
This table lists all the Night magic rituals that are part of Imperial lore.

Freedom of the SoulCreates an aura on a character that greatly heightens emotions.2
Missive for SadoguaSends a message to the eternal Sadogua.2
Cast Off The Chain of MemoryExcises memory via voluntary amnesia.4
Incantation's Mystic MaskObfuscate the next ritual cast by this coven.4
Masque of the Blinded WeaverObscures bonds between items or characters.4
Secrets for the Shadow CourierCreates a year duration Ornate Pouch for a character.4
Secrets of Skillful ArtificeGrants ability to craft a single item.4
Secrets of the Empty HeartGives the ability to die rather than reveal a secret.4
Signs and PortentsProvides a coven with visions of important events.4
Thief's Arcane GambitSteals an enchantment.4
Riddle Hides the RewardCurses an item or character making it difficult to sever magical bonds connected to them.6
The Cuckoo's EggAllows a willing target to pass through the Sentinel Gate as if they were an Imperial citizen, once within ten minutes.6
The Eight-spoked WheelTransforms three ingots or measures of materials along an alchemical path.6
Verdant Bounty of the Twilight BayouAdds five measures to the production of a forest over the next season.6
Embrace the Living FlameGrants an additional hero point for a season.7
Chamber of DelightsCreates an aura in an area that encourages relaxation.8
Drawing the Penumbral VeilShrouds a territory from scrying.8
Ride the Noble SteedGrants two people a vivid dream of riding a horse next time they sleep.8
Shadowed Glass of SungDivines mysterious, secretive, or enigmatic information about the immediate area.8
Silver Tongue of VirtueEnhances a congregation for the next season granting additional 3 liao and 6 votes in the synod.8
The Retrograde WheelTransforms three ingots or measures of materials the other way along an alchemical path.8
The Twilight MasqueradeCreates a magical disguise that changes lineage.8
Whispering Shadow CourtiersEnables limited communication with the Whisper Gallery.8
Muffled OarProvides a bonus to a fleet engaged in espionage, smuggling or other covert activity, usually by supporting an Imperial spy network.10
Secrets of the Soul's DesireReveals information about a past-life vision10
Shroud of Mist and ShadowGrants a concealing bonus to a military unit that takes the raiding action.10
Tithe of BatsExchanges measures of iridescent gloaming and dragonbone for Night vis.10
Unfettered AnarchyCurses a character with uncontrollable emotions.10
Dreams in the Witch HouseThis gives intuitive impressions of the objectives and strategies of enemy armies in the target territory. Map of target territory required.12
Infant Starts with a Blank SlateCauses a willing character to forget all their mastered rituals.12
Clear Counsel of the Everflowing RiverSeeks aid from the eternal Sung in solving a mystery.20
Conclave of Trees and ShadowTransforms a forest into a powerful military unit for a season.20
Sift the Dreamscape's SandsGrants 1 additional rank of any lore overnight, which can be changed each morning for a season.20
Vale of ShadowsConceals a resource from invaders.20
Still Waters, Running DeepGrants 3 additional hero points for a season.29
Align the Celestial NetRealign regio for the next ritual cast at it.30
Transmogrification of the Soul's EchoPermanently change the personality of a willing character, and remove some curses.60
Amalgamation of Silver and GoldTransforms ilium, weltsilver, and ambergelt into a powerful curative substance.70
Distill the Serpent's StoneCreates a unique consumable alchemical item.100
Dripping Echoes of the FenCreates a temporary supernatural fortification in marsh territory.100
Wondrous Forests of the NightEnchants the Empire with power drawn from the Night realm.210

This table lists all the Night magic rituals that are part of Urizen lore

The Stargazer's AstrolabeGrants a magician the ability to repeatedly use detect magic8
The Certainty of DoubtCurses a character so that any congregation they control provides half as much liao and votes for a year16
Mirror of PerfectionUpgrade a mana site with ilium30
Flame and the FloodUpgrade a forest with ilium30
An Echo of SongsUpgrade a mine with ilium30
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