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To construct a Grand Highway, named for the first League orc to die in battle for the Empire, Curstag von Apulian Crimson Way. Which will connect Redoubt, Spiral, and Mareave through Urizen vision and League skill Curstag's Way will support out unshackled cousins and show the septs of Mareave how the Empire builds up its people. In Curstag's final words: "There are so many people on the Broken Shores who deserve saving".

Announced by Laughlan Vi Temeschwar, Master of Rings


  • Constructs a great work in Spiral as per the We all stand wind of fortune
  • Announcement by the Master of Rings
  • As this was announced by the Master of Rings it will receive support from some of the citizens of Apulian


  • Autumn 386YE


  • Costs as per opportunity
  • 50 white granite
  • 20 mithril
  • 210 crowns
  • Six months to complete


  • 6 wains of mithril and 4 wains of white granite provided by Gancio di Catazar after Autumn Equinox 386YE
  • 6 wains of white granite provided by League citizens after Autumn Equinox 386YE
  • 1 crown provided by Farren Silver Streams after Autumn Equinox 386YE
  • 1 crown provided by Fintan Nighthaven after Autumn Equinox 386YE
  • 1 crown provided by Otmar van Holberg after Autumn Equinox 386YE
  • 1 crown provided by Francisco Vicente de Spira after Autumn Equinox 386YE
  • 1 crown provided by Rhys Nighthaven after Autumn Equinox 386YE


  • Once complete, Curstag's Way will raise the level of investment in Spiral businesses by one, providing 36 rings a season. It will also remove the under-developed quality from Icarion in Mareave