Create title of Imperial Spymaster
To create the position of Imperial Spymaster, with the following powers: to commission a spy network once per season; to decommission a spy network once per season; to address Military Council. Their responsibilities will be: to create, co-ordinate, manage and decommission the Empire’s spy networks; to liaise and report to Senate and military council on matters to do with the Empire’s spy networks. The position will be appointed by Senate, held for one year, and revocable by the General Assembly and the Assembly of Nine.
Proposed by Feroz, seconded by Therunin
Proposed by Feroz, seconded by Therunin
- Create a title within the Senate with the power to address the Military Council, and both commission and decommission a spy network each season
- Passed
- Spring 383YE
Campaign Outcome
- The Imperial title Imperial Spymaster was created
- The appointment took place at the Summer Solstice 383YE.
- Caleb of Felix’s Watch was appointed to the title.