Category:Winter Ritual
This table lists all the Winter magic rituals that are part of Imperial lore.
Ritual | Explanation | Magnitude |
An Echo of Life Remains | Identifies a corpse. | 2 |
Black Iron Blade | Cuts all bonds on target. | 2 |
Fallow Fields and Dried Meat | Add 18 rings to the production of a farm over winter. | 2 |
Hunger of the Draughir | Grants one rank of fortitude and the ability to eat anything for a season. | 2 |
Mark the Flesh Incorruptible | Preserves a corpse. | 4 |
Tribute to the Thrice-Cursed Court | Trades crafted items for Winter vis. | 4 |
Words of Ending | Destroys the magic of a crafted item. | 4 |
Surcease of Sorrow | Kills a willing target and turns them into a pile of dust and ash. | 6 |
Wisdom of the Balanced Blade | Analyses a curse. | 6 |
Withering Touch of Frost | Curses a character to lose a quarter of farm, forest and herb garden production for a year. | 6 |
Crumbling Flesh and Withering Limbs | Grants ability to call CLEAVE with a rod twice each day for a season. | 8 |
Pakaanan's Iron Shutters | Seals a portal for ten minutes. | 8 |
Ruthless Vigilance, Healthy Crop | Enhances a herb garden, increasing production of each herb by two over next season. | 8 |
Traitor's Fate | Agree to let someone trigger a dangerous curse if they betray you. | 8 |
Judgement of the Magisters | Grants a priest the power to strengthen the exorcism ceremony with extra liao for a season. | 9 |
Freezing Brand of Irremais | Brands and influences a target. | 10 |
Ravenous Tongue of Entropy | Grants the ability to cast shatter, weakness, and paralysis as if you know them. | 10 |
Fight Tooth and Nail | Grants two uses of unstoppable each day for a season. | 12 |
Unending Onslaught | Grants two uses of relentless each day | 12 |
Pallid Flesh of the Dead King | Grants three ranks of endurance for a season at the cost of persistent venom. | 13 |
Unyielding Constitution | Grants the ability to endure the effects of traumatic wounds for a season. | 13 |
Hold Back Frozen Hunger | Wards an area against the dead. | 14 |
Hungry Grasp of Despair | Grants a magician the ability to repeatedly weaken their foes. | 14 |
Sorin's Chastising Touch | Grants a magician the ability to repeatedly call CLEAVE with a rod. | 14 |
There Is No Welcome Here | Ward an area against eternals and heralds. | 14 |
Ward of the Black Waste | Wards an area against vallornspawn. | 14 |
Clarion Call of Ivory and Dust | Conjures members of the Grim Legion that grant 5 extra ranks to a military unit taking a campaigning action. | 20 |
Coil of the Black Leech | Grants a target the ability to heal themselves when they cast weakness. | 20 |
Devastating Scythe of Anguish and Loss | Grants ability to IMPALE foes with a staff. | 20 |
Dreadful Ending | Destroys a Druj miasma pillar | 20 |
Gnawing, Endless Hunger | Curses a character with endless hunger and inability to benefit from potions. | 20 |
Last Breath Echoes | Restores a terminal character for a short period before they die. | 20 |
Sorin's Rite of Agony | Grants 1 rank of winter lore for a season, and additional prowess with curses, at the cost of an unhealing wound | 20 |
Retreat to the White Caves | Wards an area against heralds for a season | 23 |
Wardens of the Black Waste | Wards an area against vallorn creatures for a season | 23 |
Dreamscape of the Endless Hunt | Curses a character with nightmares and removes ability to recover hero points or mana naturally. | 30 |
Icy Maw Devours the Spark of Essence | Curse a territory disrupting magicians, magical creatures, and mana sites. | 30 |
Naeve's Twisting Blight | Blights all farms in a territory with a withering curse. | 30 |
Whispers through the Black Gate | Summons a dead spirit to answer questions. | 30 |
The Flower is Withered on the Stalk | Withers plant life in a region, damaging some magically created structures | 36 |
Inevitable Collapse into Ruin | Damages a battlefield fortification. | 40 |
Curse of Decrepitude | Curses a target with persistent WEAKNESS for a year. | 50 |
Howling Despite of the Yawning Maw | Allows one use of MASS WEAKNESS. | 50 |
Winter's Ghosts | Curses a territory with misery, harming all personal resources save congregations. | 50 |
The Grave's Treacherous Edge | Allows one use of MASS VENOM. | 60 |
Why Sulemaine Walked Away From The Baker | Enchants a campaign army to allow it to endure venomous attacks. | 80 |
The Basalt Citadel | Creates a temporary supernatural fortification in ruined region in a territory | 100 |
Quickening Cold Meat | Creates a force of animated corpses that enhance the fighting strength of an army by 1000 for a year. | 150 |
Wind of Mundane Silence | Destroys a regio permanently. | 150 |
Wither the Seed | Drastically reduces the fertility of an area for a generation. | 150 |
This table lists all the Winter magic rituals that are part of Urizen lore
Ritual | Explanation | Magnitude |
Treacher's Quill | Sends a message to the eternal Agramant | 2 |
Mark of Agramant | Places an enduring magical mark on a target that can only be detected with detect magic | 4 |
Silence of the Bronze Bell | Grants a character with the dedicate skill the ability to remove auras with additional potency | 12 |
Unleash the Beasts Within | With Agramants aid, grants an additional three ranks to a military unit that takes a campaigning action. | 13 |
Chalice of Callidius | Allows a magician to gain extra personal mana when consuming something that restores mana.. | 14 |
The Crimson Feast | With Agramant's aid, target gains three ranks of endurance for a season. | 15 |
Chastise the Foolish | Curses a target making them unable to use religious skills for a year | 20 |
Thirst of the Devourer | With Agramant's aid, grants a target the ability to heal themselves when they successfully deliver an IMPALE | 24 |
Loosen the Shackles | Enchants a campaign army with Agramant's aid, changing its quality and filling soldiers with murderous intent | 80 |
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Pages in category "Winter Ritual"
The following 59 pages are in this category, out of 59 total.