I announce the construction of a monument to celebrate the work of Brother Olyvar of Esther's Sanctum, Lady Josephine of Adina's Charge, and Hazelelponi of the Shattered Tower, as well as countless others, to eliminate discrimination against lineaged people within Highguard and the wider Empire. To be constructed in Sybella, Sybella's Cross, Bastion following the design by Lady Josephine. One mithril, seven white granite, 24 crowns, with thanks to the exceptional generosity of Livia of the Spire of the Celestial Cascade.

Announced by Konstantin Rabovich Bolotnikov, Mistress of Monuments



  • Autumn 386YE


  • Standard costs apply
  • 7 white granite
  • 1 mithril
  • 24 crowns
  • Three months to complete


  • 1 wain of mithril and 1 crown provided by Konstantin Rabovich Bolotnikov after Autumn Equinox 386YE


  • Once complete, details of the monument will be added to the Bastion page.