Anvil Court Report for Summer 385

Crimes Description Accused & plea Verdict & punishment
Murder The accused led a rescue mission into the Barrens to fight “tortured souls” – foreign humans twisted by the Druj. The accused expected to be able to take these people through the sentinel gate and when they could not ordered the execution of at least one foreigner who was under a powerful courage aura. Expert testimony from the High Exorcist confirmed that had the Druj recaptured the victim a dangerous force would have arisen. No punishment was levied because the magistrate judged that the accused had been placed in an impossible position. Achseh Jared of Sentinel Tower plead guilty.Brother Jared plead clemency on their behalf.

No punishment.
Mass murder The accused was involved in a dispute with a family over a trinket. The accused bargained with a powerful magical entity in a lake in Weirwater to kill the person with the locket. However this deal lead to more and more deaths near the lake, ultimately killing everyone who remained in the town. Arthur Fisher plead guilty with no clemency. Guilty.Executed.
Theft The first accused was caught by the militia while fleeing from the scene of their crime. They were found with a metallic apple in their possession that had been stolen from Owain Farkas. They implicated the second accused as having asked them to steal it. (1) Breckan Stormbroke and (2) Tristan Whiteblade. Both plead guilty. Guilty.Brand Thorn Fang agreed compensation with the victim of one throne and the magistrate accepted this arrangement (effectively this was a weregild).
Possession and supply of controlled substances or item
The accused and her coven performed the Ephisis' Scale ritual, which returned eight doses of an unknown substance.
As is their normal practice, they auctioned the dose on the condition that the buyer identify the substance and report back. The buyer paid one throne and later identified the substance as Bite.
Sofia turned herself in at the Summer Solstice and surrendered the remaining seven doses.
Sofia i Del'Toro i Riqueza plead guilty with no clemency plea.

Fined two thrones.

Magistrate note: Sofia’s honesty provided the Militia with valuable information regarding a new source of Bite. The magistrates will provide her with a five throne reward.
Assault The accused was bodyguarding Merchant Prince Kaliact when the victim, Ariadne approached too close to his principal. He warned her to step back but she did not (she was attempting issue a pronouncement of doom). He then struck her down by cleaving her leg in order to protect his principal. Carado di Apulian plead guilty with clemency plead by Valentina Von Temeschwar on the grounds of loyalty.

Fined 2 crowns.
A group of Marchers and HighGuard went to Bregasland to meet with Bushell Sykes, a known traitor and confidante of Mathilda Fisher. Sykes was expecting a fight but the group instead requested a parlay. After speaking at length in an attempt to turn him against Fisher, Sykes motioned towards a weapon at his hip, having stated that either he died there or continued his war against the Empire. Sykes called out to the accused to “do it” and the accused killed him. The presiding magistrate’s view was that there was some uncertainty over the legal status of Sykes and so held a trial to openly examine the evidence.

General Amberlain P. Black plead guilty with clemency plead by Edmund of Barrowby. Found guilty at trial but no punishment was levied. Post script: Sykes was designated as a barbarian prior to the Spring 385 summit for fighting for the Jotun, so in law General Amberlain is considered not guilty.
Assault The accused was hired by three unknown Dawnish men to cleave the leg of a citizen whom they had a grudge against. The accused cleaved him in both the torso and chest, and told him not to come back through the labyrinth before leaving him. Aaron Thornweaver plead guilty with clemency plead by Neala Blackhawk on the grounds of Vigilance Guilty. Fined one throne
Treason The accused contacted the Whisper Gallery in a ritual and consulted with the eternal. Beinon states he did not know what was happening, however a number of witnesses corroborated that he was present during the ritual and knew exactly what was hapenning.
(1) Mila Jellick and (2) Beinon Tanglehorn
Mila plead guilty with clemency plead on the grounds of Courage. Beinon plead not guilty.
Mila was found guilty and fined 6 thrones.

Beinon was found guilty and executed.