"Read it again." she said in a tone that brooked no argument. Jenny Stock's eyesight was so bad she struggled to read in poor light, but the Abbess' voice had lost none of its steel. He'd read the summary of Synod judgements twice now already and it was not a short list, but he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Failing eyesight or no, if his Abbess caught him doing that she'd box his ears. "Judgement 4. The General Assembly. Rafael Barossa di Tassato..."

By the time Robin had finished the list for the third time, his voice was getting hoarse and he was openly eyeing the pitcher of fresh water on the Abbess' desk. Jenny ignored him, continuing to pace up and down as she'd been doing since the first recital.

"Good, good, good. So that's the Cinderpath exchange, the Invisible Cord Brokerage..." her voice trailed off as she started counting commissions on her fingers. She finished her reckoning and then turned to face Robin. "By my tally there's still the potential for at least two maybe three more."

"Err... there is?" he asked, trying to work out what on earth she was talking about.

"Yes, yes... But we'll need to push! We can't afford to lose this momentum. Bartimaeus' words have roused people from their slumber, but it won't last. We need to pick the apples while they're still green. We've sat back and let the nationals do our work for us. It's time for the Prosperity Assembly to strive and toil."

"Right." Robin had no idea what he was agreeing to. The Abbess hated explaining herself, better to just nod.

She beamed at him, her eyes twinkling with obvious pleasure. Filled with hope, Robin allowed himself the opportunity to cast a meaningful glance in the direction of the pitcher of water, but his Abbess was already barking orders at him.

"Fetch parchment, quills, ink, and sand immediately. We'll need to write letters, four at least today."

No water for him then. The prospect of spending the entire morning taking dictation from the old woman caused him to roll his eyes in protest - though not before he'd turned his back to go and do as she'd instructed.


Over the last year or so, the Empire has wrestled with the contentious question of how the Empire's most precious resources should be allocated. Now the civil service have prepared details for the the opportunity to construct a trading hall in Valashal as well as making clear that the Blackfield Market and the Parador of Dust are still viable, though neither opportunity will exist for much longer as the impact of the three mandates endorsed by the Synod following the Winter Solstice 382YE is now waning.

Keen to seize the moment before it passes a group of prosperous Varushkans have identified a way to take advantage of a recent opportunity that the Dawnish failed to capitalise on, seeking to increase their share of the trade on the Semmerlak. By contrast, a Marcher friar suggests that the Cardinal of Prosperity should use their leadership and influence in the Prosperity Assembly to pass their own mandate, bypassing the national assemblies, and seeking to identify new opportunities in the Empire directly.

A Troll's Shadow

  • Constructing the Kauppahall would cost 16 wains of weirwood, 32 crowns in labour, and require a senate motion, or wayleave

Kauppahall Market

152 crowns8 wains of white granite
259 crowns11 wains of white granite
354 crowns14 wains of white granite

Torn Light's Legacy

22 Crowns1 ring of ilium
53 Crowns2 rings of ilium
87 Crowns3 rings of ilium
129 Crowns4 rings of ilium

The current hall at Valashal was constructed on the site of a much older hall, the Runehall. According to legend the Runehall was built by a Troll the scops named The Torn Light of Night Falling but it was said to be cursed. Brigid razed the Runehall to the ground and had fresh timber and stone brought in so that no part of the original remained. Over time the settlement grew and now a suaq icewalker named Artja Fivefeet has proposed the construction of the Kauppahall, a new trading hall that would allow merchants from southern Hahnmark and northern Kallavesa to bring their goods here for sale.

Artja's Kauppahall is an unusual design that requires 16 wains of weirwood and 32 crowns and would take 3 months to construct. The hall is actually a pair of twinned buildings, laid out to resemble the curving forms of the rune Lann. The Kauppahall would facilitate trade in stone from the nearby hills helping to enrich Valasmark as well as creating an opportunity for whoever is appointed to oversee the trading hall to buy small quantities of white granite when they come up for sale. This position would be an Imperial title, the Talon of Kauppahall, and would need to be a Wintermark national appointment to be effective. The civil service advise that the constitutional method of appointment would be for an annual appointment by tally of the votes, allowing leaders of Wintermark military units to decide who should hold the position.

