Paragons and Exemplars

Name Virtue Status Recognised
Achilles of Damakan's Forge Prosperity Exemplar 382YE Summer
Adelmar the Lion Ambition Exemplar 176YE
Aldones di Sarvos Ambition Paragon 23YE
Atuman Ambition Exemplar Pre-Imperial paragon ratified 3YE. Exemplar 23YE
Atun Wisdom Paragon Pre-Imperial ratified 3YE
Avigliana di Sarvos Wisdom Exemplar 76YE
Berechiah Vigilance Exemplar 302YE
Bolstering Bill Loyalty Exemplar Unrecorded
Chernobog of the Vor’azi Loyalty Exemplar 380YE Spring
Cora Holdfast Loyalty Exemplar 379YE Summer
Damaris of Cantiarch’s Hold Courage Exemplar 377YE Summer
Dogri Thulebane Loyalty Exemplar 386YE Summer
Didactylos of Delving Wisdom Exemplar Unrecorded, after 72YE
Lady Elayne Silverlark Loyalty Exemplar Pre-Imperial ratified 18YE
Emperor Ahraz Courage Exemplar 378YE Summer
Empress Richilde Pride Paragon 219YE (72YE Exemplar)
Gerallt Brackensong Pride Exemplar 382YE Winter
Gilda Ashwine Courage Exemplar Unrecorded. Renounced 106YE. Recognised again 186YE
Good Walder Prosperity Paragon 0YE - 22YE
Inga Tarn Courage Exemplar 308YE
Isaella Courage Exemplar 213YE
Isenbrad Wisdom Paragon Unrecorded
Joshua Benson Vigilance Exemplar 379YE Spring
Juha the Cave Spider Loyalty Exemplar 384YE Autumn Equinox
Kala Wisdom Exemplar 28YE
Kethry Pride Paragon Unrecorded
Korl Courage Paragon Unrecorded
Lepidus Pride Paragon Pre-Imperial ratified 18YE
Long Tom Goodfellow Prosperity Exemplar 56YE
Mani of the Scions of Atun Wisdom Exemplar 379YE Summer
Margaret of Meade Ambition Exemplar 272YE
Mother Od also known as Odd of Odd's End Pride Exemplar 376YE Winter
Navarr Wisdom Exemplar 381YE Winter
Nicolo Barossa Prosperity Exemplar 377YE Winter. Failed renouncement 378YE Spring
Olga of Miekarova Vigilance Exemplar 377YE Autumn
Olwyn the Witness Pride Exemplar 376YE Winter
Ozren de Orzel Pride Exemplar 385YE Winter
Permion Courage Exemplar Highborn Civil War
Ratibor of Temeschwar Ambition Exemplar 379YE Summer
Skywise Rykana Wisdom Exemplar 382YE Autumn
Speaker for the Dead Pride Exemplar 385YE Spring
The Little Mother Prosperity Exemplar 50BE
The Marked Loyalty Paragon Unrecorded
The Sentinel Vigilance Paragon Pre-Imperial ratified 1YE
Thorn Ambition Exemplar 380YE Summer
Thrace Ambition Exemplar 379YE Spring
Tian Ambition Paragon 1YE
Zemress Prosperity Exemplar 223YE
Zoria Wisdom Paragon Unrecorded