To construct Last Battle Wayhouse in the Bleaks, the Barrens. The Wayhouse will be a vital strategic tool in our fight against the Druj, providing crucial reconnaissance into Sarangrave. Appointed annually by Generals of Navarr. Self funded.

Proposed: Hercynia, Seconded: Semmerholm


  • Constructs a wayhouse in the Bleaks, the Barrens as per the The way home wind of fortune
  • Passed


  • Autumn 386YE


  • Costs as per opportunity
  • 18 weirwood
  • 54 crowns
  • Three months to complete


  • 1 crown provided by Sławomir Rabovich Bolotstrazh after Autumn Equinox 386YE
  • 1 crown provided by Konstantin Rabovich Bolotnikov after Autumn Equinox 386YE


Once complete the Keeper of the Last Battle will be available to appoint by unanimous decision of the generals of Navarr. Nesustak Forest and Turan Flats in Sarangrave will both gain the under threat quality. As a wayhouse it will allow Navarri characters to have personal resources in the Barrens, benefiting from any great works in the territory and will increase seasonal taxation from the Barrens by one throne.