As well as white granite, the nearby hills produce the odd ring of ilium, which might also be available on the market. Fearful children claim that this ilium is Torn Light's final legacy and that it is cursed, but there is no truth to this. Every magician who has ever examined the ilium that is found here confirms that it is pure and unsullied by any curse.

A Ripple On the Lake

  • Enlarging the docks would cost 18 wains of white granite, 36 crowns and require a senate motion, or wayleave

Weirwood Trade

121 crowns6 wains of weirwood
257 crowns11 wains of weirwood
392 crowns15 wains of weirwood


20 Crowns1 ring of ilium
49 Crowns2 rings of ilium
97 Crowns3 rings of ilium

Of all the nations in the Empire, Varushka is by far the richest in terms of natural resources with deep seams of valuable metals and vast forests of high quality timber. The bustling port of Korotny, situated in the east of Karov, lies on the north-western shores of the Semmerlak, where it benefits from substantial trade with Dawn and Holberg as well as the rich resources of the territory. Only the ever present threat of the Thule exists to check its ambitions.

The local boyars waited with interest to see how the Dawnish would respond to the opportunity to build the Star Metal Market in Lacre. These wealthy Varushkans have grown rich from the lake-trade and welcomed the prospect of new markets opening up but they are quick to seize the chance when the Dawnish opted not to pursue it. Under the leadership of Oksana Lyava Pinavora, they swiftly they put forward an alternative plan.

The plan involves enlarging and expanding the current docks, and would require 18 wains of white granite and 36 crowns. It would take three months, and once complete would also create an Imperial title - Harbour Master of Semmerlak - that would oversee the docks and take advantage of the opportunity to purchase Bourse materials at a reasonable price. The civil service advise that the constitutional method of appointment would be for an annual appointment by tally of the votes, allowing Varushkan mine and forest owners to decide who should hold the position.

In addition to opening up a useful new market for bourse resources, the docks would become the natural place to sell any ilium found in the Semmerlak, allowing the Harbour Master to benefit from this trade also.

All That Remains

Blackfield Market

Total Money SpentProduction
100 crowns5 wains of white granite
196 crowns9 wains of white granite
277 crowns12 wains of white granite

Parador of Dust

Total Money SpentProduction
100 crowns5 wains mithril
196 crowns9 wains mithril
277 crowns12 wains mithril
335 crowns14 wains mithril
365 crowns15 wains mithril
  • Constructing the Blackfield Market would cost 12 wains of weirwood, 24 crowns in labour, and require a senate motion, or wayleave
  • Refurbishing the Parador of Dust would cost 16 white granite, 32 crowns and require a senate motion, or wayleave

The civil service indicate that two previous opportunities are still available. The Marchers could commission the Blackfield Market and the Freeborn could construct the Parador of Dust.

Constructing the Blackfield Market would require 12 wains of weirwood, 24 crowns in labour costs, and the use of a Senate motion or Imperial Wayleave. It would take three months, and once complete would also create an Imperial title - Blackfield Bailiff - that would oversee the market and take advantage of the opportunity to purchase Bourse materials at a reasonable price. The constitutional method of appointment would be for an annual appointment by tally of the votes, allowing Marcher farm owners to decide who should hold the position.

Refurbishing the Parador of Dust would require 16 wains of white granite, 32 crowns in labour costs, and the use of a Senate motion or Imperial Wayleave. It would take three months, and once complete would also create an Imperial title - Mistress of the Dust Parador - that would oversee the market and take advantage of the opportunity to purchase Bourse materials at a reasonable price. The constitutional method of appointment would be for an annual appointment by tally of the votes, allowing Freeborn fleet owners to decide who should hold the position.

