Construct extension to House of Barbs

A bust of Bloody Trees Rhain Winters Vigil, who commissioned
the House of Barbs while serving as senator for Hercynia.
the House of Barbs while serving as senator for Hercynia.
To expand and upgrade the Navarr national sinecure ‘the House of Barbs’. Self-funded.
Proposed by Therunin, seconded by Holberg.
Proposed by Therunin, seconded by Holberg.
- Expands the House of Barbs
- An earlier attempt in Spring 382YE failed to be commissioned as the Senate had already reached its limit of new construction.
- Passed.
- Summer 382YE
- This commission uses standard costs.
- 6 wains of white granite and 12 crowns provided by Meredith Nighthaven after the Autumn Equinox 382YE.
- When complete, the Voice of Barbs will receive additional liao and votes in the Imperial Synod.