To construct a Bounders Hall in Sarcombe to be overseen by a Bailiff of the Downs. This will costs twelve wains of white granite to build.

Proposed Mournwold, Seconded Bregasland


  • Commissions the construction of a Bounder's Hall in Sarcombe, in the Mournwold, as proposed in the Tend to the flame Wind of Fortune.
  • Passed at 13 Thrones


  • Spring 384YE


  • As detailed in the wind of fortune
  • 12 wains of white granite
  • 24 crowns in labour costs,
  • Three months to construct


  • 9 wains of white granite provided by Hebrun Weaver after Spring Equinox 384YE
  • 3 wains of white granite provided by Alan Sheppard after Spring Equinox 384YE
  • 3 thrones provided by Mournwold thralls after Spring Equinox 384YE


  • Once work on the hall is completed the title of Bailiff of the Downs will be available to be appointed.