A Market Too Many

  • The public auction will receive no more weirwood if the Korotny docks are expanded
  • The public auction will receive no more mithril if the Parador of Dust is refurbished
  • The public auction will receive no more white granite if the Blackfield Market is expanded or the Kauppahall is raised
  • The Blackfield Market and the Kaupahall are in opposition to each other, the returns will be split if both are built

There is a significant problem. All these opportunities for markets, trading halls and the like work by diverting resources to national markets that would normally be sent to Anvil for public auction instead. The supply of white granite going to the public auction has already halved following the construction of the Cinderpath Exchange. If the Blackfield Market is expanded or the Kaupahall is raised then the regular supply of white granite will end. If both are commissioned and completed, then the prices would increase and the quantity available at both the Kauppahall and the Blackfield market would be halved, for as long as both establishments remained operable.

Likewise if the Parador of Dust is refurbished, then the remaining supply of mithril to the public auction will end, and if the Korotny docks are expanded then the remaining supply of weirwood will end.

Once the supplies to the public auction are being disposed of in this way, there will be no new opportunities in the future to commission a ministry in this way.

The reward for a good job is more work.

Marcher Proverb

An Unspent Coin

  • For the next year, the Cardinal of Prosperity can submit a special mandate to the Assembly of Prosperity
  • If the mandate is passed with a greater majority it will create an economic opportunity in the named territory
  • The current Cardinal of Prosperity is Onan of the Chantry of the Silver Skull, but the title is up for appointment during the Winter Solstice.

Perhaps the most unusual response to Bartimaeus' mandate comes from the Jenny Stock, the Abbess of Stockwater monastery. Jenny is renowned for her adherence to the Virtue of Prosperity and decades ago she rose quickly to become the youngest abbot in the monastery's three hundred year history. Although she rarely leaves the monastery these days, the Abbess still takes a keen interest in the statements and mandates of the Assembly of Prosperity. She has not shied away from sharing her frustration at the indifferent response from some nations so now she proposes to tackle the problem at its source. Rather than wait for national assemblies to promote opportunities for commerce in their nation, she argues that the Assembly of Prosperity should take matters into their own hands.

There are three things that should never be made: Food that goes uneaten, coin that goes unspent and magic that goes unused. We send (named priest) with 25 liao to (named territory) to urge all prosperous citizens to seek out new opportunities for commerce and development in their lands putting forward their proposals for consideration at the next summit.

Synod Mandate, Prosperity Assembly

Jenny proposes that the Cardinal of Prosperity should submit a suitably-worded mandate that identifies a single region or territory in the Empire. The mandate would need to urge followers of Prosperity who dwell there to seek opportunities to develop trade and commerce in their lands so that suitable proposals could be put forward for consideration at the following summit at Anvil. She provides an example of the wording that could be used for the mandate, but also points out that the cardinal could try and use the wording of each mandate to provide additional guidance on what sort of opportunity the Assembly were looking for in the named territory.

The civil service calculate that for the next year, if the Cardinal of Prosperity put forward a mandate like this and it was endorsed with sufficient liao, then it would definitely give rise to an opportunity in that territory at the next summit. These mandates could create opportunities for increased trade or production in common materials like mana crystals, herbs, ingots, measures and similar, they would not be able to provide opportunities for increased production of Bourse resources such as mithril or ilium.

In normal times this mandate only requires a simple majority, but at present all Synod mandates require a greater majority to be effective, due to the actions of the Wisdom Assembly.


During the Winter Solstice the Imperial Senate commissioned Kauppahall and the Parador of Dust. There are problems with the Kauppahall commission however; the method of appointment mentioned by the Senators is unconstitutional.

The opportunity to construct Blackfield Market has now lapsed; interest has waned and the construction of Kauppahall will leave no resources available to be bought by the Marcher ministry.

The opportunity to create a market in Karov remains for the time being, but again interest is likely to wane as time goes by; certainly by the end of the Summer Solstice 384YE the opportunity will be lost.

Following the Solstice, Bartimaeus of the Prosperity Assembly enacted a mandate to encourage the citizens of Redoubt to seek ways to increase their prosperity.

Further Reading