To commission 'A Fair Price'; a sinecure in Iteri, Zenith attached to the Champion of Prosperity position. The farm sinecure will provide money to allow the Champion to pay the deserving for their work, as no prosperous citizen shall work for free.

Announced by Groza, Legion Engineer


  • Creates a sinecure in Zenith
  • Announcement by the Legion Engineer
  • It is not possible for the Legion Engineer to amend a title to grant it custodianship of a sinecure. The Senate voted to amend the Champion of Prosperity to include custodianship of the sinecure at the Summer Solstice 386YE.


  • Winter 385YE


  • Standard costs apply
  • 10 wains of weirwood
  • 30 crowns
  • Three months to complete


  • 1 crown provided by Serenus Starsong after Winter Solstice 385YE
  • 1 crown provided by Rhys Nighthaven after Winter Solstice 385YE
  • 2 crowns provided by Thiaga i Pérez i Riqueza after Spring Equinox 386YE
  • 1 crown provided by Tethros i Zuhri i Erigo after Summer Solstice 386YE
  • 3 thrones 1 crown and 10 wains of weirwood provided by Bartimaeus after Autumn Equinox 386YE


  • Now complete, the Champion of Prosperity will receive 216 rings each season starting at the Spring Equinox 387YE.