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Contact Us


Email is the best way to contact us. Please pick the single most appropriate contact and send your email to that address only. We try to respond to all emails quickly but please bear in mind that we receive over a hundred emails a day during busy periods. - for all queries about your account, about your character and the website. - for booking for events, payments and refunds. - for any players who are new to live roleplaying or Profound Decisions who want help. - for getting help with any accessibility issues. - for reporting a breach of our conduct rules. - for all feedback about the game. - any questions about the Empire campaign setting, plot at events, or player events. - any questions about the Empire rules.

See the contact us page on the wiki for more email addresses for specific issues like lost property, our online moderation team, civil servants, wiki team and more.

Address - PO Box 666, Preston, PR2 1ZW

Please address all correspondence to our PO Box.

If you are posting coins or resources for downtime to this address then please make sure you include a note with your name and player ID and a list of everything that has been sent.

Phone - 01772 724152

You are welcome to phone the office and we’ll take your call during normal working hours. We’re often working late in the office, so you are welcome to try your luck calling during out of office hours, but we can’t guarantee a response.

Mobile - 07833 089512

We usually head for site around four days before each event begins. You can use our mobile number if you need to contact us on site for any purpose.

Contact Us



01772 724152


Profound Decisions,
PO Box 666, PR2 1ZW

Empire Links

Setting and Rules

Empire Wiki

Social Media

Empire on Facebook Empire Forums

Next Empire Event

2025 Winter Solstice

Location: Dadford Road Campsite
Date: 25-Apr-2025
Current Price: £85.00
Book Event

Booking Deadline

Booking early means that you can get your tickets at the cheapest possible price. The next booking deadline is 09-Apr-2025.

All Ticket Deadlines