They were a strange pair, the two of them: Carlos, the short troupe magician, sent by the 'Tide to consult on the vagaries of League fashion, dressed in a tight-fitting doublet and tighter hose of fashionable cut and the most brilliant blue and vermillion red; and the tall architect Callonia, her robes of the timeless Urizen form, and the colour a delicate yellow, like the first flowers of spring.

"What do you think, my friend?", said Carlos, striking an extravagant pose behind a straw mask of vibrant saffron, woven carefully into a fixed, joyous grimace.

"I think you look like a fucking idiot", Callonia did not say: she was, after all, poised in all things. She might have said it if they were alone - she had known Carlos for the better part of a decade, after all, and they were close, fast friends, whatever their political disagreements. And now they were in the Tide together. Yes, alone she might have permitted herself that small violation of the principle of poise... but another was standing by, the nervous craftsperson who was showing them their wares. "It's certainly an arresting look", she said instead, quirking an eyebrow. "I cannot deny the dye catches the eye."

"Yes, indeed", the artisan interjected, detecting an opportunity. "All the dyes are sourced locally, as you know - not just the ingredients, but crushed and mixed here, too, and used within a handful of hours. It is more expensive to use fresh dyes of this kind, but as you see, the results are quite exceptional." Callonia looked at the yellow mask, on her friend dressed in red and blue. He reminded her of the palette she had painted with when a small child. She slowly nodded. "Certainly exceptional. But what do you think, Carlos? Will it meet your exacting standards?"

The man posed in a nearby mirror - not that he was ever far from one, for she knew he kept several about his person at all times. "I don't think I'll make Swoon of the Season - not without the right earrings - but certainly I do like its general, how do the Asaveans say, non so cosa." She didn't think the Asaveans did say that, but she knew what he meant and she didn't care to correct him. "And the magic?", she asked. He waved a hand dismissively.

"Oh, the magic's fine, good, even. Plenty of puissance. It would be nice to perform those blasted farmers' plays in some finery for once, instead of relying on whatever cheap Marcher shite Meade's selling up the river." He nodded. "Yes, yes, quite good, quite good. You're... you're sure the colour works?"

She paused, looking at the salesperson, carefully weighing her words. "I think it is quite appropriate for your outfit, yes", she finally said.

Carlos grinned. "Then that's settled. Right. Onto the next one, yes? Goodness, it's been jolly fun, being up in the mountains with you, Callonia."

She felt a very slight blush come to her cheeks, and permitted herself a smile and a nod.

"Quite so, Carlos. Quite so. On we go."

Yellow flowers.jpg
In Urizen yellow flowers traditionally represent a wish for Prosperity.


Two years ago the Imperial Senate created the Basilisk of the Bourse, an Imperial title expected to advise Bourse seat holders about the Way. They carefully observe the use of mithril, weirwood, white granite, and ilium, and report any concerning behaviour or trends to the Imperial Synod. In particular, they have a a particular ability to bring members of the Bourse to Inquisition, with all the usual powers of the Synod to place sanctions on those they believe have strayed from the path of virtue. The Navarr Heilyn Bronwen's Rest has held the title since it was created, and by all accounts are interested not only in their immediate duties but also in improving the Prosperity of the Empire as a whole.

The Tide Still Rises

  • The Rising Tide have visited Canterspire Circle at the behest of the Basilisk of the Bourse

During the Summer Solstice of this year, a would-be sodality calling itself The Rising Tide sent a representative called Gethyn Blood-And-Sweat to Anvil to discuss matters of Prosperity with the Basilisk of the Bourse. Only those who were present for the conversation could tell you exactly what occurred, but by the start of Autumn the group seems to have sprung into action. A small cadre of enterprising merchants made their way to Operus in Morrow, and there introduced themselves to the leaders of the lumberjack crews at the Canterspire Circle. Apparently, Heilyn Bronwen's Rest has asked them to put together proposals for the improvement of the seat, and that is exactly what they are here to do. While there is no official word from the Civil Service to back this up, Gethyn is polite and enthusiastic, and the group makes sure to do nothing that would interfere with the day-to-day operation of the site. Few in Urizen would begrudge anyone the desire to make improvements to the world, so the Rising Tide are allowed to go about their business.

