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After the Maelstrom campaign came to a grand conclusion this year, Nick Spencer got in touch with me to discuss the possibility of PD producing some kind of epilogue for the game. I suggested instead that it would be much more interesting if players did that...

So here is an epilogue from Nick, or more likely from Illyes, I suppose. I am bound to get asked if this official in some way - well nothing is official anymore - the game is over... But this is officially on our website and it is officially written by Nick. We'll happy put other epilogues up here if players want to email them to me, even if they contradict this one.

I hope you enjoy reading it and would like to thank Nick for creating it and for creating Illyes - a great character - one of the many that made running Maelstrom such a pleasure.

Illyes of the Evocati

Download the epilogue of Illyes of the Evocati.

Other Epilogues

Download the epilogue of Amaranth.

Download the epilogue of Damson O'Hare of Freeport..

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Date: 25-Apr-2025
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