383YE Spring Equinox Conclave sessions
Precedence and the Font
- The basic font at this summit was 122 mana.
- The income from the Principle of Proportions was 332 mana.
- The remainder from previous seasons was 4 mana.
The members of each order in attendance at the end of the previous summit determine precedence for the following summit according to the Principle of Precedence. The income of mana following the previous summit is listed above and was distributed as per the table below. This left 3 mana, which will be added to the font of the next summit along with the income from the Principle of Proportions at this summit.
Order | Precedence | Members | Mana | CollapseIlium |
Grandmaster of the Order of the Rod and Shield | 1 | 93 | 110 | 3 |
Grandmaster of the Order of the Shuttered Lantern | 2 | 78 | 92 | 3 |
Grandmaster of the Order of the Sevenfold Path | 3 | 60 | 71 | 2 |
Grandmaster of the Order of the Golden Pyramid | 4 | 59 | 69 | 2 |
Grandmaster of the Order of the Unfettered Mind | 5 | 47 | 55 | 1 |
Grandmaster of the Order of the Celestial Arch | 6 | 25 | 29 | 1 |
Grandmaster of the Order of the Silver Chalice | 7 | 25 | 29 | 1 |
Friday Declarations
Concord : Master of Capradan
- Raised by: Volfe Stormchaser
- Declaration: The name of the 'master of Capradan' to be "the Wildebeest"
- Outcome: Failed
Amity : Skathe
- Raised by: Palaphon Ankarien
- Outcome: Failed
Saturday Declarations
Concord : Cursing to kill Imperial citizens
- Raised by: Cyrius of the Woodwych Harts
- Declaration: Conclave believes that curses should not be used to take the lives of Imperial citizens
- Outcome: Failed
Concord : Candidacy and Grandmasters
- Raised by: Abel, Bursar of the Conclave
- Declaration: Conclave believes that a Declaration of Candidacy (excluding grandmasters' candidacy) require the support of a grandmaster.
- Outcome: Failed
Concord : Great Golem Crusade
- Raised by: Abel, Bursar of the Conclave
- Declaration: Conclave believes that mages should support the Great Golem Crusade against the Vallorn.
- Outcome: Passed
Amity : Skathe
- Raised by: Lord Armand Remys
- Outcome: Failed
Concord : Tharim's aid in Brocéliande
- Raised by: Enchantress Claudia Varkulova Remys
- Declaration: This Conclave accepts the bargain of Tharim for aid in Brocéliande
- Outcome: Failed
Concord : Sadogua and the Faraden butterflies
- Raised by: Erasmo di Tassato
- Declaration: Sadogua should share the cure for the iridescent gloaming blight with the Faraden
- Outcome: Passed
Neutrality : Rhianos
- Raised by: Erasmo di Tassato
- Outcome: Failed
Concord : Auric Horizon
- Raised by: Heilyn of Bronwen's Rest
- Declaration: Conclave recognises the debt it owes to the Auric Horizon and commends them for their superlative contribution to the magical might of the Empire.
- Outcome: Passed
Neutrality : Phaleron
- Raised by: Ser Ancel Watcher
- Outcome: Failed
Reconciliation : Double Edged Blade
- Raised by: Orsino Carlino di Sarvos
- Outcome: Failed
Concord : Recognition of Artificer's Guild
- Raised by: Orsino Carlino di Sarvos
- Declaration: Conclave recognises the Artificer's Guild representing the Empire's artisans
- Outcome: Passed
Imperial Lore : Tithe of Bats
- Raised by: Brat Umbral Path
- Declaration: To enter "Tithe of Bats" into Imperial lore
- Outcome: Passed
Changes of Title
- A new Grandmaster of the Sevenfold Path, Fenoren of Dawn, was appointed.
The full list of Imperial Titles held in the Conclave at the end of the summit can be found here.
Principle of Proportions
During the summit, 211 mana was collected in accordance with the Principle of Proportions.