Much of the group takes up residence at the Spire of Golden Wood, where their mission comes into greater focus. The Rising Tide have no interest in making the Canterspire Circle run more efficiently or produce more weirwood. Rather, their interest is working out how to spread the seat's Prosperity more broadly. A rising tide should lift all boats, after all, rather than just the largest ones. As it happens, the Spire of Golden Wood have a number of very strong opinions about how the Prosperity of the Canterspire Circle could best be used. This Spire houses the finest dye-makers in all of Urizen, or such is their proud claim. They have been producing fine yellow dyes from the heather that grows in and around the great weirwood groves since before Urizen joined the Empire, and would welcome the chance to expand their operations. Their prosperity is ultimately limited by the difficult in getting access to enough high quality iridescent gloaming, a vital component in all the best dyes. The problem is, where to get it from, and how to pay for it.

A Tide of Dyes

  • The Imperial Senate could construct a forum to allow the purchase of small quantities of weirwood from the spires of Morrow
The Gloaming Forum
Commission Type: Bourse Seat
Costs: 12 white granite, 36 crowns, 3 months to build
Effect: Creates the Urizen national position The Gloaming Merchant
The Gloaming Merchant
Type: Urizen National
Appointment: Tally of the Votes
Powers: Has access to the Gloaming Market ministry
Responsibilities: To improve the Prosperity of Morrow.
Gloaming Market
30 iridescent gloaming2 weirwood
50 iridescent gloaming3 weirwood
75 iridescent gloaming4 weirwood

The Rising Tide quickly put together a proposal that could benefit everyone. The Spire of Golden Wood have a small amount of weirwood growing near their spire, as do a number of spires in the area. Not enough by itself to create a regular supply, but if it were all brought together, there would be enough to procure small amounts on a regular basis. The Tide propose that the Spire of Golden Wood handle negotiations with the spires in the area, buying the Golden Wood from them - then exchange it with a representative elected by Tally of the Votes of mana site owners in exchange for large amounts of iridescent gloaming.

This creates exactly the kind of harmonious circle the Rising Tide favour. The Spire of the Golden Wood can grow wealthy on the trade for their dyes made from the gloaming they buy. The local inhabitants will gain by selling their weirwood found nearby to the Golden Wood. And whoever is elected to obtain the gloaming for the Spire will benefit from the weirwood - and can be expected to use the weirwood to benefit Morrow.

What is needed to facilitate the trade is a reasonable warehouse where the weirwood can be stored - that can also act as offices for the new Gloaming Merchant. That would require a commission slot, 12 wains of white granite, 36 crowns and take 3 months to build. It would need to be built near the Spire of the Golden Woods and the title would need to be an Urizen position appointed by Tally of the Votes. The Rising Tide have asked that if this goes forward, the title also be given responsibility to use the weirwood they gain to benefit the Prosperity of Morrow.

Eyes of the Market

  • The Mirrored Maschieri can purchase one mask each season from the Spire of the Golden Wood for a year

The Rising Tide have identified another way to get the Spire of the Golden Woods the iridescent gloaming they need. The Spire have a history of making beautiful magical foci, especially decorous masks. They don't produce many, for they are of limited appeal in Urizen, the cities of the League have an insatiable appetite for fashion and a great deal of disposable income. Perhaps someone in the League might be interested in a formal arrangement to secure masks from the Spire of the Golden Wood? And who better to assess the benefits of such masks than the Mirrored Maschieri? They are expected to act as a champion of fashion and design right across the Empire. They have a responsibility to celebrate true beauty.

Obviously the ongoing tensions between the Urizen and the League could potentially cause problems with any such arrangement, but Gethyn and his fellows argue that this is exactly why their proposal is so timely. Passions may run high and harsh words may be spoken, but when push comes to shove, the mutual benefits of Prosperous trade can help to heal all but the most badly wounded friendships.

Mirrored Maschieri
4 iridescent gloamingStraw Mask
9 iridescent gloamingCorsair's Bloody Mask
14 iridescent gloamingCaptain's Mask
20 iridescent gloamingStrigine Mask

No investment is needed to facilitate this trade, the Rising Tide will handle all the administration and logistics for a small fee as part of their investment of time and energy in this Prosperous arrangement. The Spire of the Golden Woods can only produce one mask a season for sale, but for the coming year, the Mirrored Maschieri can order any one of the above masks for the iridescent gloaming shown. If it is clear that the arrangements are working to the benefits of both parties, if the Mirrored Maschieri buys two or more masks in the coming year, then the Rising Tide will try to make the arrangements permanent, at least for the time being; otherwise they will look elsewhere.

Further Reading