Motion to distribute the knowledge of the cure below

Proposed by Bregasland, Seconded by the Conscience of the Senate


  • Passed at 5 thrones


  • Spring 381YE


  • 5 thrones


  • 5 thrones disbursed to Senator Bregasland
  • 5 thrones provided by Johannes Tiberius after Summer Solstice 381YE.

Campaign Outcome

  • The knowledge of the cure will be distributed to the citizens of the Empire.

Arhallogen's Pox

  • Symptoms: Large pustules, within which is a spider forming. The pus is exceptionally irritating to the skin.


  • Spiders must first be excised by the use of hot implements. The skin then is exceptionally fragile and covered in welts.
  • A poultice of True Vervain applied to the skin will aid healing.
  • Shortly after, the throat becomes highly irritated, similar to Greenlung.
  • Roseweald infusion must be used to reduce the inflammation.
  • Under no circumstances must True Vervain be used.
  • An antipyretic must then be used to bring down the resulting fever.
  • The patient is now on the road to recovery; but a cup of tea is recommended to bring down the stress levels of the patient