermarkSermersuaqFellowship of the Broken Willow
Wolves of WarRagnhild "Honeytongue" "Thrice-Passed" SkaersdottirWintermarkSermersuaqFellowship of the Broken Willow
Wolves of WarIron OsricWintermarkSermersuaqSigehold Hall
Wolves of WarUrvakki TaivasbarnWintermarkSermersuaqSigehold Hall
Wolves of WarKellua ItsepainenWintermarkSermersuaqSussivari Oathsworn Fyrd
Wolves of WarLofyn Blood-cloakWintermarkSermersuaqThe BloodHands
Wolves of WarBloodcrow RaspImperial OrcsSkarsindBloodcrows
Wolves of WarEryWood of DunningWintermarkSkarsindDunhearth Hall
Wolves of WarIrontide EskImperial OrcsSkarsindThe Irontide
Wolves of WarIrontide Rak'shaImperial OrcsSkarsindThe Irontide
Wolves of WarIrontide RusImperial OrcsSkarsindThe Irontide
Wolves of WarIrontide ScrinImperial OrcsSkarsindThe Irontide
Wolves of WarIrontide SkorrImperial OrcsSkarsindThe Irontide
Wolves of WarGaspar di TemeschwarThe LeagueSpiralCrimson Reaper Cartel
Wolves of WarAstrid Fjellrevening Rezia di TassatoThe LeagueTassato
Wolves of WarAlbrecht von HolbergThe LeagueTemeschwar
Wolves of WarDesmond Maximillian of TemechwarThe LeagueTemeschwarCrimson Reaper Cartel
Wolves of WarJean d'ApulianThe LeagueTemeschwarCrimson Reaper Cartel
Wolves of WarAenar de ForteairDawnThe BarrensHouse De Forteair
Wolves of WarRuseThe MarchesUpwoldKing's Stoke
Wolves of War'green' jack woodruffThe MarchesUpwoldThe Applewood Levy
Wolves of WarHyorin HuntThe MarchesUpwoldThe Applewood Levy
Wolves of WarTom Keeper, of CopperhillThe MarchesUpwoldThe Applewood Levy
Wolves of WarTrevor WoodsmanThe MarchesUpwoldThe Applewood Levy
Wolves of WarJohn SmithsThe MarchesUpwoldThe Cockscroft Farm
Wolves of WarAmberlain P. BlackThe MarchesUpwoldThe Unbound Union
Last updated 26/02/2025

All Rolls of Honour









