To construct a Great Westward Canal, to be called "The Black Canal" in honour of Geraint Black, from the river meade to Mournwold, accepting the offer of the Mournwold orcs to work alongside human Marchers on the waterways, improving the prosperity of Mournwold and Mitwold and integrating the Mournwold orcs further into Marcher society; and to request a disbursement of funds in part payment of the costs.

Proposed: Upwold, Seconded: Bastion


  • Commissions a canal connecting Meade in Mitwold and Sarcombe in the Mournwold
  • Detailed in the Light upon the water Wind of Fortune.
  • Passed at 0 Thrones


  • Autumn 384YE


  • As detailed in the wind of fortune
  • 60 wains of white granite
  • 40 wains weirwood
  • 200 Crowns
  • Nine months to complete


  • 12 thrones 4 crowns provided by private donors after Autumn Equinox 384YE
  • 1 throne 4 crowns provided by Gerraint Black after Autumn Equinox 384YE
  • 1 throne 5 rings provided by Watt of Lambrook after Autumn Equinox 384YE
  • 3 crowns provided by Aliss Thorn after Autumn Equinox 384YE
  • 3 crowns provided by Robert Dunlain after Autumn Equinox 384YE
  • 2 crowns provided by Arthur Payne after Autumn Equinox 384YE
  • 1 crown provided by Fintan Nighthaven after Autumn Equinox 384YE
  • 1 crown provided by Aisling Dancing Leaf after Autumn Equinox 384YE
  • 3 wains of weirwood and 14 wains of white granite provided by 'Shacklebreaker' Thanmir Hrafnar after Winter Solstice 384YE
  • 5 wains of weirwood provided by Morgan Townsend after Winter Solstice 384YE
  • 6 crowns 5 rings provided by Arthur Payne after Winter Solstice 384YE
  • 10 rings in small donations provided after Winter Solstice 384YE
  • 7 wains of weirwood and 10 wains of white granite provided by Orrick after Spring Equinox 385YE
  • 2 wains of weirwood and 3 wains of white granite provided by William Guildenstern after Spring Equinox 385YE
  • 2 wains of white granite provided by Hebrun Weaver after Spring Equinox 385YE
  • 1 wain of white granite provided by Tod Grouse after Spring Equinox 385YE
  • 7 crowns 10 rings provided by Arthur Payne after Spring Equinox 385YE
  • 1 crown provided by Septus Sentinels Tower after Spring Equinox 385YE
  • 1 crown provided by Watt of Lambrook after Spring Equinox 385YE
  • 10 rings in small donations provided after Spring Equinox 385YE
  • 7 wains of white granite provided by Orrick after Summer Solstice 385YE
  • 1 wain of white granite provided by Morgan Townsend after Summer Solstice 385YE
  • 2 thrones 10 rings provided by Tim Mudd after Summer Solstice 385YE
  • 1 throne 2 crowns provided by Watt of Lambrook after Summer Solstice 385YE
  • 1 crown 12 rings provided by Hebrun Weaver after Summer Solstice 385YE
  • 1 crown 10 rings provided by Kostjya after Summer Solstice 385YE
  • 1 crown 8 rings provided by Arthur Payne after Summer Solstice 385YE
  • 1 crown provided by Rhys Nighthaven after Summer Solstice 385YE
  • 2 wains of weirwood provided by Gustav Beidemann after Autumn Equinox 385YE
  • 1 wain of weirwood provided by Grey Stone after Autumn Equinox 385YE
  • 1 throne 3 crowns provided by Watt of Lambrook after Autumn Equinox 385YE
  • 3 crowns provided by William Kiddeman after Autumn Equinox 385YE
  • 1 crown provided by Farren Silver Streams after Autumn Equinox 385YE
  • 1 crown provided by Fintan Nighthaven after Autumn Equinox 385YE
  • 1 crown provided by Septus Sentinels Tower after Autumn Equinox 385YE
  • 1 crown provided by Kostjya after Autumn Equinox 385YE
  • 7 wains of white granite provided by Willum of Goatsbridge after Winter Solstice 385YE
  • 3 crowns provided by Watt of Lambrook after Winter Solstice 385YE
  • 3 wains of white granite provided by Henry Birchsmith after Spring Equinox 386YE


  • As of the best soil wind of fortune, the canal raises the level of investment in farms in Mitwold by 1, in businesses in Mitwold and Mournwold by 1 and in mines in Mournwold by 2
  • It would also link the two most prosperous settlements in the Marches - Sarcombe and Meade.
  • The Mournwold Orcs have thrown their support behind this project and between donations of money and food, and actual physical labour, they have contributed half the labour costs (100 crowns).
  • The presence of the orcs working alongside the human Marchers on the riverways also caused them to become more familiar to the people of the northern Marches.