To build a mana sinecure in Happiston in the Chalkdowns in the Mournwold. Creating the title Keeper of the Prosperous Potato Fields of Happiston. To be appointed with tenure by the unanimous decisions of the Marcher senators. Fully funded by the Happiston Volunteers.

Proposed: Mournwold, Seconded: Ossium



  • Autumn 384YE


  • Standard costs apply
  • The costs for the sinecure have not been defined in the motion so the civil service assumes minimum size (10 wains)


  • 12 wains of mithril and 2 thrones 6 crowns provided by Alan Sheppard after Autumn Equinox 384YE
  • 2 crowns provided by Ergot after Autumn Equinox 384YE


  • Once complete, the sinecure is intended to provide mana to the Imperial title appointed to oversee it, although the mechanism whereby it will do so is not clear.
  • This motion was missing necessary details regarding the nature of the sinecure, and the cost to create it. These were provided after the Winter Solstice 384YE, and the commission is now complete, with the Keeper of the Happiston Fields ready to be appointed at the Spring Equinox 385YE